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  • Hunting Location
    3A Big Indian
  • Hunting Gun
    Remington model 700 .308
  • Bow
    Mathews HeliM
  • HuntingNY.com
    Browser search

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. What area/wmu you in? Ticks scare the hell out of me.
  2. 3A rain before first light. Been light to moderate all morning. Winds light and variable .! In and it of fog al morning
  3. Safe hunt boys and may the deer be with you
  4. As I sit in the stand and reflect upon my many days in the tree stand this season I find myself saying perhaps I should try and buy some acreage, Otsego perhaps. Got to get out of the terrain tough, deer population low. Any recommendations? Would want to practice QDM.
  5. Warm, did not take long for the Bugs to reappear.
  6. In stand 1 hour before sun up hoping it pays off. Had 4 doe and buck in vicinity but not close enough yesterday.
  7. Another boring day in 3A. Some of you guys see more deer in a sit than I do all season. Considering releasing a arrow straight up in the air just to add some excitement to the afternoon. I wish I had a dollar for every noise the chipmunks make around me.
  8. MJP

    New to Forum

    Hey guys here is my story. At the ripe old age of 39 I took to the woods for the first with some friends for opening day rifle in Big Indian, WMU 3A. 4 hours in I had a 8 point buck down. I have been hooked since. I thought it was easy, was I wrong. I took that buck in 2009 have taken a shot at one since. Each season since I find myself spending more time in the woods where I got my buck trying to duplicate my success. Last season I started bow hunting. But I must admit it gets discouraging reading about guys being in their stands and seeing all sorts of activity. I rarely see any activity and what I do see is usually while heading back in from stand. The terrain is rough. I don't know what If any concentrated food source there is. I am trying to introduce my 8 year old son to it last year. He enjoyed himself but quickly said he would like to see some animals. Maybe I should get out of the Catskills, any ideas?
  9. A little late but my first post in the forum. Monday morning head to a spot in Big Indian. I have consistently seen scape activity over the last few seasons but yet to see a deer,buck or doe. So I get up in climber 45 minutes before legal shooting time. Decide to make a all day sit. No activity all day however at 4:30 I finally see a buck cruising on a ridge line above me. he passes to my left and Ilose sight of him. Few minutes pass and I again see him moving nice and slow throught the woods.He stops and works a branch for a minute probably about 70 yards away through some cover He begins to move away. I threw a grunt or two at him hoping to turn him but no luck. Stayed in thank until last possible minute. But he did not return. Following day I did another all day sit closer to where he was cruising. But not a sighting doe or buck. It's rough terrain can't move anywhere without making a ton of noise. Which is why I do the all day sits. Once I am up I am quiet all day. Big Indian is a rough place for the amount of time I spend in the woods I don't see much. I really need to find a new place to hunt. It's difficult to get my young boys into this thing of our when we sit and barely see a animal other than chipmunks.
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