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Everything posted by wooly

  1. I've had enough, but if we had another weekend I'd be out there.. Give the deer a rest and let them get ready for 6 months of winter. Chances are some shed out bucks would be killed by accident if the season were extended and everyone would bitch next year that there aren't any bucks around. This is the time of year to hunt the horns without the bucks attached...heck, some of the the most impressive antlers are the hardest to find making them quite the trophies themselves...the little ones.
  2. A sweet set of freshies before the new year is a great way to kick off the shed season! Congrats Will you be looking for more antlers or was this just an oppertunistic find?
  3. Well I can get my fill of antlers durring shed season, but I sure don't want any more competition there. Bad idea,lol
  4. While I do agree with Dave that it sounds like a dream position many of s would like to be in, I think it's pretty safe to say I can see how a deer farmer would be all for AR's, QDM, and anything else that has to do with big horns. Heck, I'm pretty sure I may even change my meat hunter ways handling all them big bucks all the time. Also gotta agree with some other points here. I don't know or really even care what they eat in captivity, but I think you have to agree that whatever it is, they sure don't have to work to find it, especially in crucial times when they're looking to store reserves and recover from the rut. Top notch food sources are scarce in the wild, or at least expend a lot of effort to get to them.
  5. Oh yeah like that's gonna work. You can't trust the honor system to accurate measurements. Skillets girlfriend told me that what he calls 10" is probably closer to 3",,lol.
  6. Now I'm really glad I included that part in my post but at least I was on the right track,lol. Pretty interesting link to the history of B&L..obviously I learned something new today.
  7. Sure makes me appreciate the good neighbors I got around me a little more. Sounds like you had your hands full with them yahoos.
  8. Excuse my ignorance, but why in the world would you send your scope to a contact lens manufacturer,lol
  9. wooly

    Cleaning up

    I spent a good amount of time picking up empties every summer weekend at a park I do a lot of hiking and mountain biking. I consider it my park I spend so much time there.Takes hardly any effort to fill my pack and run them to town for a quick $2 to put towards my own cold beverage or my chance at a million$ on a scratch off,lol What really irritates me the most is when I find the crap thrown in the weeds within a 20ft circle around a garbage can. Some energetic slobs even go through the extra effort to walk to the pond bank and toss their trash out to the center so nobody can get to it. One of the snowmobile trails I hike in the winter has got to be traveled by some of the biggest slobs in creation. A fella could afford to miss a few days work if he didn't mind carrying a giant construction bag around for a few hours a day collecting cans.
  10. Wow- fantastic, good luck with the new smokepole this weekend! Does your wife have a sister you could hook me up with..? She aint even gotta be purdy.. sounds like my kinda inlaws,lol!
  11. Whoa- now I see why trophy hunters don't like to get their pictures taken- YIKES,lol
  12. Oh no...not another trophy with a camera shy hunter,lol
  13. Absolutely,100%, wouldn't change a thing, what we have is perfect! From spikers to slammers we have it all in my area and to tell you the truth, I just love the variety! When the big fish aren't biting, I've got plenty of action with the little ones to pull through the slow times... and bye golly sometimes one of them is a keeper for the day depending on my mindset. Last year was a 3 1/2 yo 11pt, and this year a 1 1/2yo spiker. I just never know what's gonna trip my trigger any given day.. and frankly, I could care less who doesn't like the choices I make for my reasons.
  14. Good grief- do you even bother using tree steps to get outta your stand or do you just jump down and land on your head..unbelievable,LMAO Is this really what you guys are all fired up about is 90 and 100" deer?
  15. Lol- why didn't I think of that.So simple. C'mon man, even these young dumb bucks are smarter than us on our best day. Just assuming you spend every day of season on stand you accumulate 90 days in the field at lets say 8hrs a day for a total of 720hrs a year. Now lets face it that's probably a pretty inflated # for most hunters. Then we take these young dumb bucks at 1year old. Have lived in these same woods you hunt every day of their lives, 24 hrs a day. 365days x 24hrs/day = 8760hrs per year lol 8670hrs of hot,cold, snow, rain, sleet , ice, decreased food supplies, no medical attention, motor vehicles, hunters, poachers, other predators, terrain that would make a billy got sweat, parasites, biting bugs, contagious diseases...not to mention they are born babies in these conditions.. in reality thrown to the wolves from the womb! Damn bro, I give ya 1 week of living in that hell hole before you either get smart or get dead!
  16. Haven't been getting any bucks on cam since the opening of regular season. Checked the cams on todays late season hunt and turned up 7 or 8 differnt bucks from this last weekend. Only lure I had left was some old doe urine that smells like a dirty litter box... AMMONIA! Gonna have to splash some of that on after shaving before tomorrows hunt,lol Nothing crazy but it's nice to see some life out there again.
  17. That's a pretty safe assumption shawn. I carry a hacksaw in my pac for just that occaision while shedding.
  18. Not to sound like an argumentative prick Doc, but when you take a look around this forum alone, it's hard to imagine anyone is hunting in a fashion that isn't pleasureable to them. Just the mention of changing a fellow so set in his ways may be just enough to cause some bad blood especially if he's just too proud to accept such an offer. It's been said here before to just "shut up and hunt" but far too often the guys saying that feel they have the loudest voices and most influence on damn near every post to come across the board. All this nonsence, tattle tail, pre-k bull crap is so petty it's hard for me to comprehend the reasons why some guys still hunt at all as miserable as it makes them. I guess if someone feels like they're being robbed or deprived of something from their hunts due to someone elses actions afield it's time to make a change to their own style before the go making changes to everyone else...or they could just practice what they preach .."shut up and hunt". After all, if Joe Blow is doing something illegal or un-ethical, it just makes everyone else comes up smelling like roses. Too many poeople worrying about what the other guy is doing and loosing site of why they're out there in the first place.
  19. I haven't found any dead deer yet this year but if you ask me again in March/April (shed season), I'll probably have between 20-30 to report as usual.
  20. Good post sits in trees- I can relate. I brought up in another post about an old timer I saw hunting with a x-bow durring archery season. I know and he knew he didn't have a disabled permit but there was no need to even bring it up. He's one of the "good ol' boys" from around town that would do anything for anybody...even let total strangers hunt his propperty knowing full well that may just come back to bite him in the rear one day. It's easy for me to put the blinders on when it comes to the way he chooses to persue game on his land. We talked about the hot spots and he was on his way. He hunts his way and I hunt mine as different as they are, I can accept the fact that he's taking nothing away from MY experiences in the outdoors and I almost feel as if I'm giving something back by looking the other way.
  21. I've used the Nomad and Prowler and never had any major issues. Sometimes the Nomad in burst mode wouldn't record the pics to card fast enough so some shots weren't able to transfer to my pc. The on/off switch on my Prowler is getting kinda sloppy, but that cam's getting up there in age. Never owned a Rouge, but figure these similar cam issues may be noteworthy.
  22. That's the point I was trying to make from experience. Also a deer was shot in my situation. I post this here only for others to learn from my experience whether they agree or not...it is factual information. ECO only issued a warning and took pics of the deer. He said he would not have to confiscate the deer since no citations were issued.
  23. You only need to hang the deer untill it stops breathing...anything longer then that is overkill . ...unless your not done showing it off yet!
  24. Hoping to find a few deaf/dumb ones like that this coming week to make me feel smarter then I am. Good to hear they're getting back to some natural movement again for the late season.
  25. Oh yeah, everybody sing along with us! KUMBAYA, My LORD..KUMBAYA....
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