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sits in trees

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by sits in trees

  1. so what does it matter how it is cocked? i thought your biggest issue was that it is ALREADY cocked when game approaches????????hey i'm as strong as an OX, wether i kill a deer with a 100lb compound bow or a crossbow that is auto cocked whats the differance, do i have to prove my strenght to anyone when i hunt, is that what this is all about, you gotta have big enough muscles, ROTFLMAO!!!!!
  2. The point is that while everyone whines about crossbows, only NYB actually does something for those who need help. I'll bet the vast majority of those who say they "need" a crossbow to continue to bowhunt, or return to bowhunting, could be helped by the equipment and the programs that NYB has put in place. Perhaps they don't really want to bowhunt, after all......they just want to crossbow hunt? so explain what the hell is wrong with someone who just wants to crossbow hunt????????man you live in a fog dude ;D ;D ;D
  3. NYB protects bowseason and bowhunters. They are the collective voice of bowhunters in NY...whether you like it or not. your wrong
  4. you see what you anti x-bow guy's are going to eventually have to realize is hunting and hunting season is for the people of NY, and no matter how much it may frost your balls when the people of NY state decide to include crossbows in archery season your going to have to deal with it in your own little way. you may wanna give up the sport or see a shrink or put a gun in your mouth, whatever it is your going to have to deal with it the same way thousands of other hunters in other states have had to deal with it. we have 100s of thousands of people who take part in NY's hunting seasons and it sure looks like the majority is strongly leaning to full inclusion sometime in the near future. face it your surrounded, PA, NJ, etc, etc....it is just a matter of time, it might be a year or two or maybe 3 or 4 but it's going to happen and it will be good for the sport of hunting in NY, just like it has proven to be good for every other state that has adopted full inclusion. you anti wingnuts will see that full inclusion will be alot less painfull than the frenzy you have worked yourselves into fighting it. you will see that the sky has not fallin and who knows you might even be able to enter the woods again and enjoy the sport that belongs not to any individual but to the people of NY. hunting is not "yours" or "mine", and it certainly doesnt belong to the New York Bowhunter assc.
  5. hey Fasteddie, no doubt a nickname givin to you by a women in your life to discribe*%#@**^ well you know... :D :D
  6. There really is no need to explain that you are a total jerk. Your posts speak for themselves, and I'm sure everyone has already spotted your anti-social mental defects and the fact that your warped personality really has nothing to do with crossbows or any other hunting issues. You merely join these forums as an opportunity to be rude without any consequences. Heck, I recognized that messed up personality a long time ago. You really don't have to restate the obvious. hey DOC where you been?? i've missed you man!!!! hey the "JERK" comment is alittle on the testy side but glad to see you back :D :D .now lets get down to business, tell us all again how crossbows will end civilized hunting for all of us and how the woods will be over run by Hells Angels and Pagans riding their Harleys, and possibly NY Mafia types walking around the woods in suits shooting crossbows at anything that moves, ROTFLMAO!!!!!!come on tell us, tell us Doc??
  7. so now there is something wrong with making money????sounds like another "COMMIE" anti hunter to me..
  8. man i can't wait to dance on the faces of DUHALOT, SPIKER, TURDSLINGER when our day comes. it is inevitable and they know it.......true sportsman will have their day and the above emntioned worms can crawl back into their holes...
  9. First half of October. there you go hoping again..... "YOUR RUT", " YOUR DEER" during "YOUR BOW SEASON". pompous anti hunters like yourself won't be the ones making those decisions...
  10. Crossbow Magazine is starting production on its new TV show. The show will be 100% crossbow hunting for big game. It will be sponsored by TenPoint Crossbow Technologies and The American Broadhead Company. Episodes will be aired on the Sportsmans Channel.......did you hear that anti hunting crossbow Nitwits, the "SPORTSMANS CHANNEL".. :P
  11. Either Sits is off his meds or he's taking too many of them . His "babbling" has been annoying . very true, most anti hunters do find me very annoying, likely due to the total lack of respect i show them. just the way i like it.
