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Everything posted by rudyvasquez

  1. The girl was most likely shot first because the shitbag was using her as a human shield. the fact that she wasn't hit by any more rounds indicates she was on the ground when the cop was firing. Also, the fact that the suspect didn't return fire givse indication that his gun wasn't loaded. If that is the case, the girl would still be alive if the cop had followed protocol and called for backup rather than rushing in like dirty harry. However, we don't know the facts of the case yet. It's equally possible that the cop did the only thing he could or he cost the girl her life because of his foolishness.
  2. If a cop walks into a situation where a man has a gun to someone's head threatening to kill that person and then turns the gun on the cop, the cop has to shoot. However, if a cop knows that there is a man with a gun to someone's head inside a dwelling, which this cop did because the girl who escaped informed 911 of that fact, then the cop shouldn't enter the dwelling and provoke a confrontation. They aren't trained for that- that's what swat teams are for. The question as to the guilt of the cop is whether he entered the dwelling to apprehend the suspect or whether the suspect inadvertently approached the cop.
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