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Posts posted by bowaholic

  1. My girlfriend and I went shed hunting yesterday for a couple hours. When we got back to the car I had two ticks on me, one on my pack and she had two on her. So much for the cold killing them! In all my years of hunting fishing and trapping I've only ever had one tick on me ever. Gives you the creepy crawlies knowing there is that mew tick super disease that gets you sick within minutes of being bit and is crazy deadly....

  2. my uncle had problems with it.  tried phone first, put info in then nothing.... tried on line and it said that the tag number did not exist.... he then called a third party number and it said that it went through.  said it was over an hour process

  3. Well good for you. Make your opinion and move on. The only time an argument comes up or a couple children put posts on that really shows their intelligence,like the rat does is when facts are shown to prove how two faced they really are.  If you dont like the post then stay away from them. Pretty simple!


    Throwing the two faced flag on this comment.... you don't like some posts (aka mine about the guys hunting my drive a couple weeks ago) and you wouldn't stay away from it until it was shut down... someone ruffles your feathers and you go off the deep end with assumptions and name calling and degrading of others on here.  Literally my only post on this topic because I don't want to be called a two-faced child who puts post on that show my intelligence

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  4. I used the LeverRevolution this year and dropped a doe with it.  150gr.  Shoots very well with this ammo, did notice that the primers have a small dent in them from the ballistic tip while in the tube.  hope my lever gun doesn't turn into a double barrel O/U one of these days haha

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  5. What do I have to do to get this topic deleted?  started out me talking about how bad hunters did a disrespectful and unsafe thing yesterday and blew up. Now its a show of trash posts. It started out with very good conversation then shifted to !

  6. If your the god of all deer hunters you should know that a mature WILD buck can only be 100inches depending where you hunt. We don't dump hormones and man made feed down their throats so off FSW. We hunt WILD deer fair chase. Go bang a caged in doe.

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  7. All he said was you must hunt in an area where people encroach on  hunts. Stop being a douchbag and hijacking threads and throwing personal jabs. For  sake how old are you? Grow up and act like an adult.

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  8. My god this is my second topic in a row that FSW has brought Biz into it just to bash him....I'm going to say it whether I get in trouble or not..... grow  up!!!! Biz I have no issue with you but why the hell don't you two just pm back and forth. I'm sick of it!!!!! Jesus!

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