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Everything posted by G-Hunter

  1. I think they're mistaking Mexican Cartels for the Indians that grow massive quantities up at the Indian Reservation. The Mexicans could have taken over up there but I haven't heard anything of the sort either, and my guess is that the Indians would never allow that.... or at least take it lying down. To my knowledge it's all Indian territory still. Mexicans go to Humboldt because they can get away with a few 10,000 plant ops. You can't pull that off in NY I know that for sure lol
  2. I wouldn't talk about growing cannabis on this site... keep it to yourself if you do grow it and don't speak of your locations especially. Loose lips sink ships.... But yeah I'm guessing they have to prep their sites and do a lot of work in the pre-season since their operations are in the 5,000+ plant range LOL It's crunch time!
  3. Yeah they're up near the Indian Reservation so just don't go up there to hunt. They run that area, cops don't even like going there because it always ends in a shoot out. I wouldn't worry about anywhere else though, they're really as common as you'd think in NY. Just up north. Out west they set up shop in Humboldt County and have really taken over there, ruining the forest with their chemicals and leaving garbage behind like fools. I can't wait til the stuff is legalized so it puts them out of business and they stop killing innocent hikers/hunters to protect their crop
  4. Very true Belo, and you have your right to an opinion so I'm not mad at you for defending the growers out there. If someone took 30 g's from me I'd probably kill them and move to another state. Point taken, I'll be careful next time I come across another grow like that one lol
  5. I drive to nearby locations then hike miles and miles in to where I've found these fields. I don't have neighbors where I live, they never saw my face lol. & I'm sure youre a badass hunter I'm not doubting that for a second, but there's no worry on my end. They can frame me if they want but it'd never hold up in court, as there's no proof that their plants are mine. I was hunting with my gear and came across them, it's not like I was watering them or carrying them back to destroy. Framing is simply impossible in this scenario. Being cautious is a good thing, but being paranoid is another. Thanks for the concern though, I appreciate it man
  6. No offense taken, more of a compliment seeing as I know more than these friggin growers and I've never even done it before lol
  7. Yep, they caught a guy after he cut his crop down 2 years ago and brought the 200 root balls he left in the field in for testing. It tested positive for cannabis and he was charged with a felony charge. If you grow burn/bury that stuff lol
  8. Yeah I posted the address as a joke for him to send the gift basket to, did you want me to put down my real address? Would you put down your real address? Exactly. I'm not hostile over the pot field if you read the first post I asked people for their stories because I thought it'd be an interesting topic since I'm not the only one who's ran into these things. I'm taking your last post as a fare well to this thread, but I'll stay here and listen to what people have to say. Ta Ta!
  9. This is a family site, please keep the language at bay Growalotofweed. Calling people idiots will get you banned. I realize people grow crops I'm a hunter who grows crops as well, it was a joke. While tone isn't recognized through text I'll forgive you this one time.... but have some sense before you respond to any posts on this site. Thank you.
  10. The evidence was all over the place when I got through with them, plus they can take the root balls if need-be and make an entire case based off of that. I've seen stories of guys being brought up on federal charges because the forgot to burn their root balls! And there's no risk on my end, How would they know what name I am on huntingny.com? And how would they track me down based off a trail cam even if they obtained by face with a crystal clear photo? I don't drive to my locations so the plates arent available for them. That's obviously not my real address posted above, it was to spite who I was responding to as a joke. This is what I mean by there is no risk.
  11. I wasn't aware children were using the site Stevo, my apologies. I behave in public settings especially around children, if I had known that 10 year olds were chatting online (which I don't condone without parental supervision) then I would've made the title more suitable for their eyes to read. I understand your tone, and would like it if you calmed down a little bit. I offered you a basket out of sheer love, wasn't expecting such hatred in return ;( You can send the basket to: 44 western ave Latham, NY 12110 Thanks again, and please - no poison!
