Honestly...no clue. It was in the case with the muzzleloader. When i got it from my moms place, the bolts to mount the stock were gone along with breech plug, and recoil pad. Her ex husband probably needed parts more than i did lol
Got my 9 point with a bow, a 120# doe with slug gun, now i think ill start taking the smokepole out! Ive tried for it before but never connected with the muzzleloader. No scope on it and ill probably limit my shots to under 50 yards. That is if i can find a breech plug for it! No gun shops around here have one. And the places that do have one want an arm, leg and left eyeball for it!
Never really made it a point to look for sheds before, but id like to try it this year. What are some tips for a beginner? Where should i start looking? When? Help!
The buck i took during bowseason was all rutted up. Treebark on his horns, all stunk up and his neck was rutted up. The big one i missed a week before him was looking for does. This was late oct/early nov. Still seeing some fresh rubs and scrapes, but the 6 does that came in the other night had nothing following them. Not sure what stage we are in but im hunting near the thick stuff!
I kept the backstraps from the doe i shot monday. Figured i would try some loin for jerky. I know it sounds odd...but my dad left today to go southern tier and the other meat is in his freezer! On the flipside i did get another 8f Dmp today
Sliced up some tenderloins to try some jerky! Girlfriend got a heck of a deal on a dehydrator so we are gonna give it a shot! Started off with brownsugar, balsamic vinegar, reg vinegar, little garlic, salt, black pepper! The marinade tasted good!
Ill be hunting provided im not tagged out. Decided ill save my 8r tag for late muzzleloader. But picked up an 8f today. Still got my bucktag and antlerless mz tag left!