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Vinny Tagalucci

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Posts posted by Vinny Tagalucci

  1. 1 hour ago, Uncle Nicky said:

    Because no matter how strict you are, how great of an example you are, how involved you think you are in your kids' lives...anyone's kid can become a junkie. I personally know 5 people I grew up with, all but one are fully functional, non-drug using, social drinkers at best, good parents....whose kids have died from heroin overdoses in the last 3 or 4 years. 

    First time they used dope?

    If not how did they start?

    Did the parents shelter them from the outside world up until the time that they over dosed?

     In todays world it is IMPOSSIBLE for someone not to know that drugs are bad and if you make a choice to try heroin there is a very good chance you will die.

    A simple question to ask any drug user: Prior to using heroin or taking a pain pill- were you aware that you could become addicted to the drug? 

    How many of those users do you think will say no?

     Just about everyone that I grew up with is either dead or wish they were due to drugs or alcohol.One of my closest fishing buddies now stands on a corner at a Highway intersection with a cardboard sign looking for handouts.

     Last time I saw another good friend before he died with blood coming out of every orifice-he was curled up sleeping in a department store doorway trying to keep warm.My upbringing was worse then they could ever imagine........I want for nothing and run a very succesful business.Does that mean I'm special...........not a chance.

     I have come across other people from my youth that have wondered out loud how I am not dead or in Jail.

     I like  to think it's because I know right from wrong and realized that when the next step was sticking a needle in my arm it was time to say OK-time to grow up and put this crap in the past.

     Dying from a drug over dose is a choice.If you choose not to try a highly addictive drug in the first place you can not become addicted with the strong potential of death.It really is that simple.

    • Like 1
  2. 7 hours ago, wolc123 said:

    There are lots of lost folks like you out there.  Don't worry about it too much because there is room for everyone in His kingdom.  Fortunately we live in a country that still identifies as 75% Christian.  There may or may not be other cures for drug addiction but many folks have found that this one really does work.   

      I'm far from lost my friend.If That is what works for you-Great but I have had way too many people that I have known that have tried to fool everyone with their holy roller born again bullshit.

    Playing the Jesus/bible card when it suits you or the situation and then doing a complete 180 from that when that persons "church friends" are not around tells me one thing.........they are lying two faced fools who are only kidding themselves.Reading a book and trying to convince everyone that will listen that you are saved does not mean the Leopard can change his spots.

     Preaching the bible one day and then torching up crack rocks the next is not in the bible as far as I know.I don't think handing out Jesus pamphlets during the day and getting pie eyed drunk that evening is either.How about praising the good lord as your savior and then getting stoned in the company truck as soon as you leave the shop in the morning heading out on the road?

     If I understand this whole God thing correctly I would imagine he can see all this stuff from his Kingdom..........I probably won't wind up there so I may not get a chance to ask him.

    • Like 1

     I don't get involved with religion or politics for that matter but I have seen way too many people that have tried to use the bible/god/jesus thing on one hand and then pick up a crack pipe/needle and spoon/bottle of booze/whatever with the other hand.........all while proclaiming that Jesus saved them..........I'm better than you because I'm with God.........blah blah.

    It boils down to the person and what they are made of which determines their path in life.........nothing more.

    It is a safe bet that if you look back and see the path of anyone with issues-whatever they may be-it has holes and voids that they are trying to fill with drugs,drink,gambling,sex addiction........you name it.

    • Like 1
  4. I have zero sympathy for a drug addict.

    Unless a person has the brain capacity of a squirrel they know the repurcussions from using drugs including pain pills and the like.

     I also think it is a lame excuse that someone became hooked unknowingly while using prescription pain medication........again they knew what could happen prior to starting the medication.Sure some people use a prescription and stop the medication once the pain subsides but a lot more continue to take the medication because they can't deal with reality and prefer to live in euphoria while under the influence of drugs.Then their family and loved ones blame everyone under the sun for the loss of life.

     It's a simple concept..........if you don't want to get hooked don't start in the first place.

     Too many people in todays world that do not want to take responsibility for their actions.


