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sits in trees

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by sits in trees

  1. thats why i love it when some nitwit will tell some kid or older guy, AAHHH you dont need a crossbow kid you can hunt with a 35 lb bow in NY? low poundage bows are like swimming with cement blocks tied to yer feet.
  2. zo, i zee you ver ahprehented by za Geshtapo, yaa? you ver lucky you vernt shot on site!
  3. i could never understand the part about "i take head shots to save the meat"? when you put a shot thru the lungs rifle or bow you are not destroying anything in the way of edible meat anyhow? just gotta aim right behind the shoulder. i mean yea if the ribs were like pork ribs i might be taking head shots too, but they aint and i wouldnt feed them to my dog.
  4. the whole you have to scout thing on state land is way overated, once rifle season starts everything you scouted pre season will change, ive found the best way to hunt state land is find areas where you can post that give you a nice open field of view for a couple hundred yards if possible, ledges, hilltops, etc and snipe em as they are passing thru. get good with yer rifle, shoot out to 200 yds when at the range. after rifle season gets into its 2nd week then its time to pattern again.
  5. i have taken several nice deer on SL, bucks and doe and have seen some nice deer taken on state land. mostly during rifle season and yes mostly by pure luck. i hunt my own property in Ulster but during rifle that can become boring so i head over to nearby SL just for the vastness and being able to hunt without having to see the same patch of land for as long as i like to hike. i try never to head in walking down hill, always flat or slightly up hill. you can own 200 acres and even that will become old hat after hunting it for a while, SL give me the chance to hunt thousands of acres and a differant thousand acres every year if i so choose. alot of hunters missing out on some great hunting and then sit there and cry about awwwaaa no place to hunt when in fact NY is covered in SL..and we as hunters have paid for most of it.
  6. the japanese love their whale meat, but that show whale wars is a blast, those people have guts and do some crazy arsed stuff out there on the high seas..
  7. for me the only turkey season is spring, also fall is for bowhunting deer.....
  8. Oh Yea ole Docteur of DOOM! seems like i can clearly remember you telling many a poster on this site about how they are WRONG on many a subject ??? i like the way you play yourself to be this open minded live and let live kinda hunter when in fact you are nothing more than a "it's my way or the highway" hard head. and the anti hunting hate club you belong to "NEW YORK Bowhunters inc proves that.
  9. i dont hear anyone talking about crossbows being crap, but i have heard you compare crossbows to rifles, laser beams, and ICBM's.
  10. its an 80lb bos set at 78lbs? might not b that far off.
  11. i've hunted Ulster county for close to 40 yrs and dont see all this poaching you are talking about, or do i see how crossbows will promote poaching?? unless your talking about Ulster England or something, who the hell knows what the Brits do over there when it comes to hunting, oh yea 40 horses chasing one fox, gotta be the other side of the pond your talking about?
  12. well i think we as hunters should have the right to hunt with a crossbow during archery season if we so choose to, seems like quite the double standard for someone who preaches "dont tread on me" there sir?? or are other peoples rights only OK if you say so???
  13. have someone text me or try to call me, thats why my cell phone is off when im in the woods..
  14. Hog-A-Mania with a splash or Media Sensationalism perhaps?
  15. i dont know, i have to say this whole bow tuning thing has been made to be way over complicated. i have owned atleast 20 some bows since the early 90s and have set up dozens of newbies bows, just did my son in laws last weekend. i have a few basic tools from around the house, and can have a bow setup in an hour. guys get way too into it with paper tuning, trying all kinds of gizmos that do absolutely nothing for you and worst spending all kinds of time adjusting this timing that. i say get your bow and square it up and spend that time shooting/developing your form instead. i paper tuned a bow once about 20 years ago and by the time i was done the damn was so out of kilter it was useless, havnt paper tuned one since and i can hit a pie plate at 50 yards with just about anyones bow that is the right draw lenght.
  16. i have to question the access to hunting land theory, if you look at the NYSDEC state land interactive map theres a whole lotta green on there..in the last few decades NY has added probably close to a million acres of state and forest preserve land for us to hunt on.
  17. could also be with the advent of the "soccer mom" who feels its necessary to keep their little darlings busy 24/7 running from soccer to softball, then karate to dance class, end every other freakin activity imaginable theres just no time for alot of todays kids to get out and hunt???
  18. for the guy's who are still trying to make a huge distinction between crossbows and vertical bows...
  19. funny how someone will think something is gospel just because it shows up on a you tube video. you would be very hard pressed to get that kind of group shooting from a treestand at even 50 yards, unless i can witness the arrows flight to the target clearly im a none believer. i have shot the tac-15 at 60 yds off a bench and grouped 3.5 inchs indoors. secondly the tac-15 doesnt even fall into the legal category for crossbows in NY state. so Doc you can stop having your usual anxiety attacks about hunters roaming the woods by the hundreds with tac-15s, night vision, and all those other scary things.
  20. http://www.wwnytv.com/news/local/94850539.html with over 1/2 a million hunters in our state if even 1/2 of us could get one kid hooked imagine the difference that would make. probable a pipe dream, too many guys would just as soon chase a kid off their land instead of asking them if he wanted to hunt it.
  21. average age of a NY deer hunter is now about 50 yrs old..could this be the reason that there seems to be so little in concern about the future of our sport. if your a 60 yr old hunter and your kids don't hunt whats the real incentive to get more hunters into the woods, right? i could be wrong and no one will ever admit it but after reading probably 100s of thousands of hunting forum posts this is the feeling i get from alot of the older guys. who knows maybe it's just the natural progression of our species and its our time to go the way of the dinosaur...
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