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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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  1. Two Cicero hotels cashing in on the angling scene at Oneida Lake1 August 2010, 6:54 amBy Garrick Otero Contributing writer Two national hotel chains have decided Oneida Lake is worth betting on. Comfort Suites Cicero and Holiday Inn Express Cicero have both put money into attracting fishermen, building hotels next door to Gander Mountain on...Source: Outdoors Blog
  2. Summertime is bat time in Central New York30 July 2010, 6:47 amBy Adam Popescu Contributing Writer This is the time of year when bats drive people batty. During the summer months, Central New York is usually overrun with these small mammals as they sneak their way into our homes, looking for...Source: Outdoors Blog
  3. Local group takes over spring carp fishing tournment in Baldwinsville as CARP Tournament Series pulls out30 July 2010, 6:37 amA four-year run that brought international and North American carp anglers to Baldwinsville has come to an end for the Oklahoma-based CARP Tournament Series. Meanwhile, a local group has taken over responsibility for next spring’s carp fishing contest on the...Source: Outdoors Blog
  4. Impressive trail maintenance project slated for next week at Labrador Unique Management Area30 July 2010, 6:35 amLocal hiking enthusiasts and trail maintenance specialists next week are renovating a quarter-mile stretch of the Finger Lakes/ North Country National Scenic Trail that courses through the eastern ridge of the state-owned, Labrador Unique Management Area. The area is...Source: Outdoors Blog
  5. Fish Creek Atlantic Salmon Club stocks fingerlings, looks forward to new hatchery (slideshow)25 July 2010, 6:27 amJim Morris, secretary of the Fish Creek Atlantic Salmon Club, said he first got involved with the group about seven years after reading about an upcoming meeting in The Post-Standard. “I’m mostly a hunter and own property in the...Source: Outdoors Blog
  6. DEC meeting seeks input on possible baitfish rule changes25 July 2010, 6:21 amWednesday evening’s live video conference hosted by the state Department of Environmental Conservation attempted to pull together concerned persons from five different locations across the state to discuss the state’s current ban on the transportation of uncertified bait fish (minnows)...Source: Outdoors Blog
  7. DEC presence at this year's state fair still a big question mark23 July 2010, 7:43 amWill the state Department of Environmental Conservation be a no-show at this year’s New York State Fair? It’s not a done deal yet, said DEC spokesman Yancey Roy Wednesday. “Right now, we’re in active discussions with the state fair and...Source: Outdoors Blog
  8. FLW Bass Fishing League tournament set for Cayuga Lake on Saturday23 July 2010, 7:41 amThe FLW Bass Fishing League is headed to Cayuga Lake Saturday (July 24) for the third of five stops in the Northeast Division series. As many as 400 boaters and co-anglers will compete for top awards of up to $8,000...Source: Outdoors Blog
  9. Big bucks shot in Central New York last fall among state's biggest23 July 2010, 7:39 amThe two highest net scores of “typical” deer antlers reported by the New York State Big Buck Club from last fall’s firearm season came from bucks harvested in Central New York. Jeremy Parson, of Locke, shot a large 9-pointer late...Source: Outdoors Blog
  10. Chasing dragonflies: Spectacular colors, patterns attract onlookers23 July 2010, 5:00 amSterling Nature Center to host program later this monthSource: Outdoors Blog
  11. Coyote attack keeps children indoors in NYC suburb22 July 2010, 10:55 amEditor's note: The following Associated Press story ran June 30. It emphasizes the fact that problems develop when wild animals lose their fear of humans. It's food for thought with the increased reports lately of coyotes making their way into...Source: Outdoors Blog
  12. CNY fishing forecast (for weekend of July 23-25)22 July 2010, 6:46 amLAKE ONTARIO Chinook salmon fishing continues to be good in 150 to 300 feet of water with flashers & flies or spoons working. Brown trout fishing continues to be fair with the early morning being the most productive in 40...Source: Outdoors Blog
  13. Angler interview: Capt. Tony Buffa talks about fishing Lake Ontario and Oneida Lake (audio)21 July 2010, 1:39 pmSubmitted photoCapt. Tony Buffa with an eye-opening walleye. Tony Buffa, a veteran charter boat captain, talks about fishing Lake Ontario and Oneida Lake this time of year. Among other things, he says the excessive amount of bait fish on Oneida...Source: Outdoors Blog
