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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by bubba

  1. sometimes having the borthday close to Christmas is a good thing. I personally do not like mine being three days before, but it is all good.
  2. you nailed it doc. It has went from enjoying taking a nice buck to trying to make it mandatory. Way too serious of a competition. That so why people get shot is because most feel they have to out do the other. Shoot first go look after. Quit watching the phony hunting shows on tv and use that time to scout a big deer. Beat him at his game, not make him conform to your game. Let that be your competition. Night pics on a trail cam at a salt lick. There is a justification for AR if I ever saw one. :
  3. well your opinion is like saying all blondes are dumb. But hey you are entitled to yuor opinion no matter how narrow minded it is.
  4. It must be like AR only 20 percent oppose it, but that is enough.
  5. or they dont care about somethng as phony as global warming
  6. You really didn't miss much. I got wound up and carried away. I guess when you are passionate about something, you want i tknown. There is no reason for new laws which move us closer to having no guns.
  7. I ownder hw many have even clicked the link. Not too many responses, so I doubt very many.
  8. I should have known you would know more that the state who sets the class up. You should become an instructor. You could fix all the problems with the program. You coud be a master instructor in no time. But this pissing contest is over as far as I am concerned. How can you possibly lower your supreme intelligence to talk to a person such as myself. Bottom line is a kid got shot. it is tragic. Is there negligence yes. On whom neither you nor I know. That is up to the authorities to decide. Let me know when you want to apply to be an instructor, I will give you the details on how. Just remember you are the one who brought up the whole idea I was an instructor and obviously I do a bad job. Also remember you were the one who coulld not answer the questions, then argue you know more than the state and threaten me with goingto a supervisor when you have no clue what is involved. Merry Christmas.
  9. umm I didnt see anythng about beyond your target which is very important. also never let the muzzle cover anything you do not want to shoot at is too slack. And if you put those answers on my test you could go to any authority you want. The test requires you know them word for word,according to the state not your own interpretations. In fact when you come to my second session, you have to write them down word for word when you come in. If you can't you leave class. Maybe you better take the class again before you tell me what I am doing wrong and threaten me with my regionl coordinator. He is the higher autohority. Feel free to contact him for clarification if you want. His name is Andy McDuff region 6 coordinator. And oh yeah he knows me by bubba. Maybe the parent didnt teach the kid anything about the gun. In fact I bet h e didnt. That is the fathers nrglect.
  10. you got two right they are 1 always treat every gun as if it is loaded 2 always keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction 3 know your target ans well beyond always keep your finger outside the trigger guard until you are ready to shoot.
  11. then again my question stands. why arent more peole killed aking deer drives then. Dumb luck only lasts just so long
  12. well then most of the people in my area must be idiots then. We hunt in camo and plaid, make deer drives, and the funny part is the accidents seem to happen in the sz. Go figure . Oh btw I am far from an undecuated slob. I also hunt on my own property. Blanket statements like that, make you the idiot in my opinion. If that is the best you can do to defend wearing bo, you lose.
  13. if it is not as islolated as portrayed, where are the huge numbers of incidents yearly where people get shot making deer drives?
  14. I also have to teach wearing BO. Does that mean I have to wear it? umm no. Maybe some peoples idea of responsible gun ownership is teaching young people how to use them, respect them and when to use them. We teach store guns and ammo in separate places, and the 4 safe gun handling rules. I am willing to bet this kid who pulled the trigger never took a course. Can you tell me the 4 safe gun handling rules? Maybe the gun owner who had the handgun never hunted or took a course either. Nice try to make me look like I dont do my job correctly when teaching. You show me any teacher who believes in everything they have to teach.
  15. I only have one shot with my rifle.
  16. I can show you pics of bucs like that on trail cams too. In my area ar is not used. The pics, like those are night pics. HMMMMM that tells me something If you want to have all big bucks and harvest them, you better hunt at night when the big bucks move. They learn to avoid humans during season to get that big. If it is such a proven way to save the deer, and prodice huge deer, I would like to see pics of all the monsters that have been harvested in the areas of NY that have AR. You guys should have nothing smaller that 200 inch 12 point bucks by now. Where are they? I am waiting. Show me the proof if you want me to get on board. Not nite pics on trail cams, show me the proof on the ground. Until then, you will not convince me.
  17. I know I am from the uncivilized part of the state, but, I never beat my kids. I educated my kids and soent tim ewith my kids, as well as others kids. I would like to offer how many homes in NY have guns? How many incidents a year of this type happen? Ted Kennedys car has killed more people than my guns have. But, no one wants to take our cars away.
  18. yes the bow hunters need all the best hunting. I am sure that will fly
  19. my area ousted a very lib in sheeps clothing with a real conservative senator. So, we did our part. Patty Ritchie. watch how she goes there.
  20. my children grew up in my house with guns accessible. I never had an incident where they broke the rules. They were taught what guns were, what they can do, and to stay away. Now they both have cc permits as I stated. I would support that law if you are willing to support a law that states no matter what kids do, the parents will pay the price. If a kid finds the keys to the car and goes and kills someone, then the parent needs to go to jail for life also.
  21. well both my daughters have cc permits and shoot as well as I do, so I feel more comfortable knowing they can use it if needed.
  22. makes me think the 2/3 was not a realistic number. Look at the sentiment on here. 2/3 surely are not for it.
  23. yes we need mor elegislation to protect ourselves from ourselves. It wont be a law to have them locked up, it wll be a law not allowing us to have them. I gues when a kid finds car keys and steals the car and kills someone, then we should outlaw cars too and lock up the parets for not locking up the keys.
  24. +1 wny. I was going to say that, but knew I would get booed and ran out of town, or no one would read it and say the same thing three psots down. It is a sad situation, but as you said early and intense education is the key.
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