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  • Hunting Location
    central new york
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Newbie (1/14)



  1. will my clover keep growing if I mow late into September?
  2. dose all super center walmarts in N.Y. carrie the Dunstan chestnut? I live in Madison county but don't remember seeing them last year.
  3. I ordered 3 dunstans from the realtree nurseries this year. Just wondering if anyone has done business with them and if so how are they doing? Im thinking of potting them for the first year then planting them next spring. I was told they are a fast growing high producing tree only 3-5 years after planting. Any info or photos on this subject would be helpful.
  4. Im going to be frost seeding an over grown field about an acre. I mowed it down last fall but did not use any chemicals to kill the weeds. will I be able to keep the weeds down by mowing in the spring?
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