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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Bballhunter11

  1. Not really Nyantler that means our money will last forever. The way the system is supposed to operate is that when you buy a lifetime license the money from that purchase goes into a trust fund type account and the DEC then gets the interest from this account every year. So instead of the DEC getting 100 dollars from us every year for lets say 40 years they get the interest from the 50-1000 dollars we used to purchase the lifetime license forever. I think its a benefit to both us and the DEC
  2. Y is hunting in PA poor? but if u do lease this land i would say the lower the pig population the better for the deer because the pigs can destroy an area and compete for food with the deer. If u wanted help controlling the pig population on the property i would be happy to waste some ammo down there with you
  3. I also bought the lifetime license. But what do u mean finance the NYSDEC the fees from the licenses go into the conservation fund which right now has at least a $30 million dollar excess. The reason the NYSDEC is hurting is because patterson put a stop on spending state wide and would not allow the DEC to get to there own money to finance programs that we paid for. The state may be bankrupt but the DEC has the money as long as they are allowed to manage there own affairs and keep Albany from interfering.
  4. I have used a Franchi 612 VS to kill all my turkeys in the past with 3" Winchester #5 but this year i am going to try the bubba angle and take out a double barrel muzzleloading shotgun and try to tag one with that.
  5. Sky clip is removable in the Edges so you can load the clip and +1 in the chamber if you wanted. I have always like the removable clip guns better myself.
  6. Shed I found in our Frigid Forage big and beasty on 1/23 with the two puppies in training. And the deer that dropped it
  7. First buck ever shot and to top it off my first year bow hunting. Took him when i was 16 with my Darton Maverick only went about 60 yards and dropped out of sight.
  8. I have seen splits beans they get huge and the deer hit them hard and they grow right back. Very good forage bean
  9. I talked to a state police officer the other day that i know and i am pretty sure they are shutting there academy down because of lack of funds so they will not have any incoming graduates for the next couple years. Not positive on this but would be worth looking into
  10. I agree with you dinsdale alot of people do DIY hunts and are very successful. All the hunts that myself and my group do are DYI hunts and have been successful in colorado, New Hampshire and Quebec and are going to Quebec in the spring for another hunt
  11. What does the 308 being a short action round matter i thought this would actually be an advantage for follow up shots. Foot pounds is what matters the most and all three of these have plenty of foot pounds to kill any of these animals with a good bullet. I personally own a 30-06 and shot a moose with it and the moose ran 40 yards and died and the bullet passed through about 5 ft of the animal. All three calibers will work great for any animal you chase.
  12. Very interesting pictures Bubba. Always neat to look back on how things used to be done compared to today. I think the old pics are great to look at
  13. Here are some pics of the cabinet i made i can give u dimensions if u want them just let me know. Even might be interested in selling you one haha
  14. 0-1 inch in madison county if that helps mostly bare ground here right now
  15. Looks like Ruger has put together another great rifle wish that one was sitting in my gun cabinet with some others haha
  16. But eddie if the nearest ammo shop was 3-6 hours away would u double the price of ur ammo to drive and get it or ship it right to ur house? I am sure there are not as many gun shops in california as there are here because of "licensing requirements"
  17. Im doing some research on buying a handgun in may because i will be turning 21 and was researching ammo prices when i saw a notice on the cabelas web sight. Saying that after February 1st you will not be able to purchase handgun ammo over the internet or through mail order stores. I am will to bet that this will make it 100 times harder for the average joe to get ammo in california there for virtually banning the use of these persons handguns. I know its California and the government is a bunch of nut jobs but this is just one more step in the wrong direction for our rights as a nation. We have to be careful of these types of laws being passed anywhere because it makes it that much easier for the next one. We may argue on these forums but we still all have to stick together for the big picture.
  18. Nyantler why do u use peroxide? Peroxide is an oxidizing agent and it would seem to me to encourage corrosion
  19. I have heard of them and would love to try some of there stuff but the prices are crazy expensive i already have cold weather clothes lol dont need to spend 600 bucks on a jacket
  20. Probably varies from unit to unit quite a bit. i know to keep a deer herd population stable you have to take 20-30% of the herd every year so probably not enough in most areas
  21. Spypoint IR-6, small great battery life and can be updated from your computer. Also about 150 bucks so not a bad price
  22. Buy a darton maverick off ebay for about 100 bucks. This is a great bow at a cheap price and it shoots fast, then use left over money to get good accessories instead of cheap ones and then u can carry the good accessories over when u get a new bow. Buying cheap sights rests and other parts is only going to cause u headaches and cost more in the long run. Parker, Mission and Martin all also have very good starter bows.
  23. im 20 so this would be my 5th year JFB not by any means a long time but i have alot of people older than me always asking my opinion so i feel i have earned my stripes in that short time. Only mentioned last two years because i couldnt remember the finer details before that right off my head. I know before that that i totally missed plenty of deer also but two years ago is also when i bought my own gun and felt more comfortable with it. I agree most should not be taking those shots, 3 of us went hunting tuesday also and killed two doe mine happened to be running by and didnt go far. While another guy with us with a scope shot a doe in thick stuff and ended up gut shooting it, so we had to circle it and shoot it again to kill it so i certainly think you are right most guys do not have the set up or skills to shoot running deer.
  24. I made my own cabinet 2 years ago and i love it it holds 13 guns and my father has a cabinet that holds 6. Ill put up pics of the one i made soon and i can give dimensions if u think it will help.
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