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Posts posted by mark3885

  1. I just put a new Hot Shot nipple on my TC Renegade .54 cal. Will I see a difference in ignition or is this just hype. What are the advantages over a standard nipple. The hot shot has a smaller flame hole and 2 holes on the sides where the cap goes , also is about 1/16 inch taller.

  2. actually throw the bore butter away. More and more people are having problems with bore butter. It will hold moisture between the barrel and the butter, causing rust. Use a good gun oil after you clean. Then store your gun barrel down stock up to keep al the oil fro going into the breech plug. Still wipe with a patch before loading. I also snap a cap or two just to be sure the bore is dry.

    You could be right on that . After a period of storage ,I run a few dry patches and find rust on the patches. I use bore butter but now its going in the trash and i'll use only gun oil. I'm cleaning my guns now and we'll see what's there in a few weeks.

  3. My property is surrounded by Amish. I saw an amish kid shoot a doe with a gun during bow season. I didn't catch the kid, but I did recover the gut shot deer the next day and tagged it. I told my Amish neighbor to put he word out that nobody is allowed on my property until the person comes to me and says it will never happen again. Nobody came forward , so no trespassing since.They only need to be told once, problem solved.

  4. Set your stand where u want if you happen to see another hunter in the other stand, tell them you are the only one with permission as far as you know according to the landowner. I'd also lock your stand. You might find out it is another neighbor that hunts there knowing that the owner doesnt care or maybe they asked years ago and the owner has forgotton. Some times its better to make friends than enemys. You may need to recover your game from another property and it would burn the bridge before it can be built.

    exactly what i was thinking

  5. White tail addict , you brought tears to my eyes. This thing called deer hunting has been with me from as long as I can remember. When my 3 brothers and I were young, my parents always took us camping and fishing every chance they could get. When we were 12, we got our first bb gun at 16 , we got our first shotgun. My father always took us small game hunting then when old enough , he took us to deer camp with all the other guys. They accepted us , we were the dogs , we helped move the deer . This is how we learned the way of the woods, how to read the terrain so as not to get lost. We all got compasses and we learned how to use them after we got turned around once or twice. I'm 54 now and only missed 1 opening day of gun season due to college but I did work the DEC check point on that day for course credit.

    All my 3 brothers have moved out of state for job reasons, but I'm still here. My wife and I bought 175 acres in the southern tier and are building our own handcrafted loghome. Hopefully in the future we all can get back together and hunt like early years on my turf. Dad turned 80 this year and is in great health , so we need to make this happen soon.

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  6. It happens to all of us , I dropped my grunt call this morning, went down and got it. Back up the tree only to knock it off the seat again after gettig situated. I didn't go back down for it. But things like this are what makes all the hunting stories, that we tell over and over at camp. and now on this forum. Its all fun , but we can't let our guard down when it comes to safety, getting in and out of our stands . Usually in a hurry and ticked off.

  7. I passed on a fork horn this morning at 15 yds, there was no big 9 behind it. He looked up at me then jumped , like I surprised him . Then just turned and walked away. I did see a doe run but didn't see what pushed it. walked out at 10:30 only to find 2 doe bedded behind my shed.

  8. I would not go in there and start cutting and changing the landscape. Deer will notice the change and avoid the area. Scouting is done in stealth mode, don't change things and don't leave your scent. Find a place to sit , get it on GPS and get in there early on opening morning. I'll bet your not the only hunter on that hill. I find the easiest way to drag a deer out is with a harness or straps that go over each shoulder , so that you pull with your body walking square to your direction of travel. Stop frequently to pick your best route .A GPS fix on where you enter the woods is good to have so you can pick the most direct route out.

  9. A new inch of snow in 9K. I stood in my stand for 4 hrs., butt stayed warm and dry.Had a fork horn follow a doe around, didnt seem like he was really interested, he was probably worried about the Bills game today. lol

  10. Get a trapper in there if you can. Hunting wont kill the numbers you need to if there indeed is an overpopulation of them.

    I hear ya , after this years deer season, I'll get somebody to trap. I know where they are coming from. The property behind mine was selectively cut and all the tree tops on top of one another gives them the shelter.

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