  12. yea they more than likely read your Bolshevik sounding ramblings and laughed their arses off :D i pick tings up and i put dem down.. i pick tings up and i put dem down.. i pick tings up and i put dem down.. i zee da slob hunters and i buy zee landt.....i zee da slob hunters and i buy zee landt... i gotta say Growalot your a corker and do a bang up job of keepin everyone here laughing, LMAO :D :D
  13. he suffers from Turrets, and also suffers some type of delusional disorder from spending way too much time with himself...
  14. i'm a hunter, we don't deal with anti's or people who wanna do things to hurt our sport in NY state. like i stated before, no more half measures, we already got that, it's gonna be full inclusion so all sportsman in NY have the right to use a crossbow if they choose to during archery season.the days of hunters accepting "NYB's inc" ideas of comprimise are done, a disability permit that requires a hunter to be a quadriplegic and blow thru a tube, I MEAN REALLY!!....now a lame law that allows crossbow hunters to enter the rifle woods with a piece of archery equipment "WOW WADDA DEAL? ??? ? we're just following the same route every other state followed to full inclusion, a couple of 1/2 measures of acceptance at first, which is the way lawmakers do things, but that is only temporary. we wont rest till we are shooting "YOUR BUCKS" with our crossbows in archery season......
  15. here's a couple of the guy's who the anti crossbow nudniks are sooo threatened by...
  16. I am sure you are for them....if they would help you take a deer. i never had a problem filling my tags bow or gun, and thats why hunters (including me) entering the woods with crossbows is absolutely no threat to me or most successful hunters in our state.
  17. i finally figured out who you are!!!!your the "I PICK THINGS UP AND I PUT THEM DOWN" guy.judging by your repeated, "I SEE SLOB HUNTERS AND I BUY ZEE LANDT"...I SEE SLOB HUNTERS AND I BUY ZEE LANDT" statements, i'm sure your him!!!! :D ROTFLMAO!!!
  18. So if the majority wanted baiting legalized...you OK with that? How about poison pods? Or jacklighting? hey you forgot ICBM's and land mines....
  19. no matter how intelligent you try and make yourself sound the commie keeps shining thru in your grammer no hiding it LUDMILLA!!
  20. i'm certain this guy who thinks he's a women runs around the woods in lederhosen with an AK-47 during hunting season looking for his imaginary tresspassing slob hunters. his posts are some of the most comical i've read in years....this sums up about every post he's made so far on this thread and any other thread he has posted on......"uuuhh i dunt like zee odder hunters zo i vill buy all zee lant in zee shtat to keep zeem avay, duuuhhh" :D
  21. Well....gun season is what you get...for 2011 and 2012. Suck it. And be grateful you have anything. good for now, but you know whats coming
  22. this post is a load of donkey dung, i'm probably the only fool on this site that actually read the whole thing. this person is off her rocker and must be having some kind of flashbacks from whatever country she came from??
  23. Naaa, we're still goin for "your" bow season so we can shoot "your" bucks, we are not settling for anything else, so stop dreaming up your 1/2 measures, just aint gonna happen that way fella. crossbows belong in archery season and thats where they will be...take your vert compound bow and go hunt during gun season if thats what your into, or take your vert bow and hunt in the month of Febuary if thats what floats your boat, we are licensed hunters of the state of NY who live and work here and will not settle for something as stupid as gun season or another season..
  24. same ole story, Ignorant people afraid of change, now Turd Slinger is accusing us of being west coast liberals because we want more weapons to kill deer with...i guess states like Texas must be liberal because of their tough stance on more gun laws, huh.... Turd Flinger, Grows to Much, and Spiker are grabbing at straws now
  25. Actually there is plenty of data out there to negate your belief, just look at the other states that recently included crossbows. As for your different breed theory, you need to get around a little more, people are pretty much the same wherever you go. I've been all over the world, and in every state in the country..trust me, we are a different breed, and the rest of the country are the first ones to point it out, except for CA, where there are mostly NY transplants anyway..damn liberals gravitate towards one another. I'm not sure how bad the road hunting is by you, but that is the biggest problem around here. And it always starts opening day of the rifle season. And before you say a xgun is too big to fire from a vehicle, you have to realize that the bed of a pickup will be the perfect platform, as well as the mini vans with sliding doors on both sides. And as far as data, let's wait until two seasons have passed before using completely different areas as models. i highly doubt you've ever left the county you were born in...
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