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Extra Info

  • Hunting Location
    western ny
  • Hunting Gun
    rem. 1187
  • Bow

back40's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. all I can say is this is with out a doubt one of the best products I have used in DECADES !!...after the first 3 or 4 times using it and having deer follow along everytime it became almost comical ! I started making "s" trails with it to really see if it was antler ice they were really following ..not some previous deer that walked there...I kid you you not this stuff is golden ! funny it was no more when I saw these deer walking along in a "s" trail.......so far this season it has brought in 7 bucks 4 does...and not a deer spooked ! ive gone through 3 bottles myself and have turned a couple good friends onto this amazing lure. thanks antler ice for a great product and I hope you make a ton of money because your product really works...
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