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Vinny Tagalucci

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Posts posted by Vinny Tagalucci

  1. When the DEC officer comes to the location with his rangefinder he will check EVERY house, shed and or dwelling. If you do not have written permission you will get a ticket.

    This is not entirely true and certainly does not apply to all the officers in region 1.

    While standing in the office of a village on LI with a village employee-who manages the deer issues,a DEC officer,a secretary and the Mayor of the village in his office steps away, I was told in no uncertain terms that if I was to hunt certain parcels and I happened to be within 150' of the neighbors,as long as we were remaining well concealed and were hunting without our heads up our asses,we would not be asked to leave the area,ticketed,hassled,etc.

    The main reason being-the chances of EVERYONE in the vicinity giving the OK to hunt within 150' of their home-slim to none and everyone in the room knew that deer need to be removed.

    Was the DEC officer wrong in suggesting this? Maybe but unless you are COMPLETELY in tune with what is really going on..it's hard to understand.

  2. Lots of people would be surprised if they knew where some of the giants -that everyone and their mother in the state wants a piece of- that have been shot in the last few years around here were really killed.

    The thirst for big bucks is what drives most that hunt here.......not antlerless deer.You can believe whatever you want,whatever you read or whatever statistics and numbers you want.......the truth is not enough antlerless deer are being killed.

  3. Seems some of you guys find it hard to donate antlerless deer on LI.

    Where are you trying to donate them?Every town I hunt has a simple procedure in place to drop off a legally harvested, tagged deer

    At the town(s) locations where I have donated the employee at the facility typically has a stack of DMP 6 inches high.Pretty simple procedure to get a replacement tag.

    Email the wildlife biologist a picture of a filled tag and a antlerless head and a replacement tag goes in the mail to you that day.

    I know multiple hunters who refuse to waste their time killing antlerless deer.

    Most guys dont want to remove antlerless deer from their spots so bucks will come through there in November searching for Doe.

    If you think that there are any parcels on Long Island that are NOT being hunted due to size,proximity to houses,schools,private,closed to hunting public,etc. you have not spent much time walking the woodlots of LI..........if there is woods that hold deer.....its being hunted.......and not for antlerless deer.......so I stick to my previous comments because I'm not speaking out of my ass.

  4. The real point is for years Hunters in 1C have been and will continue to pass antlerless deer whether in October or January.

    Everyone is quick to place blame on the DEC.That's the easy thing to do.Hunters are ultimately responsible to manage and maintain populations.The DEC sets the stage.Hunters are not always willing to perform.All one needs to do is read posts on various websites and social media pages to see the general consensus is that does are not specifically targeted for various reasons......too warm......too much hassle.......lessens the chances of seeing a buck.....the DEC is a bunch of morons.........etc. None of which help with population control.Spin it any way you want.Bowhunters in 1C need to take responsibility and kill more antlerless deer.

    It's easy.......kill,donate, get another tag.They hand out tags like tickets at a carnival.

    • Like 1
  5. The NYSDEC has been issuing unlimited antlerless tags in 1C for 10+ years.They were telling hunters something.Problem is nobody was listening.Toooo many antlerless deer get a pass from hunters blinded by antlers.#1 reason everyone is pissed is because they lose their chance at an early season Buck.

    Herd Management before Trophy Management................don't blame the DEC.Their tools failed......not them.

    • Like 2
  6. Congratulations on your firsr deer.Good story. One suggestion.......while details make for a good story..........specific location details will eventually make for a bad hunting spot.

    Even though its public land........loose lips sink ships.The more time you spend in the woods and the more hunting experience you gain........the more you will come to realize that your hunting spots should be treated like your ATM pin and your passwords....carefully guarded........not even your freinds need to know about them.

    • Like 2
  7. 20 deer in a season is not a trmendous feat................................when you see on average 12-18 on any one sit on stand.


    Lots of guys around here shoot that many and more every season.


    The perception of an exploding population that is expanding it's range has alot to do with overdevelopment of existing habitat.The deer will adapt and seek out new habitat as the old is developed.


    Land access is not that hard....................if you put in the time and try.



    #10 was shot in a small woodlot surrounded by vineyard...........................75 feet from a house.(right now there is a monster bedded with a doe 45 yds. behind my buddy-the waiting game begins........)


    That's suburban hunting.It's alot different than the gun hunting I grew up with in Columbia County.


    Again...lots of misconceptions on this thread.

    • Like 2
  8. Just wanted to throw my 2 cents in here about some comments. "99.9 of hunters are just after big bucks" I totally disagree with this statement. I know so many that just want to go out enjoy and come home with some venison. Sure we all want to kill that big one but at the EOD most guys I know are happy with a doe. Last year I wasn't really following the LI deer hunter website. I would stop in here and there and really didn't come away with the way the majority hunt. This year I've been there from the get go and see that a lot of the guys shoot multiple does. There is one guy going on #9. So the guys are doing their job to help keep the population down.

    If we're talking about the same guy.........I know the the guy on LIDH who shot nine so far very well.I hunt with him.The goal this year is to shoot 30 does between us.

    Lots of speculation on this thread about how many does are killed and how many only shoot bucks and then stop hunting.

    Population control.Homeowners and landowners expect results........if you dont produce on their property.........they will find someone who will.

    • Like 1
  9. Just got it this year. Maybe it will help pin point the times a little better, if it survives?

    The piece I hunt has had an influx of trespassing a**holes that can't read. They cut branches, screw steps into trees, mess up the place. The owner gets real pissed, which makes it harder for me to get permission each year.

    Get the landowner's OK to do so and then call the DEC and the cops.When the tresspassers are caught......have the landowner press charges.....to the fullest extent.The tresspassers will get the hint.

  10. I just called. He said he would put me in his best stand opening day...

    Excellent.See how easy it is.Post something on the internet and poof.......you got yourself some hunting property :)

  11. Anyone know a place i can go on opening day..i finally have the day off and its my birthday and would love to get a buck..any places i can go on long island please let me know

    1 (888) WHTAILS ask for Kenneth.He has plenty of private spots.He lets anyone come hunt.

  12. Not every permit is antlerless only.The landowner/farmer does not have to hold a hunting license but any shooter on the permit must have one.

    Any antlered deer taken on an either sex permit must be surrendered to the DEC within 24 hours of taking.

    Guess how many sets of antlers most shooters turn in?..............

  13. Does anyone have any actual evidence about these guys that are doing all this illegal stuff?

    While alot of it does happen most of it is just rumors and stories spawned from jealousy. 

  14. So two young guys....obviously new to archery and hunting......and instead of offering pointers and encouraging them you felt the need to go on the internet and belittle them.

    Nice going champ..........you must be the grand archery champion

    • Like 5
  15. Very few non-hunters, and even few hunters would be crying on LI if all the deer did get killed. Deer quite honestly don't belong in most of the areas on LI. Other than on the far east end, LI is nowhere near great habitat for large mammals like deer. They are a nuisance more than anything else. The state and the people living on LI are more concerned with them being a nuisance than about you and other hunters having a huntable population. You need to start understanding this. In a suburban type environment like LI, the LAST thing on the minds of it's residents is to keep a population of deer available for you to hunt.

    This is exactly why people who are not from here should have absolutley no say in what goes on here.

    You are grossly misinformed about the current situation and Long Island not being great/ideal habitat for the whitetail deer.Please refrain from making assinine comments unless you care to gather some information so you may speak intelligently abouth the current situation here.

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