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Everything posted by G-Hunter

  1. Thanks for all the advice Doc, you mentioned some things I haven't even considered yet. I heard of bringing probing sticks to tap on nearby shrubs to scare snakes off, and for testing ground ahead of you as well so I'll be doing that this season for sure. It's really the unknown that creeps me out, since I'll be alone I'm truly worried about those quicksand-like depressions that I may not be able to get out of. My swamps don't have current, so I don't have to worry about that so much. I'll be on my toes though, and take everything you mentioned into consideration. Thanks Doc!
  2. What are the dangers of swamps/bogs/wetlands?? (eastern NY) - SNAKES? (I've read that copperheads and rattlesnakes like wetlands) - BEES/WASPS/HORNETS? - FALSE SWAMP FLOORS? (sinkholes) ^ I'm wondering if any of you have encountered any of these... I'm obviously new to wetlands and hunting in general, sort of following in my father's foot steps this year but he's not with us anymore so I can't ask him for his advice... Any help/warnings would be much appreciated everyone
  3. That's great advice G-man, I'm going to the county clerk's office in an hour to learn the boundary lines of the area and then I'll go from there. Def wouldn't mind giving back to the owner with labor like you mentioned for a nice secure spot to hunt, that's for sure. Respect goes a long way, you brought up a lot of good points. Thanks bud
  4. Yeah I'm not sure, but I saw only one hunting stand with an old wooden ladder that was rotted so it hasnt been used in a long time. I'm guessing hunters once used the lands, and either it was sold or it was never allowed to be hunted on and this stand was constructed before they started cracking down on illegal hunting... hmm
  5. Thanks G-Man, I'll go check out some maps in my county clerk's office. Or would a tax office be a better bet? And I know! I'm just trying not to step on anyone's heels here, I'd like to have a good season this year. What did you mean by "best to ask far away from any open seasons..." ?
  6. Thats a good rule of thumb to go by Steve. How would you get permission though if you don't know who owns the land?
  7. Yeah sorry about the multi-post, on other forums it works but this one not so much. Won't be doing that again...
  8. I know, it was risky and I normally don't do that but I really like this spot and it's not too far from the road I drive in on. I snapped a few pictures for this forum, and got out of there. If it's your land, I apologize! lol
  9. How are we supposed to find out if land is public or private everyone? I'm aware of the posted signs obviously but what if there are none? I found a great spot (or at least I'm hoping so) for waterfowl hunting in my area but I'm not trying to piss anyone off by trespassing. The swamp I have my eye on has about 3 duck nests spread out through it so I think it's a good spot to hunt. Here are some photos of the area to give you guys a better idea of what I'm talking about: Photos 1 & 2 - the swamp Photos 3 & 4 - an old hunting post with a ladder that's inaccessible due to age (looks like hunters once used this land at some point) Photos 5 & 6 - an inaccessible (logging?) trail that's very overgrown with brush/fallen trees/moss ***It certainly looks like this location was once used but no longer anymore. Is this a good sign? Or can I expect trouble? Any input is really appreciated, as I'd like to get some spots marked down on my map for this season.
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