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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Gthphtm

  1. Just went outside for about 20 minutes to cut the stuff that is going to seed on what is left to the front lawn.My butt is soaked from just sitting on the seat of the riding lawn mower.Weather channel said it is 86 my two thermometers on the shady side of the house read 90 degrees.
  2. Pygmy,Your right about the bunghole knife that is the first thing I bought it for and it works good.
  3. I carry one all the time one of my years of buying ,el chepo in the tractor tool box,little 2" Schrade folder in dress pants,either my lerterman multi tool or my 2 - 1/2" benchmade depending on what I am doing that day. In my back pack for hunting I have my 6"Schrade Old Timer for cutting bone if I have to,My 4" Benchmark and 6" dexter filley knife for opening up the cavity and gutting.
  4. Got my last plot in before the leaves came out on the trees,nothing big on my property this one is about 50' x50' it is doing pretty good because there are enough large trees around it to shade it.This week I have been riding around in the woods and lifting or pulling out young trees and brush with the JD.As I rode past that plot on the way back to the house there was mom with her 2 young ones with spots still on them eating .Now you cannot tell me that the time and effort is not worth it,after seeing that.
  5. Gthphtm

    Who would

    After living where I do now full time for the last 10 years I have seen the heard decline in numbers and size.The amount of Unessary doe permits that were handed out 5 years ago and later rely did a a job on them + the jacking that goes on.Still a few active farms around and they get there nussince permits every year.There are not any 3 year or older deer around any more.that I can see.So with that no more does for me and only an 8 pointer if one comes in range.
  6. The detachable mag. is a plus.Looks good.
  7. Nice ,just hope they take the same route threw hunting season .I had one from when it was a spike to a 10 pointer that would show up every year 1st. week of archery season (the old season) would hang around for a few days in the same spot, then he was gone for another year.I am pretty sure I will not be seeing him this year.Heard some talk about someone getting him.
  8. Since you have a Ruger 10 -22 have you considered there M77 Standard in 308 caliber with there wood stock.I have had just about every brand out there threw the years and the better grades a the Remy. 700 BDL and the early Win.Model 70's also a few custom made ones.Ruger has been around a very long time and for the price you can't go wrong.I bought one of there M77 22 Magnums and was amazed at 100 yards I am putting 5 shots inside of a dime size circle.I would stay away prom plastic stocks they might be lighter the wood but the are noiser in the woods.As far as I am conserened the only good plastic stock is the H&S Precision stock.
  9. And this just JULY what will we be it store for Next month AUGUST?.
  10. As Elmer said sooner or later you will learn to place each shot at a different spot on the target.It is not just the arroiw if using carbon arrows you just ruined a broadhead also.
  11. All the gasoline we get here in the northeast at the gas pump has ethanol in it.VP sells a Small Engine Fuel ( No Ethanol ) it comes as straight 94 octane,Or pre mixed with 2 cycle oil in it.But it is not cheap.Another way to go is use regular pump gas and put in the ethanol treatment that Stabil sells and at the end of the what ever season drain the tank and put in the stuff that Stiel sells it comes in pre mixed 1 quart cans and run the engine with that in it for awhile.That is as they claim keeps all of the seals and gaskets from getting ruined,
  12. Gthphtm


    When uncle had his farm the racoons destroyed a good amount of his crops every year and very little damage from the deer.
  13. Way back when I got my small and big game hunting lic. It was a 1 buck per year and 3 people to a party permit for a doe.We were young and put our time in hunting sunrise to sunset.We all had meat in the freezer every year.Did not have an archery or MZ. stamp.Although I shot long bows and recurves since I was 10 years old.Shot targets and Rats at the local land fill.It was not till 25 years later that i got my Archery cert.I think the antler rest. are a good thing,Look how it improved the heard in PA.And yes I will only shoot 1 buck a year and have not shot a doe in 5 years. For myself I see no need for more meat.
  14. I am selling all of my bows because of age and another back injury.One just happens to be a Matthews MQ1,it is set for 50 lbs.@ 28 " might go a little more then that.Has a drop away rest,string loop,carbon arrows.Not going to give it away.2 Black Widows 1 long bow and 1 recurve both 59 lbs. @ 28". 1 Arcadian woods Tree Stick.also 50 lbs. @ 28"All are Right Handed.
  15. Yep That was the plan,turn it over and plant.
  16. Went to check out my little buckweat plot and when I got to it all of the tops were eaten off,they did't even get a chance to flower.
  17. I use both of above mentioned except 22's which I just carry the box of 50.I found threw the years not to leave the rounds in the leather ones the corrode after time.
  18. It is a real shame .The rough waves do pop up on the LI sound,I ran into it once on my way out in my 16 footer.Had a heck of a time trying to turn around.But I did TG.Another story on the sound west end near Sands Point.in the 16 Footer two bass rods live lining bunker ,I look to my right and Here comes a 40'+ sail boat all of the sails out with people sitting with there legs hanging over every side with champane glasses in there hands.The AH at the helm Never made an attempt to turn,I got me knife cut the two lines and thank God the engine started right up and I got out of the way just in time.And That was around 1:00 PM on The 4th. of July.
  19. Nice pictures,be cautious,we all know deer love to eat bird food.Last year the DEC was handing out tickets for bating in my area like more then the norm..
  20. Down there and in the bordering counties there is starting to be an over population of Bears.Look at the Bear take last year and the year before in the near by counties.If the police Did Not charge him with anything, that must tell you something.We have bears in our town also,it was starting to be a problem,the farmers and bee keepers got permits and cut there population down a bit.I have fired a few rounds also to chase them away from my house, and not meaning to hit them.When you start loosing live stock or pets to them it becomes a problem.
  21. Not uncommon to see folks carrying a side arm,357,40 or 45 caliber in areas with bee hives or sides of a hill with plenty of caves and dens.Transfer stations or stores with dumpsters.
  22. I do not use any chemicals a small piece.I just turned the ground over with a shovel cleaned some of the weeds out mixed some dry cow manure in and put the seeds around an inch deep watered them and they are up around 3" now.That was about 2 weeks ago.The farmers fields that they did less than a month ago are up around 1 foot now.
  23. Make sure there are no moving branches or tall plants near the camera,there movement from the wind will trigger off the camera also shadows from trees during sunrise and sunset.
  24. Put the seed in a bucket and use your hand to broadcast the seed,lime and fertalizer in small areas,just did a 50' x 50' area like that last month,came up and growing good.For larger areas I use a walk behind spreader.
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