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  1. thax for the reply. ya i misread. thought it was 1500 total a week, not the 2500 a season. i found someplace else. i prob will forfit my number , any deer left after day 2 , i would think they are pushed off the properties after the orange army pounds the groud
  2. this is my first yr applying my number is 1563 i have to report on dec 19th at 930 am i have a few questions , i hope someone can help me, feel free to send me a msg if you wish how many reservations are avail each day with my number im assuming its safe to say i wont be afield until at least wed the 9th . thoughts the entire process confusses me, i am allowed to take someone else with me under my number and vise versa any otehr info you can shed on the selection process woul dbe helpful.....also standby...just some idea how it works. thanks in advance
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