    • Like 1
  5. 18 minutes ago, reeltime said:


    to those that say people consistently kill big bucks must be doing so illegally it is nothing more than pure jealousy talking


     I would wholeheartedly agree with this if in my experience it was always true..........it may be a regional thing but I know absolutely,positively and without the shadow of doubt that many deer from my area are taken illegally-not bending rules but with total diregard for the law-including some that are listed in certain record keeping orginazation books.It is just the way it is around here and has been so for a long time.Having a record with the DEC seems to be  a badge of honor with some.

    No area is off limits.No animal is off limits.No rule or law is unbreakable.

     Not heresy,not jealousy and certainly  not my place to out these people but I don't lke hypocrites that have lots of skeletons in their closet.

    I also don't like losing hunting areas because a Facebook hunting hero finds it necessary to top everyone and kill deer using illegal methods in areas that property owners don't want them in.Some people are truly blinded by antlers.


    • Like 1
  6.  Lots of big deer get killed every year by people who don't need glory or fame or have the need to be a hunting hero.

    Usually these same people say nothing about the deer they kill,the areas they hunt and usually hunt solo.

    In my experience I've  found  the opposite to be true with the glory hounds who need the acceptance of everyone that will listen to their stories or who will view their pictures..........they are driven by a thirst to kill the biggest deer thay can find.........they usually are also close mouthed about where they hunt...........this is usually because the deer was not killed legally........but this type of hunter is in it for the glory and acceptance of others........nothing more.The loose lips and constant posting of pictures on every outlet available comes back to bite them square in the ass.I find that sad because to me they are missing the point of hunting entirely.

    I think everyone should hunt how they like and kill what they like and not feel the need to meet another persons criteria for what a deer kill should be.If you are not hunting for yourself you need to do a serious reasessment of why you head to the woods every year.

    • Like 2
  7. The Sika deer in that area come from Southaven County Park just South and West of where they were spotted on the exit ramp-those particular deer are there all the time.They bed right down the hill next to the big beer warehouse and the Police station.Roadkilled Sika are not uncommon right near there.

    They were brought in and allowed to flourish in the Park long  ago.There are herds of them in the park.They can just about be fed by hand.I attached a crappy pic taken through the windshield of my truck during a recent fishing trip in the park.When I got closer and rolled down the window they litterally stuck their head in looking for handouts

    They can be succesfully hunted in the surrounding area if you know where to go. (fyi- inside the boundaries of the park is not where to go-hunting in there will get you arrested:stop:)Being non native they do not require tagging.


    • Like 4
  8.  4 posters are utilized in several areas where I hunt.The DEC strongly urges NO venison taken from the area is consumed until approximately 2-3 weeks after the removal of the 4 poster from the area.

     So the 4 poster is removed 2 weeks prior to the season opener in one particular area.The goal is to remove deer from the herd via hunting......but the DEC does not condone consumption of the venison? What is the proper protocol..........stay out of the area for the 2-3 weeks.......then consume venison (or donate it to a food bank) at your/their own risk?Anyone have a definitive answer as to whether or not the chemical make up of the compounds used in the 4 posters is carcinogenic or worse?

    Most of the people who are for the 4 poster program (non-lethal) are against the sharpshooter program (obviously lethal)......yet both want tax money to fund these projects?


  9. 22 hours ago, Salmon_Run said:

    Well said and yes it was very fortunate no one was injured, very sad and gives lawful, responsible gun owners another BLACK EYE in the public's view.  

    In any potential situation call 911 and start the response of enforcement, one can always and correctly modify that response accordingly if the situation escalated or modifies from the initial call....

    Just curious........why didn't you grab any one of the number of land line phones throughout the store and call 911?

  10. 11 minutes ago, Jeremy K said:

    It would be interesting to know who did the procedure and how they are connected to NY government . 

    A company called White Buffalo Inc. They perform quite a few of these procedures and also provide culling services all through NY and other states.

    Not many companies out there that provide this type of service.I'm sure the head of White Buffalo-Anthony Denicola is quite the salesman and has a good line of bs as far as controlling herd numbers.

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  11. As the saying goes......money talks and bs walks.............money makes the world go 'round..........some people couldn't care less about good deeds done and repaying their generosity.It's about money.I don't care what anyone says.........it's about money.

    • Like 1
  12. I sit quietly,listening,watching,absorbing everything.

