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Everything posted by wooly

  1. Just a guess, but I'd say a relative of the heron family just from the visible crown on his head.., the shape of his beak.., and the extension of is neck when he strikes. Definitely no crow though.
  2. Probably wont work out in the long run. I just came out of a very similar situation where I had previously been granted FULL permission. Turned out I was using the landowners property more than he was up to the point that we started bumping into one another nearly every time one of us stepped foot in his woods. Long story short, he informed me last year of some logging and posting, and ownership change of hands that would be going on in the future and gave me the opportunity to retrieve any stands I had hung before some changes took place. That was just the least confrontational and friendly way of saying he'd like to have his property to himself which is totally understandable in my book so have to respect that. When someone beats around the bush like that without giving you a definitive answer, I think you can take that as a... "I'd prefer you didn't hunt my property, and this is the nicest way to break it to ya". JMO of course, but it's not the first and wont be the last experience I've had like that I'm sure.
  3. Sis has been trading them in every few years for the latest model. Think she's on her 3'rd one now with her 3 month old 2018. Other than a brake issue on her last one I don't recall any major problems. It's a proven log and deer carcass hauler unmatched by any other in it's class,lol
  4. Got another eagle in the works after getting my little carving pit cleared out from all the snow yesterday. This wasn't the original plan for this log, but I ran into a rot pocket running right down the center. Had to change the plan and go with a design that would remove that portion, and thankfully it didn't run the entire length of the log. Still lots of shaping and detail need to be added to this one but it's coming along pretty good so far. Might make this guy standing on a pile of skulls if I get brave enough and don't run into any more problems. Hoping to get a little break in the weather now to push this guy along a little quicker heading into the finish work.
  5. It's on my list of tings to do... Probably gonna need another saw before I get started on that,lol
  6. Haha- better than too late!
  7. My Chinese relatives call me "Hung So Lo",lol
  8. I had trouble moving the last one 30 yards and getting it stood on end. My imagination isn't even big enough for something that size!
  9. LOL- give me a break... let's be realistic here. Gonna be at least another week or two before I get to that level!
  10. Smartest, most challenging critter in the NY woods right there.....well.., not any more!
  11. I'm not sure yet. I put a lot of thought and planning into this one before I actually got started and I think it paid off. Probably just wait until something else inspires me like that before I decide again. I do want to carve a nice big buck, but I'll need to find the right hunk of wood for that.
  12. Thanks again guys! Dave- that's just one more reason I enjoy this stuff so much. Having the ability to make others smile and fall in love with a useless dirty old weathered log is something I still can't quite comprehend... but it happens! As happy as I am with how this one turned out, I've still got a lot of room for improvement. As you know the past few years have been a real rollercoaster for me, and I just want to say I appreciate everyone who has supported me along the way. I guess this is about the only way I know how to pay it back to those who stood beside me through some tough times.
  13. And finally, after two weeks of grueling labor... a tree gave birth to a majestic eagle! I'm pretty damn proud of this one! Thanks to you guys who followed along and encouraged me to give it my best shot! I seriously had my doubts if I'd be able to pull this one off.
  14. Since this was already one of the ideas I kinda had in mind, I decided to go with it today! My idea was actually 3 fish, but that didn't work out so well. Should be able to finish this up next time I work on it.
  15. Heading into the home stretch finishing up the eagle part of this one. Slapped on my 3'rd coat of boiled linseed oil and two coats of spar varnish so far. Got a rough tail cut out and attached before the rain started this morning and I had to pack it up.. Should be able to wrap up the bird part next time I drag the tools out and get my final coat of finish done. Then it's just a matter of dreaming up something for the base. That parts got me STUMPED for now (pun intended), but I have had a few ideas run through my head.. just not sure I can pull 'em off. Open to suggestions if anyone's got any.
  16. That's awesome mlammerhirt! Eventually I'd like to start incorporating multiple critters interacting in one carving. For now I'm just trying to perfect the individuals-haha! Got a little burn and coat of oil on this guy today. Next I'll build him a tail and figure out what I'm gonna do on the base before I seal it.
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