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catskillkid last won the day on May 8 2021

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    Delaware & Orange Counties

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  1. I only have to look at poison ivy to get the rash
  2. I have been seeing many birds in our area of Delaware County also. Must have been a good nesting year.
  3. I guess I am the same age as both of you. I started hunting from the ground and still hunted with my Outers compound bow. I shot my first deer, a doe, my second year hunting. Now I pass more deer in one day than I used to see all season when I was just starting out. I also hunt Jersey and some mid-west states now. Most young hunters don't know how to read game sign in the woods. My younger and a couple older buddies only know how to sit in a tree and watch over a bait pile. They will use game cameras to see what time deer visit the bait. They then only hunt those couple of hours in the day. They don't understand how I can walk through the woods, set up in an area that I find, then see deer or kill a buck almost every time I hunt with them. I guess there are different styles of hunting, I'll keep to the old ways that I know.
  4. I was 6 years old also. I remember the funeral showing over and over on TV
  5. I had a nice buck chasing a doe around in front of me Saturday evening. So yes
  6. Congratulations, I received mine a few years ago
  7. I took everyone's advise. I harassed the crap out of it. Have not seen it in a few days. Hopefully it left a few fish behind.
  8. I woke up this morning to see some disturbance on the surface of my trout stocked pond. I anticipated that I would see a wood duck while looking through my binoculars. Damn, it was an otter swimming on the surface. I know they can clean out a pond of fish. Has anyone had any experience with getting rid of these pests without using the obvious solution. I have a lot of money invested in my trout pond, fish are not cheap to purchase, I understand otters are protected animals. Thanks
  9. It's also called redistribution of wealth
  10. Grouse and rabbits love dense cover. I'm a big proponent of Timber Stand Improvement. I am always cutting cull trees to promote forest regeneration. I leave the tops on the ground and let brush grow up between them. Lots of grouse on my land, flushed 10 last weekend. I do think our rabbit population is in its down cycle though. Only jumped one the same day.
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