    It is amazing what you miss when you're playing with your phone or constantly daydreaming.There is more entertainment in the quiet woods then any electronic device can ever provide.

    If I wanted to stay attached to the daily routine I would just go to work.

    • Like 1
  13. How soon after the shot did you get down to start looking?

    Very good possibility that it was a non lethal hit and he will survive.

    My buddy had a similar scenario.Two weeks later we had pics of the same deer on one of the cameras-trailing a doe.Try with a dog and then try letting the area settle down for a bit.Chances are if not dead he will be back if he's not pressured.They are extremely tough animals and can take quite a bit of abuse before laying down to die.

  14. Try these two trackers for Deer Search if you have not already:


    Lee Behrens (631)  283-2549 Southampton

    Lou Dibiase (631) 499-8924 Commack


    Dogs can continue to track even if the blood stops.Best bet is to wait and go in with a dog.

    I've seen deer still alive hours later-some have been jumped from their beds the next day-with similar hits-especially after the arrow falls out and the blood stops.


    Good Luck.

    • Like 1
  15. The deer will shed the antlers as normal and grow a new set the next spring.

    If the non typical antler is due to bodily injury the opposite side usually remains normal.

    If it is damaged during the growing period it will return to normal during the next antler 

    growing period.


    This pic shows the deer above 2 yrs prior.He is still alive.If only he would show himself  during the day while I'm 20' up and 20 yds away.He is getting older and wiser.


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  16. Usually due to an injury,whether to the antler itself during the growing stage,or to the body of the deer.

    The deer in the attached pic has had a bulbous knot on his left front leg in previous years.Most likely the victim of a car bumper.


    • Like 1
  17. Captain Dallas Bengel
    SUNY at Stony Brook 50 Circle Road
    Stony Brook, NY 11790-3409
    Phone: (631) 444-0250, Fax: (631) 444-0251

    Uniform Supervisors
    Officer Phone Number
    Lt. Matthew Blaising (877) 457-5680
    Lt. Frank Carbone (877) 457-5680
    Lt. Thomas Gadomski (877) 457-5680
    Lt. Christopher Ruckert (877) 457-5680
    Investigative Supervisor
    Officer Phone Number
    Lt. Frank Lapinski (631) 444-0259
    Officer Phone Number
    ECI Gerard Carpenter (631) 444-0259
    Nassau County
    Officer Phone Number
    ECO Denise Ferraro (516) 826-0832
    ECO Michael Unger (516) 328-0579
    ECO Ian Helmer (516) 325-8636
    ECO Robert Howe (516) 325-8550
    Central Suffolk - Townships of Huntington, Smithtown, Babylon and Islip
    Officer Phone Number
    ECO Christopher Derose (631) 601-5284
    ECO Ronald Gross (631) 601-5287
    ECO Jeffrey Hull (516) 881-6548
    ECO Marcia Goodrich (631) 820-1521
    Eastern Suffolk - Townships of Riverhead, Southold, Southampton, Easthampton, Shelter Island and Fishers Island
    Officer Phone Number
    ECO Jeremy Eastwood (631) 874-3132
    ECO Brian Farrish (631) 531-8601
    ECO Thomas Hansen (516) 204-6623
    ECO Robert Johnson (631) 601-5793
    ECO Alena Lawston (631) 325-8569
    Brookhaven Township
    Officer Phone Number
    ECO Timothy Fay (631) 447-0959
    ECO ECO Kaitlin Grady (631) 744-2507
    ECO Landon Simmons (631) 205-0470
    ECO Mark Simmons (516) 204-6594
    ECO Richard McNamara (631) 601-5792
    Nassau and Suffolk County Marine Waters (North and South Shore from NYC line to east of Montauk and Federal Waters)
    Name Phone Number
    ECO Jordan Doroski (631) 599-9430
    ECO Kevin Holzle (516) 375-9495
    Lt. Christopher Ruckert (631) 444-0851


    Call the Encon officer for that area directly.
    Some guys can't hunt and are not happy unless they cheat.
  18. Ask permission from the landowner to retrieve.If they say no wait until the cover of darkness and go get it.Don't use a light-it destroys your night vision anyway.

    Retrieving a deer that could potentially go to waste and rot is worth every penny of a tresspassing ticket to me.

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