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Everything posted by bubba

  1. are you sure you have 430 bullets? I am betting you have larger bullets like 45s. It makes no sense to me. I have used them for years with no problens
  2. yup with 30 grand owed against it it will be a lot when you get done. If ti goes up the bank stil will want their money
  3. As I posted on your other rant if you do not want peoples opinions do not post on a public forum. You do not want people to respond, you want people to pat you on the back and tell you what a great job you did. Well as I see it, you messed up both situations. Oh please refer to my discmlaimer before telling me again I am an instructor.
  4. congrats. I have ben pondering a new dog for a while. I had to put down my 17 year old black lab a year ago October. I cant help but think she is a sarah. Sure looks like a sarah to me
  5. come on Burt she is always right and whenever anyone offers an opinion to the contrary she becomes rude kind of like ummm oh yeah you.
  6. yup anyone who thinks differently than you is a moron. And yes I do know a few libs and have never shot at or threatened to shoot any of them. oh and btw the tin foil hat and name calling was set up for you. If I had not mentioned it, you surely could not think of it. And those who have no legit argument always call names. Hey only a few days until the first of the month good for you. You will get some more free money. Sadky your mind is already made up so there is no sense in confusing you with the facts now have a nice day.
  7. ok so it is just a mural then it is just the bible then it is just our guns. How many more consessions do we need to allow before saying enough is enough? Yiu need to remember that the hoope and change we were promised is a slow process. Every "little " thing like a mural is just one more step toward losing it all. And those of you who think our military will take care of us who is the military going to protect us from ourselves. If things get to a point of military law, which I expect so see around election time, who does the military take orders from? umm not us. There are three choices as I see it. 1 follow the fools off the cliff. 2 stand up to the fools. 3 stay home and keep your head in the sand. The choice is yours. I for one am in the number 2 group. Also the libs and free thinkers are the ones on the doll and are entitled to it. Just ask them. So to stay on the doll they need a fool handing it out to them. When we spend more than we take it, it is doomed for failure. Now feel free to tell me to wear my tin foil hat, but when it all implodes, dont come to my house looking for a handout.
  8. and to add to that a bearded hen is legal to shoot during the spring season, but not very ethical. If you see one she more than likely has a nest somewhere. Please refer to my disclaimer before telling me that is a bad opinion.
  9. Once back in the early 80's, a buddy and I went to my hunting camp during the week, We both went in his truck. Thursday evening, he decided to go home. I decided to stay as I knew the gang would be in Friday and I could hop a ride home with one of them. Anyway long story short in the middle of the night, I hear a commotion. I came to and saw headlights in the yard at 3AM. I grabbed the blackhawk and waited. A younger couple broke in. They brought a coleman lantern and beer to finish a party at my camp. Well when they got in the main part of the camp, I made my presence known and told them I had a handgun. They scrambeld to get out. The reason I know they had a lantern and beer was they left it behind. Now the camp I had back then was almost a half mile off the main road and 3 miles to town and me with no transportation. I sat there until daylight waiting for them to return with a bunch of buddies, which they never did. At daylight I walked into town and phoned the sherriifs dept. They came looked at the situation and told me to keep the lantern and beer. Although I never pointed the gun at anyone, it was in my hand and ready. I also hope I never have to use a gun in that way, but I am ready if I need to. All I can say about the whole situation is having a gun if you are not well versed with it and ready to use it is worse than not havibg one at all. Oh and BTW again I am glad Ilive in an area where the hunters know the difference between a man and a deer, and I have never been shot at during deer season.
  10. I think it is undersized for deer. I iwll wait until the come out with the 1000. Oh and I would shoot it. WHy not.
  11. It was late muzzleloading and either sex is legal.
  12. I use the green ones with a .429 hornady xtp and they load very easy in my encore and sidekick
  13. I really dont think you do lol. If there was a clear cut answer, you would have gotten it by now. You will get legal mumbo jumbo and still eb comfused as the rest of us. I could direct you to another forum where it has been clearly hashed out and pposts form the atf exist. This is where I base my opinions of the facts posted there from the atf.
  14. I switched to contacts and have unifocal contacts. One eye is set up for distance one for up close. It is like my eyes were when I was 20. I will never wear bifocals again. That being said my bow has a hindsight on it and I love it.
  15. UPDATE; The shooter was charged tiday with manslaughter and is in the st lawrence county jail.
  16. exactly. which is why t/c registers a frame as either a pistol or rifle frame when they make them, and you need to know when you get one. When you buy a new frame you have to designate which you want and have to get either the stocks or grips with it. When you buy a used one you are supposed to check with t/c for original configuration. In fact the person selling it is suposed to have that info and divulge it. Again the chances of ever being checked by the atf is slim, but big enough for me to steer clear of it.
  17. I was just pulling your leg about not hearing what you wanted to. I am aware you are an honorable man who would post either way.
  18. any word yet or did the word not say what you thought?
  19. Thinking I may go to camp this weekend to check it out to see if any damage.
  20. Yeah the wind was wild here. We still had a ton of ice on trees from last weeks ice storm. It took out a transformer about 5 blocks from here and the sky was blue for about a minute and power was out for 90 minutes. Gave me a chance to play with the new generator to run the pellet stove. Worked well. They say the winds hit about 70 mph here. It sounded like a freight train going by here. Took downa lor og ice covered trees here. It sure reminded me if the major ice storm of 15 years ago.
  21. I dont see any villian posts just simply if you felt so strongly do something more than gripe on a forum, simple as that
  22. there is no sense explaining logic. Everyone had suggested the same thing and we are all wrong.
  23. I dont think anyone called you a liar. I read simply that we have heard only your side of the story and everyone sways their side of the story. If you read liar out of that, then that really says something. The bottom line is as I see it, as I stated before. you did not do enough to remedy the situation. If I saw smoke I would call the fire dept. They have more influence with the authorities as spoken by an exempt volunteer fire fighter. A call to 911 reporting smoke was all it would have taken. But it is better to play the game, call the dec and go on a public forum and play the victim one more time. Oh and are you down with this thread ot done with this thread? just curious
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