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Posts posted by RPIBuckHunter

  1. The 12-year-old Wilton boy is being petitioned on a charge of  Manslaughter in the second degree in Family Court, in the shooting  death of his friend.


    The  surviving boy's father, 56-year-old Edward O'Rourke, was arraigned on a  misdemeanor charge of Endangering the Welfare of a Child, after Bowen  said he left 'unsecured loose ammunition in the residence.'  This is what the gun owner and his son are facing at the moment.  Maybe the father didn't violate any gun possession law, but once it is used by a child and a death occurs, you can bet there will be plenty of violations the law can come up with against you.

    And a civil suit will certainly follow.  Ask any attorney and he will tell you this is a slam dunk case.

    I would be curious if the victim's father knew the bouys would be by themselves for 3 hours

    According to the news story I heard, they were 'left alone to play video games':http://wnyt.com/article/stories/S1898794.shtml?cat=10114

  2. To have a loaded gun in the house not locked up is simply irresponsible, especially when children are present. All the training in the world won't help these situations, kids are curious creatures.

    I don't necessarily agree with this.  However, I will say that if you have a loaded gun in the house, it better be on your person or very near to it at all times.  If some whackjob busts into your home while your watching T.V. in the den, the loaded pistol upstairs in your bedroom isn't going to do jack s*it for you...

    @Mr. VJP:  The language in that case from TN is especially disturbing to me.  The boy 'found' the pistol, implying that he didn't know it was there beforehand.  This is the worst type of situation, I feel.  Having a 'hiding spot' and just 'hoping' that your children don't find it DOES NOT work.

  3. If th ekid had been properly trained, the gun would not have been pointed at the other kid.  If the kid had been properly trained, even if he touched the gun, he would have checked and cleared it. If the kid had been properly trained, he would not have touched the gun unsupervised.  Seems like a no brainer to me since he did not do any of the things mentioned.

    I agree 100%.

    Kids do not always do what they are told.  Many teenagers do lots of things they know are wrong in order to be popular and cool  They smoke cigarettes, drag race, drive drunk, have unprotected sex, do drugs, and commit suicide.  All of which they have been taught not to do and know is wrong.

    Well, it's been a couple years since I was legally a kid and a couple months since I still fit the description of teenager, but I don't think things have changed that much since that time.  You paint a broad brush over all youngsters with this statement, and I really feel like it's simply untrue. We say 'most kids like to rebel', but I feel the only reason we have that sterotype is because that is what is seen on the news.  I really do feel like most kids are good people.  As I stated earlier, I was taught gun safety from an early (before 12) age, and I knew how to check that they were unloaded, point in a safe direction, and not to touch without supervision.  I did have access to the guns, but it never occurred to me in all those years of playdates to take any guns out to 'show them off', because I knew there would be hell to pay if I did.

    I never did any of that other stuff you mention either.  I broke curfew once, by half an hour, and there was hell to pay.  I certainly wasn't going to do anything more serious after that.

    So yes, I do blame the parents for not properly educating the children.

  4. Or maybe the kid should have been taught about guns early and reminded often, so as to curb the curiosity of them. Like anything else, early education is key with guns. Having a handgun for protection isnt going to work too well if its locked up at all times.

    Antis havent been waiting for this to happen, it happens across the country every year due to irresponsible people.

    You hit it right on the head.  This happened only a few miles from me, and the  anti gun crowd has been having a field day with it.  My first thought was, 'why had the son of the gun owner, or both boys for that matter, not been educated on proper gun safety?'

    By the time I was that age, I had already been taught proper gun safety...

  5. Granted guys.  But do you think there should be a law forcing every hunter to wear it?

    No.  As I've alluded to on other threads, I am not a fan of the government micro-managing these aspects of people's lives.  I feel it is the individual's duty to evaluate their hunting environment for the seasons they hunt in and determine on their own if they feel it necessary to wear orange.

    Some idiot cut me off earlier this week, in broad daylight, and totaled my car.  I haven't read the police report yet, but in order for him to have failed to see me, he would have needed to have been focusing on something other than driving his car.  My point is, I don't want to wear orange because the government tells me too, I choose to wear orange because the people who live in my area are really [expletive] stupid, even without a gun.

  6. I'll start off by saying I don't drive deer.

    However, I don't believe it should be illegal.  I'm generally against the government nitpicking on these aspects of people's lives-such as how they hunt.  I believe people should have the freedom to hunt how they want, and this includes the freedom to be stupid.

  7. Ron, thank you very much for providing these details.  However, this just proves the point that we all suspected, the shooter shot at motion and sound rather than having positive target identification.  The shooter is very lucky it did not turn out much, much worse.

    Of course, I agree absolutely with your last point.  My best wishes to David for a speedy recovery.

  8. We were discussing whether or not the kid was hunting. Its a perfectly valid question within the discussion. I agree, how the heck do you mistake a person for a deer?

