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Uncle Nicky

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Posts posted by Uncle Nicky

  1. 3 hours ago, Versatile_Hunter said:

    Fine, I’ll bite.
    I’d say competence is much more important for the presidency than the ability to draw up a monster truck audience to a rally. Do you also admire the fools who camp outside big box stores for days leading up to Black Friday?

    Look, my position has never been that there isn’t a sad but receptive audience for Trumpisms. My argument is that Trump is an incompetent and self-serving buffoon and and the country (world) is better off without him in power. I like that Biden is boring. 

    Do you like $4.50 gasoline? Do you like the restriction on illegals bringing fentanyl & gang culture into our country being lifted? Do you like having a Supreme Court justice who can't define what a woman is? And do you like slowly watching the plot by his own supporters to expose his son (and his) blatant corruption & bribe-taking while he was sworn to defend & protect our country? This imposter isn't going to last the year out, and his supporters a year ago are largely silent. The charade is almost over. I cannot wait to see how the left reacts after this November, they don't even have enough support to rig another election. :D 

    • Like 9
  2. On 3/7/2022 at 10:42 AM, Versatile_Hunter said:

    If it was only about “mean tweets”, the incumbent would’ve won. But you know it was about much more than that. Legions of lifelong conservative Republicans turned their backs on the loser you for some reason continue to romanticize. 



    The "lifelong conservative Republicans" are a big part of why Washington is the way it is today...

    The average person is sick of the career good-old-boys and the pay-pay-to-play culture. More & more Republican politicians who really seem interested in working for the people & their constituents are starting to pop up. And even old Ted Cruz has done a 180 turn. Make no mistake, Donald Trump has more influence in the Republican party than any other politician today, and a Trump endorsement is a coveted credential. Tell me Professor Know-it-All, do you think tens of thousands of people would wait outside for days to attend a Mitch McConnell or Lindsey Graham rally?:mda::yes:

  3. On 3/19/2022 at 5:47 PM, Daveboone said:

    By itself it means absolutely nothing. Who gathered the information from what source? what was their agenda in supplying it? This is all really a dead horse. Even Trumps cronies are running from him for his inability to put this bs to rest. I am a lifetime Republican, and am embarassed that our parties leadership isnt being honest enough to bury this stinking skunk.
    And I wont answer/pay any attention to any further responses back to me on this.



    And it's people who think this way that got us into the mess we are in today.

    Career politicians like Boehner, Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney, Dick Cheney, the Bushes...really are no better than Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, or the squad. They aren't working for the people that sent them to Washington, they have their own agenda & pockets to fill. Which is why Washington is known as The Swamp. They never liked Trump because he wasn't scared to call them how he saw them. And worst of all is Mike Pence, he'll go down in history as the modern day Benedict Arnold.

    • Like 3
  4. Ask 100 hunters, you will get 100 answers.

    I've seen pheasant & grouse basically disappear during my stay on the planet called Earth.

    Fall turkey hunting probably has the LEAST impact on turkey numbers, but that's where everyone points the finger first. I'm convinced most fall turkeys are killed by guys that are archery hunting for deer & sling an opportunistic arrow out of boredom, and not by dedicated fall turkey hunters. 

    Predators, ESPECIALLY avian predators, are probably the biggest culprits. But it seems like trapping keeps the 4 legged predators in check, or at least helps somewhat. 

    Then there is terrain changes, farming practices, suburban sprawl, climate changes, maybe some sort of avian diseases that haven't been discovered yet......

    • Like 2
  5. Inflation & gas prices are just the tip of the iceberg, when you look at all of the things that are fundamentally wrong with what is going on today in our country. Complete dependence on China has to be the biggest problem we are facing; they produce most of the products we use today, in addition to a growing influence in the medicine we use & the food we eat. Try buying a car, lawn mower, or ammunition, in 60 years of walking this planet I have never seen anything like it. Donald Trump was on the money 100% when he said we have to cut the cord with China. They probably have a stronger military than we do now, which is a scary thought.  I honestly hope the cargo ships sink in the bay and nobody gets a shiny toy this Christmas, maybe it will be the spark that's needed to wake the masses up. But I doubt so, most are content to keep their heads in the sand waiting for things to magically get better on their own.

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  6. After 20 years on the WWW, I am tired of arguing with guys on this topic. You can kill a deer with an air rifle, 22LR, or a varmint rifle. But why do something that you know has a decent risk of failure or worse crippling an animal & feeding coyotes? As a boy my father always told me "use the right tool for the job", and that mantra carries over into hunting as well. 

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  7. Here's a novel idea....don't try to use counterfeit money, don't resist when confronted by the police, especially if you know you are in the wrong, don't use fentanyl, and you probably won't be put in a situation like this.

    Didn't we see a case similar to this 25 years ago in LA, when a man that was obviously guilty walked because "the people" decided they didn't want another riot?

