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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Posts posted by Lexingtonlegend

  1. 1. As a NYC resident who grew up hunting, drop me a line and I'd be more than happy to discuss at length your questions.

    Now for a quick guide to some of your questions:

    Locations- anything above Westchester Co (Bow only)  is good for a beginner with a rifle or shotgun. Get a DEP permit to hunt watershed areas. Between that and state land, you'll have 1000s of acres to hunt.

    Field dressing/Skinning/Quartering/Taxidermy- Youtube to field dress and skin out. Its NY not the midwest so man up and drag that trophy out! If you have to quarter out a deer then you're physically  just old, weak or lazy. Being that you're on public land no ATVs to assist so don't try and get cute with that move either! As far as taxidermy then its all relative to the type of mount you want. I know a few real good ones that I use. The same applies to butchers. Neither are near the city but, are in between the hunting areas and here. Its worth the trip back up after the season, trust me.

    And just a few very simple and basic words of advice:

    Patience-don't get discouraged. You have to let nature come to you sometimes, not always that person out there seeking. As a beginner its best to sit back and learn through observation. It takes years and experience to master the walk and stalk.  

    Keep your hunting gear and clothes completely separate from your other stuff. Leave in a garbage bag if you have to and use odorless detergent. Scientifically will only give you a 10-15% advantage but, maybe that's all you need to score. 

    And the 3 most important words of advice......give thanks for the opportunity to go hunting and harvest wild game. Appreciate that organic, free range, no GMO meal better than anything else you ever ate. Respect the environment and leave it better than when you walk in. Just being out in the woods, smelling the fresh air and away from this rat race is all you need.

    Hunting is multi generational sport that builds some of the best bonds between, family and friends. It also becomes super addicting if you don't score in your first year. Buck fever is real! 




  2. I would  recommend Delaware County. Its 3 to 3 1/2 hrs from Brooklyn. Decent bucks and a wide variety of wild game. You can still get a decent plot of land at a reasonable price. I'd hurry up though, over the last 5 years the NYC DEP has bought up a lot of the old farms. Which is great if you want to hunt more land. However say good bye to your own food plots and hello to pressured hunting.  

  3. I just cut out the back strap of the first one that walks by, grill it for lunch and set the carcass up for coyote bait.....on good days ;)


    Apples, sandwich, all of my nieces candy left over from halloween, home made venison jerky, water and a 5 hr energy drink. Love the coffee but, boy does it make me have to take a dump, and piss every 2 hours. 

  4. I hunt in the northern tier of the Catskills and there's no one who walks 2 1/2 each way to there respective stands. Either you leave at 2:30 am to get there or you're truck ran out of gas and you are huffing it along the county road. 


    Anyways to get back on topic, I expect to be in stand 1 hour before sunrise. 

  5. 4R for me. Tons of doe activity and a few small bucks opening weekend. Its slowed down for 2 weeks after that but, now its picking  up and should be a great weekend with the cold front coming in.  If you aren't afraid to hike a little and don't mind dragging your buck, there's plenty up on the tops of the peaks. Plenty of bucks in the area, you just have to work a little harder here without the AG crops around. 

  6. Congrats man! I hunt the nothern Catskills in 4R so I know all about the DYI mountain top hunt. Going up this weekend bear hunting but, I woudn't mind taking a nice rack like that. Its a trophy worthy buck from that area.

  7. off tomorrow and heading up first thing after running some errands. I live the city now so I plan on being in my stand by noon to catch the evening rut hunt with a bow. Hope to see something bigger then spikes and 4s which I've seen so far from the bow stand. Then again if they trot by, I might have to fill that tag so I can look so something bigger come Saturday ;)

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