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Scott Grandits

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Status Updates posted by Scott Grandits

  1. But I wipe my own ass

  2. Do people actually enjoy tequila?

  3. Long sleeves were a terrible idea

  4. Well got about a mile from school and realized I forgot to do something. #imgonnabelate #imanidiot http://t.co/b9pRJ1cPSp

  5. Absolutely gorgeous morning. Now I just need some turkeys to show up.

  6. The thunder are god awful defensively and run an offense about as well as the B teams did in BSAC.

  7. The thunder need Russ more than I need Russ. #missyou

  8. I hope Jr smith gets punched.

  9. The thru way should have a fast forward button.

  10. Oh sweet Jesus, Andrew Bogut may have just killed Javalle McGee.

  11. Anyone got some time to cut this guys hair later?

  12. Nothing like a fresh glass of well water.

  13. Wreck my plans, baby that's alright

  14. If someone doesn't break Patrick Beverly's neck tomorrow night there's a huge problem. Sick play bro. Way to "hustle"

  15. The only reason I like EJ at all is cause gruden loves him.

  16. There goes Oakland pulling an Oakland.

  17. They're giving away protein packets in campus west. Thank god I came to class today.

  18. So that's why they call it violently ill. ????????

  19. Is there a respectful way to tell a professor that you couldn't care less about their class?

  20. I swear to god if the bills take nassib at 8 I'll flip shit.

  21. Take a quick dump and I'm gonna do some push ups.

  22. I don't think there is a more improved offensive player than serge Ibaka

  23. What kind of toast would you like with that? "French ma'am. I want French toast."

  24. All four of his shots haven't even touched the rim haha

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