    A police officer continues to kneel on a man's neck (who he knew) even though he knew he was being filmed. The man that dies was already on his way to dying from a fentanyl overdose. The officer whose career & freedom is on the line refuses to even try pleading his case? The videos I saw had a gap from the time Floyd was originally confronted until the time he had a knee on his neck. This case doesn't pass the smell test.

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  8. 3 hours ago, Northcountryman said:

    I respectfully disagree; can you explain why ? When if a single woman who’s girlfriend just experienced a home invasion and wanted to purchase a handgun for protection ; however , she knows absolutely NOTHING about firearms , hasn’t even held a gun in her life . Despite this , her record is clean and she has the cash so she is eligible to purchase one . You think that she should be able to without taking a safety course? 

    Absolutely. I'd STRONGLY advise a first-timer to stick with a revolver that absolutely won't go off without a decent amount of pressure exerted, even if dropped. But really, a handgun is no less dangerous than a hunting rifle or shotgun, they are only looked at as more deadly because they can be carried without others knowing you have it in your possession, and statistically more people are shot at by handguns than any other type of firearm. Some people aren't bright enough to operate power tools, automobiles, or even use a kitchen knife at home, but we're not looking to ban these tools for our protection. 

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  9. For now, if I was making the rules, I would say leave the laws the way they are, with the exception of loosening restrictions in a few states like NJ or NY that severely regulate handguns & concealed carry permits. Make 30-round mags in rifles legal in all states. And abolish no-gun zones & handgun bans in some of the major cities like NYC, Chicago, & DC. After this went into effect, REALLY start enforcing the current laws so that fewer people who are on watchlists or mentally impaired fall through the cracks.

    • Like 1
  10. 11 hours ago, left field said:
    11 hours ago, left field said:

    The person who makes the contention has to back it up or prove it. Grouse can't. 

    So what, we now have structured rules on a hunting forum as to how to reply to asinine comments? Like a debate team? I'll take a page from your playbook here & ask, can you please show me where this is listed in the forum rules?

    Where did I say gun control is a good idea or that the government has no intention of strengthening gun laws? I called into question Grouse fear mongering about the motivation for the government's nefarious plans. 

    I think this is called "gaslighting". While the exact words may not be typed out, it's very obvious what the government's, and your end-game here is. I don't see it as fear mongering at all, more like a very well-educated guess based on how tighter gun control typically plays out in other socialist-styled countries.





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  11. 7 hours ago, left field said:

    I don’t need to prove you wrong. That’s not how it works. 


    You come on a hunting forum, probably 99% members are gun owners, trying to convince us gun control is a good idea and that the current government has no intention on taking our rights away, even as they actively & publicly telling us that is exactly what they plan to do. That's not how this works.

    • Like 4
  12. 22 minutes ago, Robhuntandfish said:

    again we agree on everything here.  and you actually proved my point that they arent comng here for freedom of persicusion.  

    Not the current crop storming the border. They're just looking for handouts, by & large. Yes, they've been coached to use the word asylum, and I am sure they understand under the new presidency they'll get everything they hope for, & more. The world is laughing at our weakness right now.

    But talk to anyone who escaped persecution, and came here legally (I am thinking soviet Russia, China, Africa, Poland, Cuba, Cambodia, Vietnam). They understand what they left, and why they came here. Most have no desire to ever go back, unless the government they ran from can be changed. And they know that will never happen.

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  13. 8 minutes ago, Robhuntandfish said:

    i dont disagree with a single thing you said here, except maybe why people are fleeing to this country.  If youve been wathcing the border crisis people coming here are stating wealth and jobs not freedom to own a firearm.  Yes i get that they are coexistant.  

    I again am for 2A but it seems so many that are, are also blind to reasoning on the other side.  I can see why an AR is questioned by so many.  How can you not see that...

    No, I DO see that (that many who don't own guns want them abolished forever). The media has programmed these folks, I hope that some will wake up & understand history and what can & has happened before, before it is too late. We should do our part whenever possible to try & educate them, however frustrating that may be.

    The current crop of people slowly working their way illegally into our country from the south are thieves, plain & simple. I doubt most want to immigrate here & be absorbed into our culture & laws, most will head back to where they came from once they've pushed legal workers out of jobs, taken what ever free benefits they can mooch, & made enough to retire comfortably in Mexico or Guatemala. 

  14. 2 minutes ago, Robhuntandfish said:

     I actually am looking at the big picture of how people - other than a few of us- see things.  I also did not say all Semi autos.  Got to... just got to.... have a semi for ducks ..... esp with my ability. But your limited to 3 shots in the chamber anyway.   But dont i see a hunting need for an AR. A semi auto rifle with a 3/4 shot sure.  Dont need the new AR military style with a banana clip to hunt anything.  Im just saying I can see the other side of things.  If your not a gun onwer and have no need for them, then understanding why someone needs a personal M16 can be questioned.  Hell we would prob all like to have a minigun to play with but Im glad everyone doesnt.   

