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Everything posted by Ewing2007

  1. Anyone use a collapsible stock on their shotgun for hunting?
  2. Yea its only 5 months old and its my only gun i know what the problem is its what alot of people have had with the 535 its just not the point the guy was a total dick
  3. Anyone else think mossbergs customer service sucks my shotgun dosnt feed properly and i have to pump it 2 or 3 times and the guy asks me do you know the names of the two bars that feed the round and when i said the wrong names hes like if you cant provide me with the right answer then i wont be able to send you out the parts. This isnt a game show just shut up and send me out the parts god im starting to hate these people.
  4. Yea i think the reciever is just a little longer so im thinking it might be the same size forend. I havent tried 3/12 inch shells yet im kinda scared to lol
  5. Yea i think the reciever is just a little longer so im thinking it might be the same size forend. I havent tried 3/12 inch shells yet im kinda scared to lol
  6. Anyone know that size action slide tube the mossberg 535 takes i want to change my forend and since its the newer mossberg i have to buy a action slide tube because this one dosnt have one. Also has anyone had any feeding issues with them mine will feed 3 then i have to pump it twice to feed the next round.
  7. I meant the rails to put a light on the gun. I want this because i can use it for home defense and hunting. Believe me if i could aford it id get an ar and a deer rifle but since i cant i want this that is all. Just my opinion
  8. I just like how it has the collapsable stock because i can adjust it to fit me. Also i like the rails like i said for home defense. Im not saying its exactly like an ar i was just sayin with all the stuff ny dosnt let you have on the ar that i would want like the collapsable stock and also the rediculous prices on them i much rather have this its just my opinion i was just wondering if anyone knew where to get one.
  9. I just like it. Its a good alternative to the ar and with all the dumb bans on the ar id rather by this since i can use it for home defense and deer hunting.
  10. Anyone know where to get a mossberg 464 spx?
  11. thanks guys for the info and I am located in troy ny so I would be hunting the state land prolly in Brunswick
  12. I shot a bolt action before ive never shot a lever action but everyone i talk to loves their lever action and wont give it up for anything. Im sort of leaning towards a lever action because of its faster reload and since im not that good of a shot nor will i be shooting at a crazy distance i think a 30-30 might be fine for me im thinking a marlin but who knows. Is there any good calibers in a bolt action that compares to a 30-30 at close distance?
  13. im gonna be new to hunting this year and im going to buy a rifle for deer. the only problem is i dont know what to get i know im not going to be shooting a deer more than 300yds away and where i live there is alot of woods. so what do you guys think is best a 30-30 lever action or get a bolt action in .243 or .270
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