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About Dennis119

  • Birthday 01/19/1978

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  • Hunting Location
    Deleware County (4P)

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  1. Zem, that was very helpful information for sure. I was thinking the same thing the other day. Hunting hasn't been the same over the years. I remember hunting my first year and there was snow everywhere, probably 6-8 inches on the ground and temps in the low teens (I remember it being 0 degrees out when I came back from the morning hunt). That year, I heard shots galore all day/night and the deer were everywhere. It actually came to a point where there were 5-6 bucks in the field about 100 yards away to my right and to my left, there were 2 big bucks coming out of the woods - I didn't know where to look first, LOL. But over the years, the temps have been a lot warmer, no snow basically and the shots dwindle year after year. It seems that temps and less hunters (and other predators) are making it harder to hunt these days. I would assume, less hunters would equal to more deer roaming around - just gotta find them in their elements, instead of them coming to our elements since temps/less hunters won't move them around as much as in years past. Whauburger, very nice buck you took. Congrats, he's a real nice looking deer.
  2. I hunt in Delhi. I can probably count on one hand how many times I didn't hear coyote throughout the year.
  3. So the start of the 2015 regular deer season has started and after 2 years of using the field camera and keeping track of the deer on camera, I am at a loss for words. For 2 years in a row, I've had numerous deer on camera, last year had 2 big 8 pointers, 1 big 9 pointer and numerous does. This year, I had a nice 7 pointer, 6 pointer, some spikes and does. I've tracked all year long on the cameras and had them all popping up on camera. I finally did some homework throughout the year to make sure this season would be good, nope, nothing come opening day and for the next 4 days as well. I have gotten plenty of coyotes, foxes and on a few occasions I've had some bear on the camera. I do know that the area I am in in usually populated with coyote because I hear them throughout the year at night time and in the mornings - howling and barking. I am wondering people's thoughts on this subject. Hopefully many people had better luck that I have had. Fill those freezers but most of all, have fun and be safe.
  4. I certainly agree, you have to disect the picture, text etc. to really determine if it is a hoax or not or even taking from another part of the country, afterall, saying there's a mountain lion in any area will scare people but I also think that's why the DEC would never admit if there were mountain lion in NY, just my opinion. I personally haven't seen any nor any tracks. Coyote, bobcat, bear, fox - the usual suspects the roam the NY wilderness.
  5. I was recently reading an article on Facebook and a site posted a picture of a mountain lion killed in upstate NY. Has anyone heard of any mountain lion in NY? I hear rumblings over the years and you take them with a grain of salt sometimes; as people tend to start rumors but maybe these aren't rumors.
  6. This is one of the topics I read and found it to be pretty good (that's what it seems like). Was trying to get a new thread going since the upcoming NY season is starting next month.
  7. I was wondering if anyone uses the product Antler Ice. I've recently read about this product and saw some decent reviews but wondering if anyone uses it and how it is.
  8. It's definately a very good possibility it's the same deer. Same structure of rack - just an older deer with good mass now - great pics. I have a camera set out now, i'll be checking it to see what's around. I see deer often around with trails etc so I know they are around. It's like they know when deer season opens though, Lol. BTW - you need a hunting buddy? Lol. Great pics all around
  9. HaHa - Don't worry, I won't steal your hunting spot. Great area with those mountains - Good luck on this years hunt - bag 1 of those bucks from the trail cam
  10. Catskill Hunter... Those are some nice bucks on camera. What area of 4W are you located?
  11. Nice deer Droptine.. You're in my area of 4P. Congrats!!
  12. I have a camera out and been doing some scouting. I see does galore and a few small bucks and button bucks - nothing to write home about. I'm sure every hunter will agree, it seems as soon as opening day hits - the deer move down south, LOL.
  13. I've hunted in Delaware County for (Delhi, Bloomville area's) for about 8 years. It seems the action in these mountains don't produce much big bucks (or decent size). Anyone else hunt in this area with some feedback? I'm sure my hunting tactics aren't 100% great, which might have something to do with it, but looking for some feedback. Thanx.
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