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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by catskillkid

  1. What are the chances that he just postioned that stand there to just get you upset. Maybe he has no intention of hunting there. That would be more devious than any comment here. Hope you and your son have a great hunt, don't let him under your skin.
  2. They are fast enough with 4 legs, now they are growing 5. Evolution is making it harder for us hunters
  3. I've been washing my hunting clothes with baking soda for 25+ years. I can't be positive that it works but I do shoot my share of deer every year.
  4. 270 may be a little light for elk, a good all around caliber is the 30 06, it has many bullet weights to choose from also.
  5. John Great pic, I like the contrast with all of those mature trees. Is that your land? It looks like those trees are close to harvest size. Soft maples? You are looking at alot of doe, I mean $
  6. Bears are more afraid of walking around the woods in the dark because of possibly bumping into a hunter than we are. Black bears are nothing to be ascared of. lol Now if we had grizzleys, that would be a different matter.
  7. Here is a cool pic that my friend's son got with his trail cam
  8. Bobcats are protected in my area of the catskills,
  9. congrats, where did you hit him?
  10. I have never seen a gut shot deer bleed from both the entrance and exit wounds. My guess is that you hit the liver. You also said the buck was bleeding dark blood which is also an indicator of a liver hit. Wait until the morning before you start your search. If you didn't push him after the hit, you should find him dead in his bed within 200 yards of where you last saw him. Let us know how you make out, Good Luck!
  11. Another trespassing predator using my food plot
  12. I don't think it is so crazy, I have been using apple juice for years. Your clothes just need washing more often, they get tacky and sticky. Shot many deer after spraying myself from head to toe. Maybe we should try putting clover in the juicer?
  13. Steve, Have you actualy tried to buy a parcel of land to hunt in upstate NY? I suspect that you have not. I hope your attitude is not typical of everyone who has not. You may want to try it some day and enlighten yourself. Most owners are very attached to thier land and care very deeply about what happens to it after they are gone.
  14. Steve, I meant what a buyer thinks is a reasonable offer. I told a friend of mine the same thing but he had the same thoughts that you do. he made lowball offers to many sellers over a couple of years. No one took him up on his offers and they never even came back with counter offers because they were insulted. His name got around in the tight knit realtor community and none of them would spend their time looking for land and working for him anymore. Guess what, he is still on the outside looking in with none of his own land to hunt. Maybe i should send him to PA. He is shooting too many deer on my place :} Most people especially farmers are very sensitive about who they are willing to sell their land to. The land probably was in their family for generations. Before I purchased our place the farmer made my wife and I come over for lunch to discuss what my plans were for the land. I felt as though I was being interigated by the CIA at Gitmo before he relized that we just wanted it for hunting and family. Now we are best of friends.
  15. Geno, NYbh understands it Like NYBowhunter said, shop, shop and then do more shopping. You are in the catbird seat right now because you do not have to buy but an owner may be in a panic to sell. Land prices are all over the place. I found that most NY realtors do not list all of thier properties in the multiple listings. They save some potential land sale opportunities for in office sales so they can get both sides of the commisions, they are called pocket listings. Don't be afraid to negotiate, some owners have been sitting on their for quite awhile now in this down market and just might jump at a reasonable offer. Just don't insult them with a lowball offer, that will turn them off to any future offer that you may make to them.
  16. Geno, I say go for it, I also had the long time desire to own my own hunting land. 12 years ago, after much searching, I found a nice piece of land in Delaware County which is only 2 hours from our principle residence. Buying it was one of the best decisions of my life. Our family enjoys it just about every weekend, it had a small run down house on it that I fixed up, just the right size to not require allot of maintenance. After all this time we still daydream all week about getting out of work early on Friday to get there. Hunting on your own place is something special. Call me crazy, but I pass up invitations to hunt the rut in Ohio and Illinois every year because I could not stand being away from my place during that time of year, even though I know that I will not see a buck near as big as in those other states. As for the peticulars, In Delaware County, someone can buy a larger parcel for around $2k per acre. Not all land is leased to a gas company, you just need to make sure of it before buying. Also if you buy in the watershed area, there will be no need to worry about gas drilling as the DEC is not going to allow it. If you buy 50 acres or more, you can do as I did and put it in the Forestry Program, this reduces the taxes on that portion of forested land by 80 percent! All costs associated with the Forestry Program are tax deductable also, i.e. trail maintenance, gravel, equipment and the purchase of a tractor. If it is your first and/or second residence, the IRS allows the mortgage interest and property taxes to be deductable also. Once the land is paid for, the timber sales pay for all of costs associated with the land and more! As I said, go for it, there is a special feeling when sitting in your treestand on the land that you own with no one to interfere with your hunt.
  17. Very entertaining thread, and I am staying out of it.
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