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Everything posted by Blackbayoutfitters

  1. Hey everyone. Wanted to say thanks for the kind comments on our hunting pictures. Seems like no matter where or what u do there's always critics and negative people that have to give there 2 cents , when they don't need to say anything at all. And to answer ur questions, we have a very small client base. We only bought the place 5 years ago. And we are trying to turn it into a true trophy camp. So people aren't going with the hopes of killing a giant bear then shooting a 5 foot bear like 85% of places u can get a guided hunt. We don't care about money so the camp isn't for us to just kill any bear , we take 5-6 guys a year max, and every guy is shooting a 6.5-7 foot bear and they know they actually are getting a true trophy. Our average skull size in last 3 years is now at 20.5 inches. We shot a 19.5" 6' 10, a 7' 5" , 22.5, and a 7' 2" 21.5" last year. We only has 5 guys and 2 guys wounded bears. This year we only had 1 of my buddies come up as we had a bunch of upgrades to do and there were a lot of fires in the area. We still baited but only ended up shooting 1 bear, my buddy is after a huge chocolate and didn't end up seeing him till 3 days after season . So he is coming back next year. We have a lot of coloured bears almost 1 at every bait. and as for the guy in pictures it's myself with some of the hunters bears and 2 bears are my own. And no I'm not tiny, 6' 245 lbs. I tried weighing my big 7' 5" bear and he broke the scale, it only went to 550 lbs and when I put him on he busted the ancor and scale . So no idea but there huge . Over 550lbs. I'd say average is like 350-400. all I want is my clients getting a true trophy there happy with not questioning after around the camp fire. Our hunt prices are on our site and any other info if anyone's interested. Thanks black bay outfitters
  2. Hey Everyone, Just sharing a few pictures of monster bears at our place in Northern Sasktachewan! Enjoy!!! Black Bay Outfitters
  3. Thanks. And yes big time bow hunting bug now. Was awsome taking that bear with the bow... Very cool!!!
  4. Thanks. And yes big time bow hunting bug now. Was awsome taking that bear with the bow... Very cool!!!
  5. Ya he was a huge huge bear. I shot him this June. And the log was a choar. Gawd trying to move that bear around was like moving a buick..... Lol.. And as for the bow, it's made by APA bows. It's the M7 Momba. It's honestly a sweet bow. Love hunting with it . I'm addicted to bow hunting now.
  6. Thanks everyone. And yes I own the outfit. Advertisement not really. Just was excited that is the first thing I've killed with a bow.
  7. Hey all, This is my first animal ever taken with a bow. Bin a rifle hunter my hole life and finally decided to try bow hunting. I bought the new M7 from apa bows , and that thing is amazing. Made short work out of this bruiser!!! 7.5' nose to tail on bear, 550+lbs ( cabelas 550 scale , broke it) and skull meassures 22.5" green score. Shot at Black Bay Outfitters in northern Saskatchewan . The average this year on the bear skulls were 20.25". Smallest bear killed was 350lbs and 19" skull.
  8. Ya there is a fall season. But to much to open up camp twice a year. But really there's not alot of bears rubbed. Small boars and sows usually , but this year I didn't see alot if rubbed bears at all maybe 2-3 all season till June 30.
  9. That's why I bought the place, the bears are freaky huge and no one hunts them. Got lots of old big bears and trophy quality is high. I love it up there!!!!!
