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Everything posted by The_Field_Ager

  1. Do you think these Jihadist camps around the country are training moderates? I am not worried about moderates. Why would I be? Anyway, I will let Ben Shapiro answer that question for me in more detail:
  2. Homegrown Jihad- The Terrorist Camps Around The U.S. (35 Minute Version)
  3. Here is a link to Mawyer's book: http://www.amazon.com/Twilight-America-Islamic-Terrorist-Training/dp/0985026707/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1421759223&sr=1-1&keywords=twilight+in+america&pebp=1421759231167&peasin=985026707
  4. ‘The Muslims of America’ are suing ‘Christian Action Network’ for exposing their terrorist training camps around the United States http://www.barenakedislam.com/2013/03/09/the-muslims-of-america-are-suing-christian-action-network-for-exposing-their-terrorist-training-camps-around-the-united-states/
  5. American Muslims Stone Christians http://theunitedwest.org/american-muslims-stone-christians/
  6. Not really. Liberal media is terrified of Islam. That's why they appease these guys and continue to call for 'assimilation' and 'dialogue'. This attitude represents a belligerent misunderstanding of Islam. The very word means 'submission'. There was a recent case in the UK where Islamists where grooming young English girls and running underage sex rings. Social workers refused to call the authorities because they feared being labelled racists and haters. The power of Political Correctness is giving these guys a free pass to carry on their business.
  7. It's real. There are several communities like this popping up all over the place. The crap that is rearing it's head in Europe will come here too. The enemy is already inside the gates. Check this: http://www.clarionproject.org/analysis/muslims-americas-depositions-reveal-new-enclaves
  8. I wish someone would make a movie about Pat Tillman. There was a true hero and patriot.
  9. Again, your full quote is simply a personal value judgement (utilizing robust and emotive adjectives) based on what you don't like. Hate is a very strong emotion to manifest when 'judgmental' people are airing their opinions as protected under law. Words like 'self righteous' and 'Judgmental' are often used by the left to shut down debate or smokescreen an opposing view, and they generally conceal (barley) strongly held biases and dislikes. I spend a good deal of my day unpacking and commenting on media bias and the use of language.
  10. I think that's called exercising your first amendment right . If your confirmed in your own worldview, and have a tough skin, this should not be an issue right?
  11. Two season ago, I took a 9 point 1.5 year old. This year I ended up having to harvest a 7 point 1.5 year old. He was a fatty too
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