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Everything posted by rotorooter23

  1. I agree with Hock3y24. I have never heard of a axis 116, but a trophy hunter 116 yes. If I remember correctly those come in a package with the Nikon scopes. I have a savage 114 american classic with the accutrigger and love it! Enjoy your gun! Savage has come a long ways and is one of the best shooting guns right out of the box!
  2. They are constantly showing up down here. Need to make a season open here soon for trapping in the southern zone as they are such a pest to other game.
  3. Floating yokes I believe to help with Cam lean
  4. Too hard to tell with a 2 years difference. the 7 point looks like a 2.5 year old IMO and the first a 1.5. Definitley have to look at the body and not the horns. If I had to guess I'd say it's not due to the age of the deer and the dates on the camera.
  5. Mathews Chill R 70# 29 in draw Copper John Mark IV single pin Bee-Stinger 8'' stabilizer QAD HDX Ultrarest 75% Rock Mods Gold Tip Hunter XT 340
  6. Use the can and MAD hyper growl. Had luck with both on several occasions. The can I believe is a wonderful thing and I tend to use it from early season right through rut. Always have had some positive feed back with it more times than not.
  7. Thank you, To the woodline is about 100 yards, my stand is at the tree where my camera is. Going to check again next week.
  8. Yes, just had it fine tuned and when I shoot now I get a little fishtail action. switching to 340 with 100 grain tip. I could get away with a 28 in arrow at 28.5 draw
  9. Hey Guys, Just wondering what kind of set up you are running with arrow length, draw weight #, draw length, and spine deflection? Curious to see the combo's and with my understanding you can run a stiffer shaft with a heavier field point/ BH and or vice versa due to the Archers Paradox. I am currently at a 29 in draw, 70# draw, 28 in arrow using a .400 spine. Due to my new bow having aggressive cams, I will need to switch to a stiffer shaft so I have ordered some 340's.
  10. 2 year olds on the pull this week. Can't wait to get out there...
  11. This isn't the first time I have heard of the new Moultries doing this. Sounds like the settings are too High in sensitivity or I know there is a Plot Watcher setting where it takes a picture every X number of minutes. I would check both of those out first.
  12. I would have to say they are 2 different as well.. God luck and hopefully you get a crack a them!
  13. gotcha, yeah its been a pain and that's the smartest thing to do at this point. Thanks! Of course its a brand new Mathews w the yokes in the string...
  14. Phade, I have def. heard about this and weirdly I have through approx. 250 arrows through it, Not quite sure what to do as I really do not want to mess w a tube peep for noise, speed although i doubt it is much of a change.
  15. I have a 2 string peep now and have a absolute terrible time with the string twisting and not lining up when i draw back.. It is a brand new bow. I just assume get a tube to avoid the disaster of drawing and not being able to see my target.
  16. Bow...sorry I assumed Bow because i posted in the Bow hunting forum but didn't clearly state..
  17. Just wondering what everyone prefers and why? Tube peep? 3 string peep? no peep?
  18. my ambush has been doing great. Love the pictures it takes, slightly better than my moultrie m80
  19. Always have had good luck with 2 orange and 1 white... superstitious, always seem to kill my best bucks with this combo.
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