  10. As someone who spends a lot of time researching different hunts throughout the U.S. and Canada and has been on several guided hunts throughout the U.S. and Canada, I honestly think your prices might be too high. This is just my opinion: $4,500 for a baited bear hunt is pretty high, especially considering your success rates don't appear to be 100%. Just for a simple comparison, in British Columbia (where the guide has to be with you all day long), for the same price you can definitely shoot 2 bears on a spot & stalk hunt. Well a baited hunt at my buddy's in northern Alberta is 6000 dollars us. But he only supplies bait, u ride in old pick up trucks that stink and full of dirt and dead beaver stink. U get a run down town full of natives and old shacks as a view, there's tonnes of bears and high success, but bear skulls are tiny not even p&y, so consider a lake front view and riding in a new boat and yes if a hunter needs ill sit with him and help judge as my place is a trophy outfit. My success was not high this year as I'm a trophy bear outfitter, opirtunity is 100% and I had a hunter wound 2 bears, as a Rule I don't let u hunt after a shoulder shot at 20 yards on a 400 pound bear, but I let this guy go out again cause he was a top notch guy , but yet again shot a bear at 28 yards in the shoulder blade , which happened to be a monster. But not much I can do about that. But as a rule I want my hunters getting a true trophy bear, not just a little 200-250 lb bear. I want them to get something they love and if need be I and my guides will sit with hunters, so its not just a typical road hunt or dropping guys off. My outfit costs alot to run for the spring bear season, I'm not doing this to get rich or quit my regular job. Really I don't need the money, this place is for my kids and I love bear hunting so basically I'm trying to share the experience with hunters that are looking for a true trophy class animal. Last year in one month I spent about 4500dollars in gas, 2600 in groceries, 6000 for my cook, 6000 for my guide and another 2500 for bait. All I'm looking for us to pay for my time out there working from 5 am-2 am every day, and not come out of the camp in the hole, so I put my costs to 4500 a hunt to make ends meet and cover costs of the camp.... NOT TO GET RICH or screw anyone over. My success rate is high for big monster bears and unreal fishing. The rest is on the hunter and how he completes the circle with his shot , I can only show u the bears I can't kill them for u. But if u want a hunt of a lifetime , scenery, fishing , remote unpopulated hunting and fishing this is the place for u. If ur looking for someone that basis his income off hunting and doesn't care what u shoot or blows smoke up UR rear then there's alot of places cheaper. But I charge what it costs to operate the place and pay for my time there. That is all The bear attached was a huge bear that I say with hunter on and he shot directly in shoulder blade after I said not to shoot multiple times, but guess the excutment got to him seeing such an enormous animal and didn't place his shot careful enough or listen to me to let bear settle in. I feel bad he missed this bear but success is based not only on me but how the hunter takes the animal.
  11. He's old as hell, and grossed 170. 24 3/4 inside spread. She sat for 5 days of -25 to -30 C . Finally the old boy showed up. Now she understands what buck fever means. But still says hunting isn't that hard.... Lol
  12. Little guy wife let go last year. But might not this year.
  13. Only taking 14 guys next year and I've already booked 8 spots. I'm trying to manage the area to produce monster bears for a true trophy class. My buddy runs an outfit in northern Alberta and I'm way cheaper than him already and my bears are about twice the trophy size of Alberta bears. But defiantly would like to have u , I'm sure I could give some kind of discount to book groups.
  14. All hunt info is on the site. This year I seem about half the bears choclate, blonde, and cinnamon. The earlier the better for success , later season harder to pattern the big guys but honestly outa 10 baits I run this year 9 had some bruiser bears, p&y foresure but more than likely b&c. Hard to tell till the hides off. But all the bears are fat as hell and make beautiful rugs. Seen 2 rubbed sows in late June and that's it. All the bears had unreal hides this year. And if u check out pics look at the fishing there, its absolutely rediculous. Wife caught 25 pound jack right off dock and almost every cast u catch a 10-12 pound jack. The odd walleye , and further up huge lakers. And u won't see another person hole time. Very remote and some breathe taking scenery.
  15. Ya it's all cool. Hounds , bait, spot and stalk. It's all hunting. People say they don't like baiting but deer eat in man made fields all the time, food plots, bait piles, and deer drives, and spot and stalk. But in the end its all hunting and trust me a baited hunt isn't wat u think. It's pretty heart pounding when u got 4-5 bears in fighting and running up trees. Gets the heart going watching them. And then seeing a huge monster walk in. Good luck holding steady trying to shoot. Lol
  16. Got alot more harvest pics on sight. Just postin some trail cam pics , but on average there all pretty huge. 7 footers pretty common. www.blackbayoutfitters.com and look at bear pics there . Don't have on my comp at work. Just some of my favorites.
  17. That's what she said when we tried lifting him!!!! Hahaha
  18. Yes that is defiantly an idea. I have lots of guys wanting me to donate hunts. Here's my wife's first bear she took. She's hooked on bear hunting now . He was 7' 6" . Just a hog!!!!
  19. Yes that's true... Hearing them man handle the barrel and popping there jaw at another bear.... It's insane fun .... I love hunting bears , since I got bit by there bear hunting bug I've seen some insane stuff that they do and some ginormous bears in my area. Being unable to be hunted and so remote the bears are rediculous big and the trophy numbers are really high. Plus u get to pretty much live on a lake while hunting them. It's honestly most fun I've had hunting.
  20. Lol!!! U describe it perfect... Buck fever mixed with a little fear of a big brute makin u his lunch... Which has nvr happened, but the mind nvr stops thinking what a wild animal could do... But yes very fun, I actually love bear hunting more than deer hunting now that I'm into it and the seem to be way smarter and a hell of alot harder to kill... Especially the big old smart hogs we have up at our place...
  21. That's very true about thick bush and nvr seeing them. Even baiting is hard work and bears still like natural food sorces . It's really not as easy as people think. It's alot of work and long hours each and every day.
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