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Posts posted by LuckyPickle123

  1. Just had a hit list buck and a 1 1/2 walk by. Couldn't get a shot at the big buck. And guess what.... they were both wounded!!!!!

    Gotta love rifle season. Clowns

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  2. 1.5 and up. Just protects the 1.5s allowing them to become a little more smarter. They stand a better chance at making it to maturity because trying to harvest a 2.5 is no easy task as well

  3. Booners for everyone! For you! For me! For all!

    Sounds like a democratic liberal to me...

    I think your pickle has been soaking in the wrong kind of brine.


  4. Well someone has to be on the other side of the fence. I think it's a great thing to push for. Wouldn't it be nice to know that there is mature deer lurking in every wooded lot. I hope it happens but I don't write the laws so I can only sit back and keep my fingers crossed

  5. Yes when you manage property you do make the mistake of saying "your deer" big whoop. They don't deserve to be harvested at that young of an age. Let em mature. It's way more fun. Third, letting the young ones walk has everything to do with AR

  6. Just saying an example. But let's not do anything NY. Either way rifle season opens up tomorrow and it's still gunna be just the same **** differt year. Cheers

  7. Agreed. But I'm sure the enforcer of the AR will agree with me if I shoot a 3 year old 4 point. The AR is designed to let deer mature, so that would be a loophole

  8. I'm sorry but it's the truth. I love to hunt and have much respect for the game. I'm not thinking about myself or anyone else here, only the deer. They don't deserve to die at 1 1/2, let the damn thing grow and mature a bit. I don't stand for sloppy hunters either. Went pushing late MZ season a long time back with a group of guys. Dude ends up shooting a young buck and wounding. Doesn't go down right away, so the guy says well I must not of got him and goes back in for lunch and heads out for more deer drives. Me and a couple of my buddies went out looking for the deer, didn't participate in any more deer drives, and finally finished it off before last shooting light. I told the guy your a disgrace to hunting and never hunted with them guys again. Last year, 3 of our 1 year Olds were wounded by the end of season. 3. Sorry but I don't like what kind of hunters this brings to the table with this season. Nothing will ever change my opinion on it without different regulations

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  9. Agreed. I think the AR should be just simply year and a half in general, I know that would never work, but let's face it, only the morons going out the next few weeks dont know what a year and a half is

  10. 1 1/2 year old six points are not as common as spikes and forks around me. May not be the majority, but certainly not the case in this area. AR would Def help

  11. I'm fine with length of seasons. But I Do cringe when rifle season comes only to the extent of increased morons in the woods. I hate seeing the small buck population increasingly wounded as the season goes on. Hold out for bigger deer people. It's like shooting a 10 year old kid

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  12. Personal preference. I personally hate fire arm season. Too many idiots out in the woods. All we do is watch our local herd make their way back home usually wounded. I could totally do away with that season all together but like that would ever happen. Skilled enough hunters can fill their freezer with stick and string

  13. Poachers, people who think their hot shots, city slickers that exclusively hunt rifle in their blaze orange suits walking around and ruining it for everyone else that has been putting in their time since day 1.

    This is fun

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