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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Valley Stream

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  • Hunting Location
  • Hunting Gun
    Ruger #1 .308

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Ahhh, scratch this post. I read it wrong and spoke with someone at the gun shop last night. Now it all makes sense.
  2. Has anyone here had the opportunity to hunt the Wertheim National Wildlife Refuge? I suppose I'll be finding out tomorrow if I get the chance, but I have a question for those with some experience. For the shotgun period, you must take 2 antlerless deer before being granted a buck permit. However, what if when applying for DMPs (3 days later, I might add), you only get 1 or 0 tags for 1C? I've tried getting in touch with the folks at the NWF, but haven't had any luck. Thoughts, advice and any other info on hunting Wertheim would be greatly appreciated.
  3. Very nice. Did you set your trail cam high and angle it down?
  4. Hey Gang, placed the trail cam on what I estimated to be a game trail and got some good pics. Also, my neighbor's cows wanted across the property...
  5. Thanks for the comments everyone. Clifford - Roseboom in Otsego.
  6. Sorry, i posted in Mbucks thread before I realized folks were starting their own. As I said, 2 questions are, is it a bobcat and are the deer the same deer?
  7. Hey Gang, a few trail cam pics. Two questions for the group. First is, are these two deer the same? And second, any chance that's a bobcat? Thanks. Taken in Otsego County.
  8. Hey everyone. Vincent here, live in Valley Stream and have a camp up in Otsego County. Gun hunter, interested in all type of game. Great forum.
  9. Hey Gang. Live in Valley Stream, hunt up in Otsego, but will hunt anywhere....
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