This is what kills me the most about these insane arguments against crossbows, is that they are already being used by a lot of hunters across the state and have been for several years. Members of my club use them and my neighboring clubs use them. They have not changed our bowhunting experience in any way except to allow the hunter's I do know use them to continue to participate in a sport that they love. Most of these are older hunters who find using Crossbows much more comfortable than a Compound bow. These are the same Hunter's that were Bow hunting long before most of the anti- crossbow crowd were twinkles in their parents eyes. If you check in on any bow shop in the Southern Tier they will tell you that they are selling a lot of Crossbows. Whether or not using Crossbows becomes law, they will continue to be used and by more and more hunters. The anti group needs to get over it.