    And i get where everyone is coming from in being afraid of a slippery slope of what gets banned and what doesnt.  But My hunting rifle and some of these AR's being used and what they are needed for a long way apart.  If the line comes closer im not going to fear monger over it. And say 2A is gone 

    The problem becomes, once the laws are changed, they are next to impossible to reverse. Ask the people in Europe, or even worse, ask the people in third world countries what they can do to change the government. The answer is, nothing. The voting system is as bad or worse than what we are living with now.

    There is a reason why people oppressed people flee to this country, the answer is freedom. Take away the ability to resist and become impotent to change things, and we become just another weak population controlled by a corrupt handful who call themselves government. I don't know how to make this any clearer.

    • Like 5
  15. 1 hour ago, Robhuntandfish said:

    this is only partially true.  If a single shot was as effective as an M16 then why does the military not carry H&R's?  lol

    As much as we want to make this arguement it just isnt true.  If you were going to do something bad and an AR with extra magazines or a single shot and 4 pockets full of loose shells are your choices, your not chosing the single shot.  cmon.  That being said...

    I am sure Al capone would have given up a life of crime if only they had made machine guns illegal back in that day.  Lol.  Criminals will buy any gun they can get.  

    We all think its a slippery slope if assault rifles are taken away. Whether anyone can face it or not they are designed to be military weapons and are not needed for hunting of any sort, nor self defense in  a reasonable day.  Yes god forbid i said it. Just most wont admit it.  For those that own an AR - other than some target plinking and the cool factor they arent anything else.  Now i have to state i am for 2A of course and i mostly side with fighting gun regulation. Hell i would love to get a .410 AR ive been looking at, I'd love to see pistol carry be consistant and legal with all the right checks and legalities gone thru.  But i am also able to see the arguements made and the points that are made. Do i think AR's should be eliminated - Im not there yet.  Do i feel all that threatened if they do.  Not really.  There is fear mongering on the right just as there is on the left.  If i thought it would solve everything i would just hunt with my bow and actually be happy with that. And yes i know guns are to defend against an overpowerful govt etc.  I get that. Put the fear mongering aside we arent having a war against our govt or amongst ourselves.  At least im not.  

    With all due respect, I don't think you see the big picture.

    Semi-auto rifles have been available to hunt with for 100 years. No, they did they not look like an AR or AK originally and did not have a 30-round magazine, but the principle was still there. As fast as you can pull the trigger, the gun would fire. An AK or AR may not be the best rifle to hunt with in a more crowded state like NY, but they really do shine in a more open area (Texas, western states) where multiple shots at fast moving game or varmints are the norm. Put a scope on one & upgrade to a higher caliber, and you have a very accurate deer rifle. I'd prefer my AK over a handgun or shotgun in a home-defense situation any day of the week. Points fast, doesn't jam, and hits what I'm aiming at.

    Giving an inch in gun control rarely works out well. The second amendment was written so that the average citizen has a fighting chance to oppose an oppressive regime, which is the direction we are dangerously heading towards now. It's not really about home defense or hunting. The evil people taking over our country do not want us to fight back against them, they want this all to be very simple & seamless for them.

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  16. 13 hours ago, Steuben Jerry said:

    No problem Grouse. Honestly though, that’s a lot of doublespeak. If you’re talking about a 1776 type action, you’ll find few who embrace those tactics. Some of those few are waiting for their trials for the capitol incident. I’ll continue to vote Republican, sign petitions, support 2A rights groups and follow the law. Call me a FUDD or whatever, but I won’t be taking up arms against the government. 

    It really is an individual choice how far somebody is willing to go in respect to opposing any confiscation, if it ever comes to that. Announcing your beliefs or plans on a public forum really ISN'T a good idea, especially if you are willing to make sacrifices many others won't. I think we all know what Grouse is saying, or have a pretty good idea. 

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  17. 23 minutes ago, Belo said:

    You mean like the fact that kids are still in cages, someone is still stumbling while walking, mis pronouncing words and we just sanctioned china again? Yeah but at least there's not a mean guy tweeting his feelings right? 

    the hypocrisy is astounding and they can't even avoid it anymore.

    Pretty much, yes. 4 months later, and I am still trying to wrap my head around the fact that some sportsmen & gun owners actually voted for this, and aren't afraid to say so. But maybe the end-game here after smearing Trump & probably Biden next, will be to put Harris in charge. I'd be willing to say it's a pretty even bet.

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  18. 1 hour ago, Belo said:

    loss of life and other more important issues aside, these 2 recent mass shootings aren't great for our rights. The timing is bad and the pressure will be tremendous.

    I'm not a tin foil hat guy and even I'm wondering what are the chances we go months and months without mass shootings and then 2 high profile ones as these bills are being voted on?

    I was never a tin foil hat guy either, but there are so many things happening in Washington & the whole country that just defy any type of logic lately that you have to stop believing the narrative being pushed on the more popular & prevalent media stations & forums.:dontknow:

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