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  1. Thanks a lot ! I used to work on cattle ranch , so i do love nature . But I had to move to NYC , it pretty upset me . I am trying to have some outdoor activities to keep myself happy during I am in the city . Thanks a lot again !
  2. You are right , i may just stay cool with fishing , hope i could go back to Wisconsin and hunt with my friends who live over and with a lot of hunting experience . I don't expect to get anything from hunting , I like archery , that is the reason I want to hunt . Do you have any suggestion? I just want to go into wood with my friends and have some fun , is it good idea start with small game , like squirrel .
  3. What ?! But i was told that there were lot of wild pigs out there~ . I have been to Proline and Queens archery , everything was good over there , people were nice , just too crowd there . You mentioned about a out door archery range at Floyd Bennett Field , is it a public park ? I don't think NY state allow anyone practice on public places.
  4. I never hunt in my life , i got my first bow at couple months ago and took the hunter' education and going to take bowhutning education at 13 . April . Before the dear hunting season come, I want to go out there and take some wild pigs for practice . I live in NYC , so long island may be the first place i go to hunt .
  5. How to start to hunt ?

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