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Everything posted by bubba

  1. I guess if I were worried about the irresponsible people in the woods I would not feel any better with a false sense of security wearing orange. I would stay home.
  2. In st law county, you pay for the handgun, go to the county courthouse, register it and go back and pcik it up. This can be done the same day. In the past, you could take posession with the papers from the dealer, and you had 10 days to get it registered. it is still 3 bucks to register one.
  3. I do not contribute money, but I am a hunter safety instructor. My crew does 3 or 4 classes a year, with 25 to 30 per class, and I have been doing it for over 25 years. I also participate in a youth pheasant hunt every fall. The local bird dog club comes with dogs, and the state supplies birds. I do a safety seminar and cook burgers and hotdogs after. I feel investing my time in the youth and future hunters is better than my money that who knows where it goes. Strength in numbers, and I feel increasing the numbers helps.
  4. I still wear those pants. you cant beat them for warmth. ok let's see #1 was quite some time ago. We were at my families very primitive camp back in the dacks. It was the first few years of early ml season in the north. My retired elderly uncle saved up for a while to buy a ml. It was a cva frontier 50 cal 113 bucks back then from midsouth. Anyway, he shot it for a part of the summer and got it going well. We shared the whole experience from molding balls to cutting patches etc. I had been muzzleloading for a few years by then, so I kind of mentored him. Anyway I took the whole week of early ml season off, and myself and my aunt and uncle headed to camp for the week. Season started on saturday and ended on friday, then regular season started on saturday. On Tuesday we went out to have an early morning sit. My uncle sat on a small patch of buckwheat we planted. I went in by the swamp. Around 9 or so, I heard the telling kaboom of a ml. I waited a bit and went over to find my uncle. He had shot a nice doe that came out to feed in the buckwheat. He was as excited as a kid in a candy store. We got the deer taken care and hung. At that time, if you used your tag during ml, you were done for the season. Well my uncle spent the rest of season at camp bragging and telling the story over and over. The next April, he passed away from cancer. He never told anyone he had it, and you could not tell. I have that CVA in my treasure chest (the safe for guns I never use). That was 24 years ago this past season. My cousin, his son, does not hunt. when we get together, he still tells the story, looks at the gun and smiles. Long story, but a good one. #2 My first on the wing pheasant, over my pointer Randy, with my ml shotgun. #3 My first black bass I caught with the zebco pole I got for graduating 6th grade. I remember as a kid I caught it on a jitterbug. I was with my dad and my younger mothers other son. I remember reeling it in and it broke water. I said in my excitement I think it is a bulhead. My dad with a big grin on his face responded 'bullshit.' when we got it landed, it was only about 9 inches, which was not legal length, but it felt like a lunker to me. My dad explained to me that it would be against the law to keep it, so we put it back. I guess I learned a lot about following the law and doing what is right from my dad over the years.
  5. and maybe we could get some of the cheap power that flows down there here where it is produced. City folk have such an elitist attitude.
  6. I have for sale a dovetail leupold steel base and medium rings blued. It fits T/C products such as encore, omega, triumph, impact. I purchased it new about 5 months ago, but with my shorter lop impact, I can not get the scope far enough forward to have a clear image. So, I went back to the wever base and extended rings on it. includes all screws. Rings are mounted into the base. Asking 32.50 shipped for both base and rings. I would trade for 25-06 brass [email protected]
  7. for sure the second someone has a different opinion or is weird time to close shop.
  8. I have shot pounds and pounds of goex 2f in myhawken but much more in my new englander shotgun. I am hooked on bh 209 fo rmy inlines tough. I used to buy goex for 7.50 a pound
  9. 30 dollars for 10 ounces, but with the less you use for the same velocicites, the 10 ounces goes a long way and works very well.
  10. I switched to bh209 last year. It is everything they say. Clean uo with a hoppes soaked rag accuracy was better and you grt no crud ring and I have shot 10 times without swabbing the barrel. it is as close to smokeless powder as you can get. I am not sure about the knight rifles and their ignitio, but you need to have a closed breech plug and use regular 209 primers for thebest results. I would suggest you do a google search for their website and it will expain the plugs needed. If your gun is compatible, go for it. You wil not regret it. I used 777 for about 3 years and also shot 100 grains. I now use 90 grains of bh 209 and have higher velocities. www.blackhorn209.com
  11. I live just outside oburg. The river has opened upo a lot in the past few days.
  12. Hi guys and gals. I am looking for an encore bantam (youth) stock. They are only made in walnut. If you have one lying around, let me know please. [email protected]
  13. I am so looking forward. I want to ride my bike, get back into camp and check things out and get ready for turkey season. I can no twait.
  14. and I thought it was some sort of a japanese computer
  15. no hijcking here. I am liking the read.
  16. we attend Americade every year. If you saw me there, or an any ride, with my boots jeans vest and dew rag, you would not probably talk to me, like I was some killer bad ass biker. I ram by bike hard when I take off too. I guess getting older is not as much fun as I thought.
  17. not everyone wants ot see deer numbers increase and antler size increase. Some of us are happy making it a sport, not a competition and always have to better what we did last season.
  18. well I have quite a few friends who ride harleys, and are far from dirtbags. Making generalizations like that is just not right.
  19. In some of my stands, which are a house on stilts, I guess I could carry one back and when I left for the evening, leave it in there and bring another the next day. I have carried two in the past. One rifle and one pistol when I had a traditions buckhunter 50 cal handgun. I never used it, but I was younger and had that intriguing mind as to how to give myself an advantage. Now my advantage is do my homework, practice and set up where the deer are moving and make a good shot. But it does make one think.
  20. you are correct, but most muzzleloaders dont cost as much as their prototype, in this care, the encore, which does change barrels. If I were looking to buy and at the price of this one, I would just get the encore. That is why I dont think they will sell as many as they hope. The only selling point is no paperwork. I am a t/c guy through and through. I have an encore ml, hawken and new englander. Last fall, I bought an impact. no barrel exchange, and 250 dollars out the door. It is a good shooter and I like the adjustable stock. I would have a hard time justofying another 400 for a gun to do the same thing, when the only advantage is I can take the breech plug out by hand with no tools. I had a triumph when they first came out, and honestly, I did not like that feature, and that is one reason I got rid of it.
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