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Everything posted by wooly

  1. Thanks for having a look fellas! Quick little story about this fawn. For the past 3 yrs in exactly the same spot of this creekbottom, a fawn has taken a liking to me. From May on through the summer there is no sign of a momma doe. This little guy walks mere feet beside me nearly every trip through this area to this day. If I don't see him when I walk in there I call out to him and he usually appears out of nowhere in a few minutes. He enjoys galloping around and acting playfull whenever we meet. Our encounters usually last about 30 minutes or so before he bores of me and goes exploring on his own. A really cool little woodland friend to have. I wonder if this is the same doe abandoning her fawns here year after year. I've named this little guy "Sidekick".
  2. Hey guys, it's been a while. I lost my puter connetion early summer and never got to follow through on my fawn pics so I'm finally getting around to that. Better late than never I suppose. Hope everyone had a great summer and nailed down some potential shooter bucks for the fast approaching season. Bucks are just beginning to show at my fields at last light so I'm hoping tocatch some daytime antlers soon. ...and here's a turtle for the heck of it.
  3. Hey you're getting pretty darned good with that camera of yours Dave.. I heard through the grapevine you got one of your grouse shots on the cover of some NY outdoors magazine, but ca't remember which one. Congrats bud, and good to see you out with the cam again!
  4. Good deal Dave, I'm sure you'll find it's a sweet little set up for someone like yourself who gets under there often. Hope that works out good for ya!
  5. Sweet shots G-man! She's looking healthy!
  6. Glad you pulled through Burt. Scary stuff. ??? Next time just chase them sleeping pills down with ONE SHOT of Jack instead of the full litre!
  7. Thanks Wooly looks just like what I need. I have a Craftsmann with a 54" deck. How much do they cost. Dave I got mine as a gift Dave. I think it was ordered from Harbor Freight if I'm not mistaken for about $200. Everyone was getting scared by the many redneck ways I'd find to get my tractor lifted enough to work underneath,lol. ??? Well worth it IMO. Even I feel safer now.
  8. I got this last fall. Lifts plenty high to do just about anything under the deck still attached to the mower and is very safe and sturdy. I like mine. http://www.themojack.com/
  9. Congrats John! Glad to hear everyone is doing well. If I'd have known you wanted kids, I could of gave you a couple of mine that are already house broken,lol. Oh well, train your own! Enjoy!
  10. JMO, but he's killing chickens and sheep for Gods sake. I don't think he's gonna change many opinions on hunting even if he moves on to big game such as tomatoes and iceburg lettuce. I do give him much credit for being open minded and making a public statement that could possably be held against him but this will pass in no time and soon all be forgotten.
  11. Intimidated by DSLR cameras? ??? You wont be after hours of training in this state of the art simulator! Nothing to it! Just thought this was kinda neat to mess around with this morning. http://camerasim.com/camera-simulator.html
  12. Good info on them Eddie! Something tells me them DF's with 2 1/2 ft wingspan from the dinosaur days didn't just eat tiny skeeters. ??? Hunt6246- there's something about every one of my pics that I myself don't like or think I could have done better photographicly. I am my own worse critic, but I am considering sending a few shots to some other publications just to see if any would be accepted.
  13. I'll bet there's more than a few folks that wish there was some truth to that,lol! :-X
  14. Dude.....you can smoke these things??? I wonder if the green ones are menthol! :-\
  15. Saw my first fawn today. Unfortunately I drained my camera battery on these guys and couldn't get a shot off. :'( Anyhow, I'm now infested with many, many dragonflies of all kinds and colors. I really need to get a life! :
  16. Uh-ohhh....now I'm screwed,lol. ??? Today is going surprisingly well. I didn't even think about a ciggy untill you guys mentioned it! : So far, feeling pretty darn content to just eat this morning.
  17. Hey thanks again for all the support. I gotta admit, today it seemed a little easier than the last few days once I got busy. The hardest part was stopping at the gas station today and not buying a pack just because that's what I've always done. Pretty sure I know how that would have ended. : So it looks like I'm going on 4 full days and starting day 5 in the morning. Much better than I thought I'd be doing at this point. My biggest problem now I think is that I just miss smoking as the cravings have subsided quite a bit. It is a pretty good feeling to take such steps towards kicking the habit but I could probably kill a pack in 2 hours if I had it right now,lol.
  18. Well, all good encouragement guys. I did survive the rest of yesterday and through the night without lighting up. These mornings are toughest on me sitting here with a bite to eat and a cup of joe, the urge is really strong after that. So 3 full days under my belt now. Making it past these first few hours of the new day is most challenging till I can find something to occupy my mind without waking up the entire household. : Soon as the sun pops up I'll grab the camera and go for a hike.
  19. Just one problem. I smoke when I do all those things. I think what I really need is a good exorcism to get this demon out of me,lol. That's how it feels anyway. :
  20. I can't believe how miserable no smokes makes me feel. I hate you all! >
  21. ....for a ciggarette,lol. : I haven't had one in 2 days. Today is very hard. Not sure how all you quitters survived the withdrawl. ??? Gotta admit, I was getting a bit rediculous up to 2+ packs/ day. I have a hard time doing anything in moderation,lol. Any other quitters out there wanna blow some second hand smoke up my arse about how easy it was for them...I could use the fix.
  22. Hmmmm....I've been looking for one of them,lol. ;D Glad ya didn't squoosh the little bugger.
  23. Wow- not even close to that bad here. ??? That looks like footage from the 4'th of July!
  24. Thanks for checking them out guys! Got some decent weather on the way this week so I'm going into full blown fawn mode now!
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