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fasteddie last won the day on January 27

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About fasteddie

  • Birthday 09/05/1941

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Ontario , NY

Extra Info

  • Hunting Location
    Ontario , Mendon , Geneseo NY , Italy Hill
  • Hunting Gun
    Winchester 1200 , NEF 50 cal Huntsman , NEF 25-06 , Savage 220F
  • Bow
    Ben Pearson TX-4 --- Parker Phoenix EZ Draw

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  1. Someone mentioned Canned Hunts some time ago and I thought of Jimmy Houston . There use to be a video that apparently no longer exists . The video was Jimmy sitting in an elevated stand located inside a cage with a bow shooting what appeared to be a drugged deer . There was a lot said on several hunting sites knocking Houston . I GOOGLED trying to find the video and it was removed some time ago . I wonder if Houston paid a ransom to have it removed . Does anyone recall seeing the video ?
  2. Even "THE GUNS AND HUNTING LAWS" became quite political . It doesn't take much effort to scroll down to that forum .
  3. I use to Cut off a bit of the skull with the antlers And hang them in the garage rafters . Never cared about anything else until I saw some euro mounts . To each his own ..........
  4. 20 - 30 years ago I would have paid to get a regular mount . At my age , I won't spend the money for one as I don't care to do that .
  5. Don't book a flight for your vacation . They need the plane seats for those leaving th country .
  6. The guy that has done our euro mounts charges $100 . i HAVE NO IDEA THE COST OF A regular mount .......
  7. Personally I don't have a problem where it is .
  8. Picked up my Euro Mount from my son from the buck I shot opening day of gun season . Put it in my cluttered office area .
  9. yes for milkweed . can't beat the price .
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