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Everything posted by Carbonelement
all life is precious and since you brought up the criminal, look at crime stats, how many inmates are there from single parent homes? you may be surprised! Maybe a few abortions could have stopped some crime. And all you bible huggers if a baby is so innocent why the hell do you rub some tap water on their head to get rid of the original sin they were born with? Take your rhetoric elsewhere its all a bunch of BS
belo I am with you very conservative, and yes it is not so cut and dry. I didnt take too much time in writing my post but lets face it id be here for a month explaining my pov on welfare. For the example you gave i do not think it should be necessary to snip the man. But for the hoodrat who is pumping out kids yes. I am very logical and to your surprise agree with most of your beliefs. Ants, fe·tus [fee-tuhs] noun, plural fe·tus·es. Embryology . (used chiefly of viviparous mammals) the young of an animal in the womb or egg, especially in the laterstages of development when the body structures are in the recognizable form of its kind, in humans afterthe end of the second month of gestation. yes the examples I gave could go with your choice. But its a choice, you may choose to live in a 10 million dollar home, choose to own a gun or even choose what gender of partner you like to lay in bed with. Its someone telling you you do not have the right to make a choice is my problem. Ants answer this if it's taking a "life" that bothers you, should rape victims be allowed to get abortions, because using your logic its a "life." I would hate to be your daughter! Have any of you ever spoke with a woman who had an abortion? Believe me it takes a toll on them mentally and is not just a form on contraception! like ahh who cares we can just scrape this one out like the one a few months ago. Im sure there are sick people like this but its not the norm. And Ants where do your beliefs come from about abortion? could it be religion, because as I previously stated when this great country was started it was stated to keep church and state separate. and to keep up with the posts...as far as nuking countries around the world id rather do that then have our children go over there and fight and be court marshaled for things they do. Go search a beheading on google. Thats what these soldiers could face when they go over there, i say let them do what ever the heck they want to avoid that. I truly don't think we should waste our time with the animals of the world. We got Osama so pull out, let the animals kill eachother.
you can take the lies written to control the masses and use them as toilet paper! That would be the best thing for this country. If anyone remembers this country was found on the separation of church and state. Thats why people got on boats and crossed the atlantic, to escape the oppression of the church run government.
or better yet your 18 year old daughter who was just excepted into pre-med at yale, gets knocked up now she has to let that go because you think its morally wrong? You are kidding yourself, or your son who has a one night stands with a random girl and the condom breaks...this has happened before...and the girl wants out but now they are stuck together for the rest of their lives raising a child that possibly neither of them want. Where is your logic...oh yeah...just dont have sex! hahahaha We are human and mistakes happen, thank god we live in a country where they can be rectified.
you staunch republicans want to save unborn fetus' but don't want stem cell research? I bet if it was your wife or child who you would be watching die in your arms would be all for stem cell if it could save your loved one. Or better yet your 13 year old daughter gets raped while she is in school and wants to have an abortion if you say you would not let her because you are against it...YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE CHILDREN. You have to look at the whole picture, when Piers Morgan picks only certain points your in an uproar, why can you do the same here?
my stands... I support the government in helping people who come up on hard times...working people who are now unable to work. not some ghetto rat who pumps kids out like a bunny. I know people who would leave their chemo treatments and go right to work, It can be done. These are real Americans not the leeches. I agree with people being sterilized, IMO in order to collect welfare it should be done along with mandatory drug testing. As far as the death penalty I support it when there is solid evidence. I do think our judicial system is loaded with corruption and some people are wrongfully imprisoned, but on the other hand I have always said if you are an honest hard working GOOD person it is almost impossible to be tied into murder crimes where the death penalty would be used. Further more I would like the death penalty used more frequent! all rapist should be killed as well. There is obviously a lot more to why I think the way I do. Like I have said before I am very conservative, but I do sway a bit on certain things. Abortion is one of them. The majority of republicans want to get rid of abortions but on the other hand don't want to help the poor. Something has to give...and it not praying the sperm away or telling kids not to have sex. THAT DOES NOT WORK, if it did we would not be in the predicament we are in now. Believe me i have worked my whole life and I love the results of hard work and it drives me crazy to see people who are so lazy. BUT can you blame the person who accepts the handouts...IMO NO. Blame the politicians who want to give it to everyone. I love going to work every day, but i can see the reality that some dont and if the government is going to pay them what they are making and in some cases more then they will get from going to their miserable job... WHY WOULD THEY WORK?
joseph you are a simply a little boy talking out of your behind. Probably still using a computer to get your jollies off. If you believe you can just tell teens not to have sex and they will listen you should go get your head examined. The abortion laws should be decided by the woman who make the choice. NOT A BUNCH OF MEN! To argue that why not kill children or young kids is just a joke that I and many other pro choice supporters will not even argue. Most of the time the fetus would not live if it was born premature, even weeks can put a damper on things. So how is this considered A human life? IT COULD NOT LIVE WITHOUT THE HOST ie. THE MOTHER! As grow pointed out look at the orphanages in this country and foster houses. Why put a child through that. I firmly believe if you are one to get rid of abortion you should be willing to adopt kids and be willing to pay for the children brought into this world because you stripped the mothers rights.
