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Posts posted by BBDEric

  1. It was an opening day to remember. A story I hope will be told to my kids and grand kids!!! Me ,my brother, and my dad shot three awesome bucks opening day of gun. Two on the new property some members may be familiar with the trespassing and hunter harrassment we delt with. The other a true Monster my dad took at the family farm. The hours spent trimming apples, planting food, putting up posted signs paid off. We spend hundreds of hours off season and man it paid off.

    My brother was first to pull the trigger at 7:20am. He had this nice 8 come into a mock scrape we set up on Thusday near an apple orchard.  

    I shot my buck at 1:15 from the frozen tundra deep in our woods lot. Set up in the pines thinking with the snow the does would be bedded. Also playing the odds someone would bump deer to me. I saw nothing till 1pm. A doe came in and she actual worked the mock scrape I set up on Thursday. She peed and rubber her legs and spun in a slow circle 4-5 times with here tail up. She did this for 10 mins. I look over where she came from when I saw movement. This big heavy 10 came slow walking right on here track. I shot him turned and shot the doe. 

    My dad was set up over our food plots. Corn , clover, brassica blend. He was seeing does all over the field and hedge rows all day. At 3:30 this monster buck walked out dogging does . When he stopped at 100 yards dad put him down. No history with this buck. He grossed just over 160. 


    Unreal day in the woods, but very special for all of us. 





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  2. Wanted to resurrect this post. It was a great year at the new property. Very glad we worked threw the trespassing and the threats. Put up 200 posted signs. Spoke with all the neighbors. Thanks to all the members you gave advise on this last year. I think we know why everyone was upset it got bought. 



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  3. Here is entry. They live a long time on one lung...glad I didn't push him amd with temps in the low 30s it all worked out. 

    Buck came in kind of sneaking by me. When he got downwind he stopped for a split second ready to bolt. He was slight quartering and felt like I made a good shot considering the angle. But you just never know it happens so fast. 


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  4. 3 minutes ago, landtracdeerhunter said:

    Went with your gut feeling. Terrific!  

    Hard decision. I have a hand full of guys. Rain stopped by 9pm so we new blood trail if any wasn't going get worse over night. Let's hop the totes left him alone. 35 degrees here. 

  5. Ok hit a good buck with x bow at 4:30. He was slight quartering to me. I'm shooting 1 3/4 expandable.  Pass threw. I could see my hit sight when he stopped and stood. Right behind shoulder. Maybe 2-3 inches. Good height slightly below center.  I expected it to go threw him. Arrow has dark blood and light blood absolutely drenched.  But also has guts. I think one lung liver guts. I grabbed arrow and walked the other way to road. Never looked for blood or where I last saw him. He stood for a second wobbly and the out of sight. Didn't slow walk or hump up just lunged forward. Calling for rain over night. Do I go back in 5 hr ssd's or wait till am. I just dont want to bump him. Knowing I got liver for sure based on arrow. Help me threw this!!!!

  6. 16 minutes ago, The_Real_TCIII said:

    Congrats! Do me a favor and let me know if you hit a rib, I'm curious as to why she just walked off with a double lung hit. I think the difference between taking off like shot out of a cannon and walking off is hitting a rib

    Clean pass threw.  Shooting reaper 1 3/4 expandable. It's odd she walked off she did run a couple bounds then walked right down path where she died. It was 3 rib from back and out just before shoulder. 

  7. 3 hours ago, BBDEric said:

    Stuck a doe . Shot looked good she walked off looking hurt. Quartering away few inches behind leg. Arrow sounded good. Going give here an hr before I look for arrow. She was at 20 yards.

    Well double lunged her. She fell just out of sight. In fact made it about 60 yards down the mower path to the parking landing. You can see she died 40 yards from the truck . Easy track job and easy load!!!! Big old doe!!!! I have one doe tag left but with 2 in the freezer it's time to find some bone.  



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