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catskillkid last won the day on May 8 2021

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    Delaware & Orange Counties

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  1. A few years ago I shot what I thought was a doe on opening day of southern rifle season. It had already dropped its antlers, bloody bases. Go figure.
  2. I have not used them in a few years. I like the idea of being surprised also. The deer will be there, just a matter of when and what steps out. I was in Saskatchewan a week ago. The outfitter had cams on all of his baits and showed the hunters which big bucks were coming to the individual baits. Guess what, hunters waited for the monsters and never pulled the trigger on the good bucks they were seeing. Most went home with an unpunched tag. I'm at an age now that the adventure is more enjoyable than pulling the trigger.
  3. I only have to look at poison ivy to get the rash
  4. I have been seeing many birds in our area of Delaware County also. Must have been a good nesting year.
  5. I guess I am the same age as both of you. I started hunting from the ground and still hunted with my Outers compound bow. I shot my first deer, a doe, my second year hunting. Now I pass more deer in one day than I used to see all season when I was just starting out. I also hunt Jersey and some mid-west states now. Most young hunters don't know how to read game sign in the woods. My younger and a couple older buddies only know how to sit in a tree and watch over a bait pile. They will use game cameras to see what time deer visit the bait. They then only hunt those couple of hours in the day. They don't understand how I can walk through the woods, set up in an area that I find, then see deer or kill a buck almost every time I hunt with them. I guess there are different styles of hunting, I'll keep to the old ways that I know.
  6. I was 6 years old also. I remember the funeral showing over and over on TV
  7. I had a nice buck chasing a doe around in front of me Saturday evening. So yes
  8. Congratulations, I received mine a few years ago
  9. I took everyone's advise. I harassed the crap out of it. Have not seen it in a few days. Hopefully it left a few fish behind.
  10. I woke up this morning to see some disturbance on the surface of my trout stocked pond. I anticipated that I would see a wood duck while looking through my binoculars. Damn, it was an otter swimming on the surface. I know they can clean out a pond of fish. Has anyone had any experience with getting rid of these pests without using the obvious solution. I have a lot of money invested in my trout pond, fish are not cheap to purchase, I understand otters are protected animals. Thanks
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