    Perhaps.  But the fact that we are here having a long discussion about the legality of the boy's actions proves that the law is either poorly written or ambiguous, and probably both.  I'm sure that the boy's father/step father/whoever had no intent of breaking the law.

    I see people hiking all the time while I'm out hunting.  Sometimes, they bring their kids.  Most of the time, they aren't wearing orange.  My point is, it doesn't matter what they are doing out in the woods.  Don't mistake people for deer.

  9. I feel like we're drifting a little from the main point here...

    Was the boy doing something illegal (Participating in a drive): Maybe.

    Legality not withstanding, was it a stupid decision of the father/guardian to allow the boy to aide in the driving of deer?  Probably.

    BUT, that is still no excuse for someone, especially someone of the same party, to mistake the boy for a deer.  As nyantler wrote on a previous page:

    If you were walking in the woods with a fur coat and antlers tied to your head... I still wouldn't mistake you for a deer.


    [/size]My concern is not that the boy may have been doing something illegal; my concern is that a man who can mistake a 9-year-old boy for deer is out there with a loaded gun somewhere...

  10. I can understand the landowner paying taxes being upset, however, deer are a public resource, [oddly religious messages, etc.].  Just because a deer spends some of it's time on their land, does not make it their deer.  Maybe the landowner should plant some apple trees on his land if he wants to keep deer there...

  11. I don't think that it is the place of government to mandate the type of deer management that occurs on private lands, especially if it is within the laws.  I'm sure alot of these farms depend on income generated from the apple picking season to survive as a business, so naturally they can't have a bunch of deer in there destroying the crop.

    It's easy to get caught up in the hype of trophy hunting, but hunting is first and foremost a means of population control.  If a farm wants all the deer eliminated, better to invite hunters in to do it legally and will actually use the meat as opposed to them being slaughtered and thrown in the dumpster. 

  12. I shot everything from a .22 to a .458 Lott.  I deer hunt with the 7mm-08 now, but used to use the 30-06, the .35 Rem and a .243 too!  If I had nothing else to hunt deer with other than a .223, I would!  It ain't my first choice, but I'm sure it would do the job if I did mine and kept it within it's limitations.

    The problem is that a lot of people either don't know, or refuse to acknowledge, the limitations of their weapons.  I own one shotgun which I use for all seasons, shot for small game and slugs for big game, even in rifle country, and I know that I will not be able to ethically take a deer over 50 yards.  It could be the biggest damn buck in the whole world, but if it's too far away I won't shoot.

    The .223 and the .17 Fireball will probably kill deer; hell, people kill lots of deer with primitive bows every year.  It's all about shot placement and range...

  13. Kind of sad that this can happen especially when the shooter is member of the same party.  When my Dad and I hunt together, we always know exactly where each other are at all times and know what our respective zones of fire are.

    If this guy cites the absence of the boy's blaze cap as an excuse, I'm not so sure the presence of said blaze cap would have helped him much.  Did he see antlers on the boy, too?

  14.   Especially in the Adirondacks-best scenery on the planet?  Probably.

    Hmmm.  Adirondacks are nice.  I have vacationed there several times.  As far as the best scenery on the planet?  Not even close in my opinion.  Not even the best in our country.  Just my .02.

    I guess we just have to agree to disagree-I've traveled all over the world in North America, Europe and Asia and still like the Adirondacks best.  But I suppose it's a distance factor too, I can take a week to drive to Alaska or an hour to drive to the Adirondacks-makes the choice easy for a weekend getaway.

  15. Real Christmas tree or nothing for me. Sure, they are a little more work, but come on, you dont have 5 minutes to water it each day and pick up the fallen needles? I cut my own each year at the same tree farm. They charge $34.50 tax included for any type of tree, any size.

    For all those that think a fake tree is better for the environment, youve got to be kidding. Im sure the pollution caused by the manufacturing processes for those trees is great for the environment. Also, when they get thrown out (and they will), they will become part of the ever growing landfill problem. Real trees are grown and replanted after they are cut, and they rot back into the soil as long as you dont throw them in with your trash.

    Yes, I was kidding about the environment comment, hence the  :)  at the end of that statement.

  16. All of you who go out cutting down trees every year are killing the environment and contributing to global warming.  :)

    I kid, I kid.

    I'm a fan of the artificial pre-lit trees-no upkeep required.  After all, the tree is just a symbol, Christmas is about celebrating the birth of our Saviour...

  17. Of course when I'm deer hunting I carry the bear tag just in case, because you never know.

    I was thinking next fall to maybe try the early bear season in the Adirondacks.  I realize there's a good chance it will turn in to nothing more than a camp out and nature walk, but nothing wrong with that!  Especially in the Adirondacks-best scenery on the planet?  Probably.

  18. I was hunting a section of Catskill Park near East Jewett in 3A today, near the Colgate Lake.  Sat in the trees on the edge of field, no deer but signs were everywhere, droppings, scrapes, etc.

    No people except for one guy driving slowly along the road in his pickup...I think he was trying to deer jack but I was too far away to see anything...

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