  12. This was state land. Judging (and I hate to judge which is why I'm asking first) by your name, do you grow a lot of weed? lol just wondering... if so then keep it on your own land! It did look like a sophisticated operation Belo. Upwards near 60 plants (2 in each pot) and fencing built around each plant (for deer prevention I'm guessing?) I gotta be honest it was impressive, now that I think about it I almost feel bad I shot at the plants because I suppose it wasn't doing much harm to anyone... just the way I was brought up pretty much. Was always taught pot growers are bad people lol
  13. I dont drink, I was just thinking of how I'm probably not the first NY hunter to find a pot site, interested in everyones story! Yeah it was probably just experimentation, I know they mean no harm but it pisses me off how they plant on other people's property in hopes it won't get tied back to them or something... I guess it's getting legalized now so maybe it's not so bad after all lol Oh no rumors, these are news stories I've seen on tv about growers boobie-trapping their grow for animals/humans. Maybe large grows aren't as common in NY as they are out west, who knows tho. I think the language I used wasn't the best, but it's nothing you haven't heard before right? I think you'll be ok, and if not then I'll send you a sympathy basket. I'm not kidding...
  14. But theyre growing an illegal plant. You wouldn't call the cops?!
  15. I've also heard they steak out traps and are sometimes armed at their sites.... wouldn't wanna be on the wrong end of that deal. I'd be willing to bet I have better aim than them with a shotgun though!
  16. I just noticed that Lawdwaz... how do I edit the title? Let my anger get the best of me there... lol
  17. Last year I found a big pot field next to a bog I usually hunt waterfowl in. I didn't call the cops, but I used those plants for target practice!!! Let's just say those pot heads came back to some serious damage.... LOL What would you do if you ran into some punks pot grow!? I'm sure there are some funny stories floatin around out there...
  18. Good point Wooly, that makes perfect sense. Density plays a big role in sinking and it being the same would make it impossible for you to sink. Glad this myth is a bust! Phew.
  19. The myth: "If your waist waders fill up with water upon falling in unsuspected deep waters, it will cause you to be unable to swim back out; resulting in drowning" True or False? Share your input/first hand experiences on this "myth" and let's get the story straight for all the wetland hunters out there....
  20. Daaaamn. That's some scary shit my friend. I've seen videos of people getting stuck in that muck and the more they try to get out of it the deeper they get, people have even died this way. Thank God you were able to get out of that crap, if I ever happen to get into that kind of situation I'll do what you did and stay calm. Thanks for the insight... No doubt, I'll keep an eye out for those. Thanks Coon. Yeah I don't have a GPS nor can I afford one this year so I'll take your advice and mark my trail going in, and follow that right back out. The sharpy idea is smart as well. Very helpful! By the way, is the myth true about waders causing you to drown if they get filled with water? I've always wondered... Thanks for the heads up on the muskrat "traps". I'll bring a probing stick with me and slam it down on the future ground I track over, hopefully that'll prevent any collapses. I use google earth to get a good idea of what the area looks like, and then mark my entry points accordingly. Printing a copy out and bringing it with me on foot wouldn't be a bad idea actually... thanks Doc!
  21. haven't ran into them yet, but then again I've just been scoping out swamps on their shores. What creeps me out are the TICKS. I'm always covered with about 30-40 of those bastards when I leave... leaches are no better though, can't wait to encounter my first dozen! ....NOT lol that's not too good, the swamps I go in sound a lot like that actually. you recommend just bringing a good compass man? and are there any ways judging by surroundings to tell where there are ponds/canals dug before stepping in them? I feel like a probing stick can only do so much, if there's another way to spot any red flags before plunging into them with just a stick to guide my way that'd make me feel more confident in the swamp for sure.
  22. what's a beaver run? are they near the dams at all? never heard of these things... not crazy about going swimming though. Plus I have some waist waders and I've read that they can cause you to drown - some disagree but then some swear by it. I wonder what the truth is... I know that feeling, not a good one. Will waist waders bog you down if theyre filled up with water you think? I mentioned it above but I'm tryin to get everyones feedback on this rumor
  23. The rope idea is pretty smart actually, how would you set this up? Tie it around a tree then just keep tension on it as you wade out into the swamp? Or would you actually tie it around your waist instead of just holding it? Thanks man
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