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    S&W AR-15
  • HuntingNY.com

ronnied113's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. AR 15's are NOT Assault Weapons- If they're meant to massacre humans, why aren't the millions of legal semi-automatic owners going out and killing people? I and my gun club members target shoot and HUNT with them. We hunt deer, wild pigs and coyotes with them. So does the rest of the country. I was glad to hear of the multi-million dollar lawsuit against the elemetary school for NOT PROVIDING SECURITY AGAINST KNOWN INSANE MURDERERS THAT HAVE BEEN MASSACRING OUR CHILDREN IN THEIR SCHOOLS FOR OVER 10 YEARS! It's about time the schools are held accountable for their INSANE AND CRIMINAL LACK OF ACTION! Make our schools safe from murderers- armed guards for every school-public assemblies for education on bullying!Monitor Facebook! Our degenerating American society is the problem- PORN, SUPPORTING WOMEN MURDERING THEIR BABY'S IF THEY SO CHOOSE, SEX TV, "F**** AS COMMON LANGUAGE ALLOWED IN PUBLIC PLACES AND AROUND CHILDREN, our own Governor Cuomo desecrating the sacrilege of marriage by openly shacking up with his girlfriend and also supporting the right of woman to murder the babies they're carrying (what an example for our children). CLEAN UP THIS CESSPOOL! Edited for language. Please do not curse on the site, rules here: http://huntingny.com/rules
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