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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by bubba

  1. slight change of plans for me. My truck will not be finished until tomorrow morning, so I am hunting locally with a few friends, then off to camp. I have the whole week of, so we will see how long I stay, My truck needed some bal joints and an idler arm and an alignment. Good luck to all and be safe.
  2. years ago I wen tot hnting camo with a buddy. He had to leave and I stayed alone. In the middle of the night, the place was broken into by a young couple. The first thig I did was grab my pistol. They were as shocked as I when we came face to face. They took off and I was 4 miles from town a half mile back of the road alone with no vehicle. That was a long night. I guess what I am saying is you never now you you will react until it happens. But always have a way to defend yourself.
  3. I would have called them an ambulance
  4. a couple more less recoil caliber swhich are great for deer are the 257 roberts and 250 savage.
  5. Ed, For deer loads in the 25-06, I had less than stellar results with the 117 grain sierra gamekings with 50.5 grains fo IMR 4831. They would blow apart on impact at the velocities of the 25. I shot a doe at 160 yards through the boiler room. It tore the opposite shoulder off. I also shot a nice 6 point at 70 yards and he stood there like he was stung by a bee. You could see blood pouring out of the wound and he just stood there until he fell over. Granted both deer died on the spot, but the devastation to the meat turned me off to them. I now use Nosler partitions 115 grain with 50.2 grains of IMR 4831. They shoot very well out of my nephews Handi and my encore. They do not fragment and do a fine job on deer. They seem to have more shock on impact and do not tear apart. They are more expensive. The last box of 50 I bought were 30 bucks. But I use them just for hunting, so a box of 50 will last me about 2 seasons. Just kidding. I loaded all 50 and gave half to my nephew for this season. 25 will do me a long time for hunting expecially since i use y ML a lot of regular season.
  6. Maybe they had already done what they needed to and were retrieving. I see I am experiencing disappearing posts.
  7. WNY my only advice would be to pull the breech plug and chck t he bore. If it is clean and no pitting, you will not be sorry. Plus you will love the idea of a muzzleloader.
  8. nice deer and remeber everyones idea of a trophy is different. That is a great trophjy
  9. I know a lot od guys who use a ml in rifle country. It adds to the challenge of the hunt. You have to get closer, you need to take one good shot and with some of todays modern guns and components, it is almost like shooting a rifle. The big difference comes when you use traditional muzzleloader and components all season.
  10. I think we need legislation to mandate safety harnesses and helmets on walmart horses and merry go rounds. Maybe blaze orange so you will be easliy found when you fall off. Again I am kidding.
  11. I have to get the rest of the copper propane lines in for the stove and lights, and set up a ground blind. I will be going up next friday after work ad staying for the week.
  12. Who besides myself are getting ready to hunt Muzzleloader next weekend? I am going to camp tomorrow to get some things finished. One week from today I am on vacation for the week. Most of the week will be at camp. I have two tags to fill and hope to do so. Muzzleloader season is my favorite and most productive time to deer hunt.
  13. I hunt rifle area and use a muzzleloader almost exclusively. I was hurt rifle was not included. Some of us do live North of Syracuse and Albany. Please rest assured I am kidding.
  14. I usually just stay quiet. Im the area whee I am the doe to buck ratio is high doe. It is tough to grunt or rattle a buck when there are plenty of real does around.
  15. why I explaned it since it is true it doest matter. ok have a nice day
  16. a 120 grain bullet loaded at about 50 grains is actually quite light in the shoulder. They shoot very well and do the job.
  17. another caliber to consider and my personal fav on deer 25-06. All the mv you will need and light recoil.
  18. from the info that instructors are receiving, there will be a special tag on the license needed for x bow. Not an extra tag for a deer, but a place to show you are allowd to use a x bow. So you will need to show your certification to get it. Way back when special ml seasons were started, there was talk of a ml class. In fact that was what I planned to teach. Since there was not much interest in ml and it was guys who primarily already had then who were hunting, they dropped it. Then when all was changed and inlines and any projectile and primer were leglized, it exploded. Those who had alredy had a tag were going to be grandfathered in and all others were going to have to take a course. Due to the large numbers of hunters getting into ml,and sall number of instructors, it would be impossible to keep up. So as in the usual in this state, dollars were a preference over safety. It is now incorporated into the hunter ed classes as will be xbow eventually.
  19. I still don't get it, but I suppose it was supposed to be some kind of random personal slam ....... about what I haven't a clue. Is that what it was Bubba, just a random personal attack? ..... lol Doc actually since I said doc and his mini me, it was not even directed to you. I know you think everything is about you, but i was referring to the person who seems to praise your every post.
  20. watch austin powers he had a midget vern troyer who was his wanna be they called him mini me.
  21. mid to late morning between 10 and noon when everyone goes back in after the morning hunt. I hit the mid day feed and the deer pattern when the hunters are out. Oops I have away a secret.
  22. It wont be in the south, but I am almost ready for the ml opener. Just a few things left to do at camp this weekend. I take the week off and will be at camp for the week. Oops I read closer sorry I did not realize it was limited to southern tier.
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