For each and every person that graciously responded to my intorductory post, thank you. I have always felt the shooting community is a large support group, and Lynda (wife) and I do all we can to help newbies in the handgun, rifle and shotgun arenas. We just did it again this afternoon, carving out the better part of a day to bring a young lady into the experience (she just got a CCW, no training, we heard about it and stepped up - it is all good). It sounds like this extends to the hunting aspect of that community. I am very encouraged. That said, I still want to do the guided safari in Richfield Springs in late October before looking for more experiened hunters to go into the field with. But, I am not one to pass up an opportunity to learn from (and share with) others. Bring it on!
As for the weight loss, I just got tired of dragging around all that extra weight. The trick was to cut out all carbs and any flavored beverages whether artificially sweetened or not. Yep, no sodas, no fruit juices. No alcohol (frank very very little anyway, but now it is a total stoppage as the biological alcohol to sugar conversion also feeds fat cells. I moved to lots of veggies, no potatos, and very little fruit and melon (fructose sugar feeds fat cells, just like other sweeteners), and no ketsup! I moved from beef to natural grilled chicken, wild caught or natural (no farm raised/Atlantic) salmon, club soda (filtered water with carbonation), and black coffee. I do indulge in a nice lean steak once in a while (2 times in 4 months), but it is Angus or other natural beef. I would be fine with venison. Brown rice is fine, but not white rice, and no gravy, butter or other stuff on it. Salads are eaten with no dressing of any kind. It took me about 2 weeks to get into the new mode of eating, but the weight came off surprisingly fast. Staying on track is easy. I am down to 222, and by the end of August I anticipate being under 220, and still losing. My target is 200, or a tad lower. At 210 I will buy my hunting clothing!