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sits in trees

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by sits in trees

  1. most older archers move to the crossbow in states where crossbows are allowed in archery season. there are several reasons aging archers shoot crossbows, starting with being able to use a low magnification optic of some sort, my older hunting buds can long longer effectively see their sight pins and for most putting a blurry green blob on a deers shoulder isn't an option, another is plain old arthritis and not being able to draw a bow on a 20 degree morning let alone spending countless hours drawing and shooting to prepare for hunting. when your young your muscles build to a task when your older you can train yourself right out of the game....
  2. i tell you what, we give you a crossbow and i get my 12 ga slug gun and we head to the woods for a shot out, being that you have a crossbow that is so so much like a gun i'm sure you wouldnt have any problem with this right, hee, hee!!!
  3. yea i just call them crossbows, just another tool to harvest deer, just like my compound or rifle ;D
  4. i just read an artical in ny outdoor news that crossbow bill(S06793A)has stalled. But bill A00924 is at this point in the process and apparently still has life and is coming up for some kinda vote tommorow??? BILL NO A00924E 01/07/2009 referred to environmental conservation 01/06/2010 referred to environmental conservation 02/03/2010 amend and recommit to environmental conservation 02/03/2010 print number 924a 05/25/2010 amend (t) and recommit to environmental conservation 05/25/2010 print number 924b 06/03/2010 amend and recommit to environmental conservation 06/03/2010 print number 924c 06/15/2010 amend (t) and recommit to environmental conservation 06/15/2010 print number 924d 06/17/2010 amend and recommit to environmental conservation 06/17/2010 print number 924e 06/23/2010 reported referred to codes 06/25/2010 reported referred to rules i have no idea what these discriptions mean, (06/25/2010 reported referred to rules), what the heck does this mean??? should we get a group together and head up to Albany tomorrow to show support for this???????? i mean how the heck are we NY'ers supposed to support this when no one no where seems to know whats happening?
  5. in a state where the average hunter age has increased to 47 years old, and that has lost some 200 thousand hunters in the last 2 decades i would have to say the "ny bowhunters" are a big negative for hunting in our state. crossbows will bring alot of renewed interest into the sport and keep older hunters in the game alot longer. for every 100 hunters we lose in NY due to age we only replace 55..... the numbers will catch up to us in this very anti hunting state one day and we have lots of people with lots of money and connections who would love to abolish our sport and are working on it "RIGHT NOW"! yea and read the last part of the article, the NY bowhunters are hanging out in the waiting area outside the meeting with an animal rights group both protesting the same thing???
  6. i just gotta add that i think the site is nice, good colors, easy on the eyes....
  7. i'm an NRA member and they fully support getting crossbows into NY, so your statement is wrong Doc.
  8. hey Doc, good things come in time and yes the general hunting public in NY state is our muscle right now and does have a huge voice, the amount of letters, calls and e-mails in support of crossbows to our lawmakers has been tremendous this year and is growing, and its showing what hunters here in NY really want. you know that a NY crossbow federation is coming soon enough, just look around you, NJ, PA, OHIO, to mention a few. having a club doesnt always get you what you want, our lawmakers are very capable of doing simple math.
  9. ohhh i know what they are going to say...but i'm hoping to get alot of other sportsman on the site who might feel a little differently about the chance to hunt with a crossbow in NY state. read the next to last paragraph in this news article link, it tells of the recent crossbow meeting up in Albany and how the NY bowhunters stood outside with "anti hunters" in protest of any crossbow use in our state, kinda a sad place to be huh, in a lobby with anti hunters holding signs against other hunters??? http://www.registerstar.com/articles/2010/06/03/columnists/outdoors/doc4c0734afc110d893809425.txt oh by the way for anyone else out there, please read the whole article....thanks
  10. According to Assemblyman Sweeney's office they have 150 to 50+- letters in opposition to the crossbow. According to a very connected DEC employee he stated ; sportsmen are talking between themsevles but they are not sending in letters of support. I have to agree with the later statement as I've seen more chatter on the internet forums than support letters. So, tell all your friends to fill up these 2 guys email ,fax and phone before Monday to let them know there are more than a handfull fo people who actually pay attention. Tell them this. Make the Xbow legal,no restrictions,let the DEC decide where to use it at. PERIOD Senator Antoine Thompson, Chairman of Environmental Conservation Committee 902 LOB, Albany, NY 12247 Phone:518.455.3371 Buffalo Office: 716.854.8705 e-mail: [email protected] Assemblyman Robert K. Sweeney, Chairman of Environmental Conservation Committee. 622 LOB Albany, NY 12248 Phone: 518.455.5787 District Office: 631.957.2087 e-mail: [email protected].
  11. yea your right you don't have many advantages with a modern compound bow, 80% or more letoff, bow scopes & red dot bow sights, trigger releases, all while launching arrows as fast or even faster than alot of todays crossbows?
  12. hey i believe you might be right, i can't wait to hunt in NY to hunt with my X-Gun. it's comin brother, just look around you
  13. yes the fact that it is the first season after a long period of no hunting....you hit the nail on the head with that one...
  14. after turkey season i lay down my weapons for 6 to 8 weeks which puts us into the middle of july, and at that point i'm ready to start shooting again for the fall season....
  15. i do it mainly for the extended season/more time in the woods and not to mention some real nice weather hunting....and secondly i love tinkering with my compounds and the added challenge....
  16. NYSDEC stat... for every 100 hunters we lose in NY do to aging we only gain 55 replacements, something to ponder NY hunters..
  17. good to see your all back, now lets start the discussions!!!!
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