So heres the story... shot him this morning from a stand i havent hunted in about 5 years. I was literally in the stand all of thirty minutes when he came from my left along a 4 wheeler trail thru our property. At first i never saw horns only the rear end. Then i saw the horns. He stayed just on the other side at about 40 yards. Finally he walked out in front of me and presented a beautiful 32 yard quartering away shot. I stopped him and took the shot. It felt good. When he ran off,something wasnt working right in his rear legs.
Waited ten minutes to get down and search for my arrow or blood. No arrow, no blood...i was a little sick at that point. Searched a little bit more but no go. Got back in the stand to replay it in my mind. When i shot he took a step so i figured i hit him back a bit. Sent a text to my buddy and told him i think i stuck one. He climbed down and came over. We started searching and he says....i got blood i was a little relieved at that point. After following it for awhile we both started thinking leg shot....but neither said anything. After decent blood for 150 yards...i look up and that a deer about 30 yards into the thick stuff? Two more steps and i saw rack. Long story short i hit the rear hind quarter and clipped that artery. The arrow was buried in him with about 6 inches of arrow an fletchings sticking out. When i pulled it out....he started dumping blood. Not the greatest shot but it happens! After the season ive had this is awesome. 140# 9 point with nice mass to the horns. Pics dont do it justice.