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Everything posted by Gthphtm

  1. Even 70 or over,archery and MZ loader are free but you have to apply for the They just are not sent to you unless you paid extra for them in 2009 to be added to your lifetime lic.,Also Doe permits you have to apply and tell them your first and second choice if the have them for the area you are applying for.
  2. As I said in other posts I am not going to shoot a doe this year,The heard in my area is down very low due to too many doe permits given out in the past.A good thing is the 3 points on one side an inch or more.They did decrease the amount of permits(doe) in my area this year.Yotes,Fox,woodchucks and Bobcats are on my hit list this year.There are not any rabbits,the grouse are very rarely seen any more.There are very few turkeys if any near me, and woodchucks are out every morning and evening eating everything in there path.
  3. When out this morning to see what damage if any from the wind,rain and hail we had late yesterday,found a couple of older dead tree trunks across two of the trails.Also went to do some pruning,Good thing I had the little 6 pack cooler on the atv.Gathered up about 1/2 quart of Black Berries,the bushes are loaded with them.Another week and there should be some good picking.
  4. Years ago when we hunted state land for awhile,we met some fellows from NJ,that were parked next to us.We were talking about this one big buck that saw and the saw it to nobody could get a clear shot at it.They showed us some pictures of a group of bucks in this one area in NJ,they all had huge and massive antlers.They said you only see them in this one area.Not others.To cut it short,they pinpointed it to being the water in the local stream (had it tested and it was loaded with Calcium) Good planing Growalot.
  5. I hunted from something like that once,just a temp.thing.But you shure can see a lot more from that height and that one looks as if you can be nice and comfey in all types of weather in that one.The more time you spend in the woods the more you will see.Distance is not a problem as far as getting a shot,set up markers so you know the distance and set up targets at those distances and practice,practice.There are 2 months to go in the SZ plenty of time to Practice.
  6. I would not get too excited about where thy are now,they most likley will not be there in 2 months from now. Bedding in the corn rows now does not mean they are feeding on it. A good amount of the farms near me are saying the corn crop just stinks this year,they are just going to harvest it all for silage and not try to gather up the curnarles up for feed.
  7. Shure does .The winter rye will most likely come up first and choke some of the other seed out.
  8. All depends on your bow and set up and distance.I only shoot at deer turkey's at 20 yards or less,Either compound or conventional.All of my bows are set a 50 lbs.At 28".I find that Arrow Dynamics - Traditional > With a 125 Steel Force 2 blade with 2 small bleeders work very well.I have tried every thing from custom wood to the every brand of composite arrows out there.This is what works for me.You can shoot a very light arrow and tip for speed,but it is the weight of the arrow and broad head getting the job done.
  9. Hope you plan on putting down lime and fert. also
  10. Gthphtm


    I think there quota numbers are a little high for the area where I live,even 1/2 of what they have is still too much.I have not seen that number of deer per sq. mile unless the have some one sitting in one of the farm fields early in the morning and evening counting deer..
  11. Haa,haa .I that just struck me funny,chickens with no heads running around and some still kackeling.When I was a little kid,my mother would leave me at my grandmothers,when she would go to work.She had a few different type of chickens both meat and layers.Also milk cows.She sold milk,eggs and meat.The meat chickens were de headed on a wooden chopping block and set free to die.
  12. Yea had that happen 2 years ago 8 stiches later in the ER.SH happens Just sharpened the chain too. Where are these tornatos Ect. they are talking about?. Just rain here and hot and humid now.
  13. This is a good example of what I have been doing for years,just told this to a friend yesterday.I only hunt my own property.I am out there just about every day doing something weather permitting,with my tractor or atv with a small trailer behind it,with my buddy the 100 lb. lab.I think the deer just get use to us traveling around all year.I do not hunt in my food plots,I hunt near them Last year I rode up to a spot I was going to post that day with my atv with my buddy on it,we parked near the spot walked to it and sat there until noon, to our left were 4 does bedded down, during the morning they would get up brouse a little and lie back down,a little after noon we got on the atv went to the house had lunch,went backup on the atv rode past where they were bedded,turned around went back to where we were in the morning,they got up again walked around and bedded down until around 3:30 PM then the got up and walked down hill to the food plots and started to brouse.No bucks showed up and we waited till sunset and left they were moving from plot to plot which are all small and we rode past them with with out them being spooked at all.
