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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by wooly

  1. I believe they are legal.....but don't understand why anyone would want to use them unless you were going to stick it in them and pull it out a few times. Are you planning on sawing through your deer or slicing right through them? lol that's just me funnin' Far as I know as long as the head meets the other legal criteria (diameter and non barbed) you should be good to go.
  2. Have never seen anything like that....can't even guess what the heck was wrong with that one. You did him a favor no doubt by taking him out that's one thing that's for sure.
  3. Observe them nightly. Sometimes get lucky and get a good pic. Just watch them grow and formulate an early season game plan.
  4. Yes home brew "hot doe estrous" and a curiosity scent. Don't know how he gets it....don't care, it works. First year I ever dealt with him.
  5. Last fall my processor gave me 2 free bottles of his scent to try out. Used them from October - March at my trail cam sites. I'm not looking to draw them in with scents, just cause a distraction to take their attention away from me or my cam. The # of pics I got of deer (bucks and does) like this, giving them the sniff test was pretty shocking to me. I'll be replenishing my supply of his stuff for this fall.
  6. wooly


    Somebodies gotta clean up natures waste. That's a lot of vultures Ed. Wonder how long it took them to polish that little morsel off.
  7. Haven't been able to get any better pics of them than this. I try every night but they keep popping out too late to get good light for a pic or way out of range. The one is eluding my trail cam some how.
  8. Heck.....I don't know where I'm supposed to put this. Got a few shots of some vultures today thought some of you may like, but they aint deer or hunting related so move to what ever section of the forums they should be in.... Anybody else seeing them. I love Turkey Vultures more than turkey!
  9. Just wait untill the roles are reversed.....that'll learn 'em!
  10. Oh... I've got some more. ;D Tomorrows hike I'll swing by and snap a few more shots for ya. The landscape has changed so much since some of them were built that I hardly ever get to some anymore. With that change came a big shift in deer movement leaving the blinds useless where they are now. :'( No regrets in the effort put into them....they will come around again in time.
  11. I'm with Eddie- a fine choice and a very practical hunting blade. Tough as nails too. I had one years ago that I lost in the woods somewhere. I look for it to this day but am afraid someone else has stumbled on it.
  12. Don't like them for archery. Disturbs my anchor point feel. I also don't wear a glove on my release hand for the same reason. Have probably been picked off by deer just as much with a mask as without one so I see no benefit in them. Once I pick up the smokepole, temps plummet, and the snow starts flying- Polar fleece hood all the way.
  13. Yeah- the downside is, it's not nearly as mobile as a pop up,lol.
  14. Spend the day at it for the most part.......have been known to spend the night on occaision. I tend to pac in quite a bit of crap just in case I need to slip into an area before light.
  15. All natural blinds here. I've never killed a deer from a tree. I have about 10 of these scattered throughout the woods. Started a new one this year with some creek rocks and clay from a runoff on the side of a ravine. This one should be waterproof and bulletproof by this seasons start.
  16. Whoa- that one buck sure is a dandy, love those long brows. Any idea if he survived the season or not?
  17. I haven't seen as many as usual this year. Kind of upsetting. I enjoy a good snake charming.
  18. Just a thought here.......I see a hunting related pictures forum and a trail cam forum. How bout a NY nature/wildlife photography forum. NY's a great place to collect some sceneries and out of season critter pics. Bet ya it would give us a boost in the search engine department strength when somebody's looking up a critter or location.
  19. Ed- great job on all the vids. I'd not seen these before. Thanks for posting them.
  20. wooly

    How come?

    Cheaper than ciggarettes
  21. Just the tip of the iceburgh.....shed hunting, camping, hiking, survival skills, fishing, mountain biking, photography, flintknapping(glass), reading, researching nature, observing wildlife, internet hunting forums.....blah blah blah
  22. Just a Bud Light. Little LED for the most part. Got a 3 bulb headlamp to try this season. Been using it on my over nighters this summer and prefer it over my handheld. They're hard to loose when they're stuck to your fore head.
  23. That looks like a turkey head to me. I imagine the beak is behind the Bushnell banner.
  24. Oh...... You're here too? : LOL Hi Dave- Yeah, Buck-o-ramma almost happened last night. Woulda had some great shots if they had come out about 10 minutes sooner.
  25. Darn fine buck.....Predator camo fan myself.
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