  14. Turkey family takes advantage of deer crossing zone in Caughdenoy21 July 2010, 7:56 amJoy L. Swensen photo Reader Joy Swensen took this photo on July 18, on County Route 12, just outside of the four corners of Caughdenoy. The deer crossing sign made me laugh. Thanks for sharing, Joy....Source: Outdoors Blog
  15. Lake Ontario fishing near Fair Haven reaps rewards for Pennellville man and family21 July 2010, 7:46 amSubmitted photoMichael Juskow and his 15-pound steelie.Michael Juskow, of Pennville, and two family members are doing well lately fishing on Lake Ontario. Juskow wrote: Please see the attached photos of some really great fish that have been caught recently...Source: Outdoors Blog
  16. Marietta boys get into St. Lawrence carp -- big time21 July 2010, 7:38 amSubmitted photoShane Manthey and his carp. Brothers Tyler and Shane Manthey, of Marietta, both had a ball fishing for carp on the St. Lawrence River. Their mother, Margie, wrote: Thought you might like to see these pictures of my two...Source: Outdoors Blog
  17. Dragonfly watching increasing in popularity at the Sterling Nature Center (video)20 July 2010, 1:40 pmDragonfly Watching Dragonfly watching is increasing in popularity at the Sterling Nature Center and elsewhere across the country. Jim D'Angelo tells why in this video. For more on dragonfly watching, read the interview with D'Angelo on this Friday's Outdoors page...Source: Outdoors Blog
  18. Results from July 18 New York BASS Chapter Federation tournament on the St. Lawrence River20 July 2010, 1:38 pmThe following is a press release from New York BASS Chapter Federation: The New York BASS Chapter Federation (NYBCF) held its second event of the season launching out of French Creek Marina on July 18 to fish the St. Lawrence...Source: Outdoors Blog
  19. Camillus anglers reel in lots of salmon during Lake Ontario fishing trip20 July 2010, 1:23 pmSubmitted photo Left to Right: Cody Hoose, Zach Anderson, Randy Hoose, Brady Hoose and Ryan St. Croix all of Camillus pose with eight king salmon and three steelhead caught on June 25 on Lake Ontario near Oswego. The group was...Source: Outdoors Blog
  20. Cortland DEC office named as second meeting place for baitfish regulations meeting20 July 2010, 12:24 pmThe Region 7 office of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) has added its Cortland office as a second location in Central New York for the baitfish transport regulations meeting set for 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesday...Source: Outdoors Blog
  21. FLW Bass Fishing League holding tournament on Cayuga Lake this Saturday19 July 2010, 10:44 amThe following is a press release from the FLW Bass Fishing League: The FLW Bass Fishing League is headed to Cayuga Lake this Saturday (July 24) for the third of five stops in the Northeast Division series. As many as...Source: Outdoors Blog
  22. Minoa boy catches and releases lunker bass on Fish Creek19 July 2010, 10:55 amSubmitted photo Kenny MacMaster, 8, of Minoa is pictured with his father, Kyle, and Kenny's first bass ever . It was caught on Fish Creek on July 4 and granted its independence soon after this photo was taken....Source: Outdoors Blog
  23. Baldwinsville carp fishing tournament run by CARP Tournament Series will not return19 July 2010, 10:51 amThe following is a news release from CARP Tournament Series: A four-year run bringing international and North American carp anglers to Baldwinsville NY has come to an end for the Oklahoma-based CARP Tournament Series. The Central New York community has...Source: Outdoors Blog
  24. FLW Bass Fishing League schedules July 24 tournament on Cayuga Lake19 July 2010, 10:44 amThe following is a press release from the FLW Bass Fishing League: The FLW Bass Fishing League is headed to Cayuga Lake, July 24 for the third of five stops in the Northeast Division series. As many as 400 boaters...Source: Outdoors Blog
  25. Mexico man lands lunker striper off coast of Martha's Vineyard19 July 2010, 10:35 amSubmitted photo A smiling Bill Waite, of Mexico, holds a huge striped bass. He wrote: "This striped bass was caught on June 13 off Martha's Vineyard, Mass. on a Deadly Dick wrapped with a live herring. It measured 41 inches...Source: Outdoors Blog
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