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Everything posted by bubba

  1. I have. You show up register and wait basically. When the parcel comes up you want to bid on the bidding starts. If you win at least in my county, you have to put 20 percent down certified funds and the rest has to be paid in 10 business days or you lose the property and your deposit. Once paid, you get a deed to the property. I would suggest contacting the owner and working out a deal before the auction to pay off the back taxes and have it transferred. The owner has until the day before the auction to pay off the back and take it off the tax sale. If it will be a prime property, they go up in price quite often. By paying off and doing a transfer before the sale, it guarantees you get it. I would also suggest an attorney to do the paperwork for such a transfer. The owner is public knowledge for the sale.
  2. I am looking forward to may as I can get back to camp chase turkeys and get ready for deer season.
  3. I am having 2 tons delivered from curran's this week. I will try the softwood premium and see if they work well. Thanks for the tips. All I know for sure is it was -17 here this morning and it was 72 in my house with the pellets cooking
  4. I purchased a lyman dps a few years back. It is an electronic scale/dispenser. I set the amount, trickle in the last few grains to get it exact every time. While it is dispensing powder, I seat a bullet and it is ready for the next one when I am done. I gotta say it is the best investment I ever made as far as reloading. I dump the same load every time. Not only is it safer in my opinion, I find the accuracy of my loads has also improved. It was 200 bucks when I got it, but well worth it. It will do 2.7 grains for my 357 magnum to 55 grains for my 25-06.
  5. I found this mount on ebay I finally got my 2010 mount finished
  6. I am sure if you hit most sites like this one he is on ther begging for votes too. Like I said I know how it is to ask for votes and campaign. But I dont just yell from my door vote for me. Also if you want to have hard tiem getting votes, ask a guy who you fined for a ticket or threw a family member in jail. You think this is a tough crowd yeah right.
  7. make that three. I have to hawk for votes here every 2 years so no thanks. If it were me I would not click the link, but again that is just me. And will I vote for this guy umm no for two reasons 1 I dont want to due to above reasons and because growalot said I should lol j/k. I guess I know better.
  8. I guess I have a hard time giving away my money when I have to do more to be able to work such as drug tests and background checks than the people who get my money with very few limitations. The problem is in the past it was a hand up and we were embarrassed as kids to eat govt cheese. Now it is a life style and an entitlement. Make them earn it like I have to earn my money to give away for free, and have to meet some standards. If they need the money bad enough, they will meet the standards. If they feel it is an infringement on their rights, then dont take it. Do it the old fashioned way get a friggin job. And that is all I have to say about that.
  9. I hope you get a straight answer. However if you expect that from the govt good luck. Go ask a dealer to sell you a new frame with both a rifle stock and a pistol grip and see what the answer is.
  10. The key part of that letter is the part that says if the contender comes with a stock to shoot from the shoulder. If you buy a new frame, you have ot designate whether you want rifle or pistol. You can not buy both sets with the frame. So, if the frams does not come with both a set of stocks and grips, you can not interchange. And legally you can not buy it one with both. The frame is designated as a long gun or pistol frame from the factory and that info is sent to the atf. If you purchase a used frame, you are supposed to call t/c to find out the original designation. and use it accordingly. When the contenders were originally marketed, you could get it with both stocks. The law covered it as such. The result of this law suit was now they can not sell a new one with both configurations. And the other part of the law suit was that if you put a rifle barrel on a pistol configuration, it can not legally be converted back to a handgun. Now realistically I understand that the chances of an atf agent checking your set up are nill. But let there be some type of legal concern, and see how quickly they check it out. WHat your local county clerk lets you do, does not make it legal with the atf. The last thing I want is them breathing down my neck.
  11. For years when we had a new guy join the hunting party, we joked he had to carry the decoys. Of course it was before decoys even existed. I would never use one as I carry enough stuff now and dont need more. Plus I really do not see the need for one. Just another ploy started by the elite tv hunters to get decoys sold, like most of the other gimmick gotta have toys.
  12. yes I understand that it was not a massive fire. I didnt say call and say there was a msssive fire. I said call 911 and report a fire. But making one call and no further follow up was enough for you, that is ok. I dont want to turn this into a 38 minute argument. Just saying maybe some more follow up was in order rather than bashing people who did not respond to one call. If you were so interested in the watershed etc, I would have been calling back or go another avenue. Just saying. I realize you need to get the last word. That is how you can have a 38 minute gripe session on a phone. So please get your last word and let it go.
  13. no one said make a false report. They said to report what you saw to someone else. If I see a fire I report it to the fire dept. Let them call the authorities.
  14. I would still hang up and I would have called 911 simple as that
  15. I dont know but if someone called me to gripe for 38 minutes he would hear click long before that. I would have caled 911 and reported a large fire in the area.
  16. you are welcome to do as you want. I for one will not be exchanging them.
  17. the only peta I belong to is People Eating Tasty Animals
  18. hopefully i can paste this scroll down for a letter from atf regarding encore and contender Converting Rifles to Handguns.txt
  19. once you put a barrel longer than 16 inches on your pistol frome, it can nit be converted back to a pistol unless you want to deal with the atf.
  20. I have 2 lee presses one 4 hole turret and a single stage. I am very happy with both. Most of my dies are lee also.
  21. yes you have to register each caliber here at least in my county. I still say once a frame is registered as a pistol frame it is ilegal tp put a barrel longer than 16 inches on it any more than you can put a barrel longer than 16 inches on any pistol. Not gonna argue but check with the atf. It is a sticky thing but it is an atf law. To do so, it has ot be sold and re reguistered as a rifle frame. When you buy a new frame it is either pistol or rifle right from the factory. You have to purchase a new one with the correct stocks. I had submitted a question to the BATF regarding the legality of attaching a folding stock to a pistol with a 16" barrel. I had in mind a Thompson Encore 15" .30-06 w/permanently attached muzzle break (for 16" total). I thought the response was interesting and would be appreciated by the many Encore/Contender enthusiasts who have grappled with the legal ramifications of reconfiguration: ------------------------------- Dear __________________: This is in reply to your correspondence which was received by the Firearms Technology Branch, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), on January 30, 2008. In your letter you inquire about the attachment of a folding stock to a pistol having a barrel length of 16 inches or greater. As background, 27 CFR Sec. 479.11 (Meaning of Terms) states, in part: The overall length of a weapon made from a shotgun or rifle is the distance between the extreme ends of the weapon measured along a line parallel to the center line of the bore. Based on this description of overall length and its correct measurement, ATF has taken the position that firearms having folding or collapsible stocks are properly measured for overall length with the stock fully extended. In the situation you present, the attachment of a folding shoulder stock to a pistol having a barrel length of 16 inches or greater would be lawful as long as the overall length of the resulting firearm is at least 26 inches with the stock fully extended. We caution that, because the configuration you have specified results in the manufacture of a rifle, a subsequent reconfiguration of the firearm to a pistol configuration would result in a weapon made from a rifle, which is a weapon controlled by the National Firearms Act (NFA). We thank you for your inquiry and trust that the foregoing has been responsive. Sincerely yours, John R. Spencer Chief, Firearms Technology Branch
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