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Posts posted by kevinwindwalker

  1. Squirrels are tough for archery.  A deer moves an inch and you'll still hit it.  A squirrel moves an inch and it's a clean miss.  But if you're good, you can do it.  There are guys on here that has done it before.  If you shoot down on them from up top, you only need field tips or blunt (small game) tips.  If you're shooting up at them, you'll need flu flu arrows.


    I'm not telling you to stay away from the woods.  I'm saying go in there with realistic expectations and enjoy nature.  Don't get discouraged if you don't see deer right away.  Real hunting is potentially going through the whole season without seeing any deer in range at all.



    Thanks a lot !  I used to work on cattle ranch , so i do love nature . But I had to move to NYC , it pretty upset me . I am trying to have some outdoor activities to keep myself happy during I am in the city .  Thanks a lot again !

  2. It is a public park but your can not just show up and shoot any where whenever you want.  There is a specific archery range there and you can only shoot with it's open and supervised.  You also need a permit which I can't remember but it's something like $150 or so for the year plus it's really for your car so only one person needs to get the permit and all your friends can pack into the same car.  You need the car permit though.


    "Archery is offered year round. Call 718-338-3799 for archery permits for Floyd Bennett Field."


    A lot of hunters watch hunting shows and they get this idea that they just walk into a forest, see a deer within 1/2 an hour, shoot it, and bam!  Dinner is served.  They don't realize that in reality, it takes months of prep work and tracking, years, of experience in reading the signs before you can successfully hunt a deer.  Yes, sometimes people get luck and a deer falls right in front of them but that's rare and not a product of their skill.  I just see a lot of new hunters go into hunting with these unrealistic expectations and then they give up because those expectations are not met.


    You are right , i may just stay cool with fishing , hope i could go back to Wisconsin and hunt with my friends who live over and with a lot of hunting experience . 


    I don't expect to get anything from hunting , I like archery , that is the reason I want to hunt .  


    Do you have any suggestion?   I just want to go into wood with my friends and have some fun , is it good idea start with small game , like squirrel .

  3. Welcome fellow NYC hunter.


    Check out ProLine and Queens Archery both out by Flushing.  You can also shoot in Floyd Bennett Field but there won't be a skilled instructor there to help give you tips.  ProLine probably your best bet.


    Bow hunting is one of the hardest and highest form of hunting.  Hope you don't get discouraged starting out on hard difficulty.


    But if you're going to start your practice on wild pigs then you won't get any practice at all.  There are no wild pigs in NY state.



    What ?! But i was told that there were lot of wild pigs out there~ .  I have been to Proline and Queens archery , everything was good over there , people were nice , just too crowd there .


    You mentioned about a out door archery range at Floyd Bennett Field , is it a public park ? I don't think NY state allow anyone practice on public places. 

  4. I never hunt in my life ,  i got my first bow at couple months ago and took the hunter' education and going to take bowhutning education at 13 . April .    Before the dear hunting season come, I want to go out there and take some wild pigs for practice .     I live in NYC , so long island may be the first place i go to hunt . 





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