  14. Just as ants said,next mix eggs and a small amount of milk,dip slices im milk/egg mixture both sides,now dip in bread crumbs,a good heated frying pan with heated olive oil,just enough so the egg plant does not stick to the pan,brown both sides.Yummy.Next I put in the toaster oven the browned egg plant add some tomato sauce and parm. cheese or parm. cheese a slice of tomato and a slice of onion Yummy.Heat until the cheese just melts.
  15. I am so very tempted to put a bear trap on one deer trail on my property simply because the same AH every deer hunting season walks the same trail with his dog right past 2 trees on either side with yellow posted sines.Proberly some local youkle that will say well my grandfather hunted here,my father hunted here Daa.They are not paying the taxes on my property so,they are not helping me with clearing areas and planting food plots,Just shooting deer ,gutting them and skinning them on my property.Most likley a doe that they do not have a permit for.
  16. I have a number of bows for sale.Reason need to get a new heart,bad back and a pulled muscle.They are all very well taken care of and almost as new condition. All bows are Right Handed. #1 Mathews MQI set at 50 lbs at 28" ,drop away rest loop on string,sights and stablizer + carbon arrows. $300.00. #2 Arcadian woods,Tree stick,1 piece,reflex / deflex ,59 lbs. at 28". $ 300.00. #3 Black Widow, Long Bow,1 piece,LAG,68" long.50 lbs at 28" Long Autumn Grey.$ 500.00 #4 Black Widow,Recurve, 1 piece,PSR X,58" 49 lbs.at 28".$ 500.00 All of the above prices are firm. If interesded E - Mail me at [email protected] Please no hackers and scamers, The police will be notified.As in the past.
  17. Lookin good,I was thinking of building one the only problem I have is that my 100 Lab loves to come and sit with me.He will sit there all day with out a peep out of him.We had deer walk 20 feet in front of us and he will not spook them at all.He does not climb lattres,stairs would be a project in it self.I was thinking of a trap door in the floor with a block and tackle on the roof rafters and one of the safety rescue vests to put around him and haul him up.
  18. That's the only thing I miss about L.I. and my beach buggy.
  19. Yep we have timber rattlers where I live.Tread Lightly.
  20. The way I see it correct me if I am wrong,But most of the younger generation sat in front of there TV filling there faces and if they were watching hunting programs,would see the giant racks being taken in Texas,Iowa and the other states.When they get to go with one of there parents or who ever,they most likley get frustrated or board,because they are not seeing the deer that they see on TV.And to get to that type of deer around where I live You have to be in very good shape because there are many a steep hill to climb to get to them.It is not the lack of land there is plenty of DEP land around where I live and State land,just that some of it is rough country.No ATV or UTV's allowed. .
  21. You better clean that ground up real good before hunting season.The were a lot of people that got fines for that around here last year.Even though you cannot see any on the ground the deer will keep coming back to the same spots looking for more feed.
  22. I thought he was going to say who is a-------.
  23. Grouse I am on the other side of a mountian from you twards Roxbury all we had was 90degrees today and no rain.Guess were on the wrong side.
  24. The Ethanol free fuel that VP Racing fuel sells there SEF smells just like there racing fuel.The premixed Stihl does not.I live up in the hills no large lakes with marinas that have ethanol free fuel.Next time I go down to NJ or Pa I will have to take a 5 gallon can with me and keep an eye out for one.
  25. I tried them for a short time,The arrows that were pass threws were buried in the leaves couldn't find them,the ones that were not were broken off and laying on the ground .I do not hunt till sunset any more so they would not help me.
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