this is where I get a bit crazy, Why bring a child into the world that is unwanted. And who are these people to tell a woman what she can and can not do with her body. I personally think the gov supporting abortions is money well spent. it is much cheaper to abort a child then support it for its whole life. Abortions should just be simple choice, not something regulated by the government. Obviously if the government is putting money toward it they will have some say but I am pretty conservative and this I 100% disagree with. A human life is the most sacred thing in the world why, bring a child into the world if the means to take care of it are not there. And some will argue just give it up for adoption...thats another choice JUST LIKE abortion. Some are for it others against. I personally do not give a crap what these dumb religions think about human life, because throughout history all of them killed more people for the sake of their religion than they care to talk about. Any person who is against abortion is a sick human IMO. And you should mind your own business....whats next raped woman have to share custody with the rapist after she is forced to have the baby...OH WAIT that is already law in certain places in this country. Imagine your daughter or wife getting raped and she will not be allowed to have an abortion. I bet you would think differently!
my dogs used to do that with rocks in the lawn....what an expensive hobby they had!!!
if people would just use common sense and not shoot young deer it would be better. Any area that has doe permits shatters the excuse for meat hunters. Shoot the doe and let the little bucks grow up. It is obvious when you see an older mature buck...not just the rack size. I have no problem with guys shooting a 3.5 year old or older scrub buck. The thing is hunters are just lazy, they do not want to put the time in. No one here can say that yearling bucks are not the easiest deer to harvest in the woods. The practically sprint to any call and if you break the law and bait they will be on it all day. Why not pass them? Put some time and effort in and harvest mature bucks and doe? JMHO Id rather shoot nothing than a young buck. EDIT As far as the hunter who "needs" the deer meat why not just work for the amount of time you sit in the woods and not buy a hunting licensee. the money would add up and you would be able to buy plenty of meat.
Jealous of what believe me i have plenty of money to pay a dog to chase an animal up a tree i could do it everyday if i wanted
I have been hinting one spot for abt 6 years and have game cams in 6 months out of the year i see bobcats abt 4 or 5 times a year while hunting and have never gotten a gamecam pic does that mean they arent there too?
i know a few people who have seen them in Greenwich CT. That is pretty close to the spotting in Purchase. The experts say they have a range of 200 square miles...one was found dead in milford CT only 40 miles away from greenwich so i guess its not a crock. Why do you think they are morons?!?!? Because you traveled thousands of miles and spent big $$ to have a dog chase one up a tree and shoot it?
havent seen the thread in a while....you call me funny....NO truth is you bleeding heart Liberals who what the leeches of society to suck the country dry are getting what YOU VOTED for and this BS politics is what comes along with it. I was not saying that the world would be better under the Roman Empire, just making a point that when u hand out too much it slowly takes its toll until there is nothing left to give out...and of course in your liberal fashion you twist everything. Im not from NY so I could care less what your Laws are I just bow hunt there and I doubt that will change in Westchester due to the high deer population. DEMOCRATS RUINING AMERICA SINCE 1792!!!!!
what it boils down to are rights that you believe are more important than others, many of the people here voted solid democrat last november. This was your choice and I am sure you had good reason to vote the way you did an put dems in power. Unfortunately this is what comes with the left...so if you voted democrat in November you should be real happy. As far a piers morgan he picks and chooses his stats. He sits here on American TV talking about how we need to be like England. He should hop his happy english a$$ on a plane and go back if it is so great. Liberals thank you for ruining this country...the good ole days are long gone. They say history repeats look at the Roman Empire they fell because they started to take care of too many lazy people and ran out of resources...looks like we have a bright future ahead.
Best conceal carry for a women?
Carbonelement replied to nybuckboy's topic in Guns and Rifles and Discussions
keltec pf9....easy on the wallet and a great CC gun. I know they make a clip that attaches by removing the pin in the back of the gun for the 380. Not too sure if they make it for the 9 but even the 380 is enough. Only thing is when you buy them the sights are subpar at best need to be tweaked a bit, once you do that you are golden. Colt mustang is another option. I know ruger makes a small pistol either 380 or 9 not too sure i saw it the other day when i was at my bow/gun shop. -
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." lets look at the amendment, it is for the people to protect themselves from the government if there is reason to. I would love to see you go up against an H&K 416 with a remington 870 pump...good luck amigo i have given eulogies before let me know the basics and ill put something good together for you dopes.
people end up shooting their best friends and life partners by accident...whos to say it could not happen to a PITA neighbor!!!! JUST KIDDING Some people just suck id give it back to him...wait for him to need permission to recover a deer on your prop and say NO! Just make sure u take good shots from then on in
buy my Hoyt...its the 2011 carbon element with the Fuel cams...it has tthe med cam for up to a 28" draw. PM if interested EDIT***If not that new Spyder Turbo from hoyt looks like the real deal! I have heard bad things abt the Bowtechs...shot the matthews and loved them
you have to try and be as consistent as possible... i like to anchor my index finger on my cheek bone...you can move your mouth and change the anchor point...your cheek bone is not moving its always in the same spot and helps tighten the groups.
ill say it'll gross low 120s
go out tomorrow and listen for the crows and and look for buzzards im sure he is around and they will find him. At least u can get the rack...keep ur head up...Iv had that happen and all i did was shoot from a stand in my yard untill i felt that i was comfortable again sounds foolish but build the confidence back up and get get one!